WEED, Calif. (AP) — Vaune Dillmann thought the wording on his bottle caps was just a clever play on the name of the Northern California town where he brews his beer — Weed.

Federal alcohol regulators thought differently. They have ordered Dillmann to stop selling beer bottles with caps that say “Try Legal Weed.”

Legal Weed

While reviewing the proposed label for Dillmann’s latest beer, Lemurian Lager, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau said the message on the caps he has been using for his five current beers amounts to a drug reference.

In a letter explaining its decision, the agency, which regulates the brewing industry, said the wording could “mislead consumers about the characteristics of the alcoholic beverage.”

Dillmann scoffs at the notion that his label has anything to do with smoking pot.

“I’ve never tried marijuana in my life,” he told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “I don’t advocate that. It’s just our town’s name.”

This is pitiful. Yeah sure, people are going to think there’s marijuana in the beer… right.

  1. bobbo says:

    You still have to give it to the ATTFB guys. Their head is a lower primate named after a beer? LoL.

    Lemurian Lager – perfect.

  2. RickG says:

    So there are girl scouts in girls scout cookies right? What about the rocks in rock candy. Someone needs to protect me.

  3. Les says:

    What are you saying that Coke doesn’t have coke in it?!?!

  4. Judge Jewdy says:

    Why didn’t they go after Anheuser-Busch for using “Bud?” This could have been associated with marijuana use as well. What if he called it “Joint” would it have had the same connotation?

  5. Said says:

    #2 – And what’s in Baby Oil? Babies?

  6. MotaMan says:

    “I’ve never tried marijuana in my life,”

    the bullshit meter exploded

  7. Ex-Stoner says:

    #6 -I use to have shirts and ties with little burn holes in them. It was different back then. Those were the days, sitting through green lights, trying hard to order food at the drive in window, spilling bong water…

  8. Don says:

    The town ought to sue the ATTTB for impugning (sp) their good name. Their is nothing wrong with that name. The beer’s name is Weed, named after the town. It is Legal, is it not?

    Why does this story not have the Nanny State graphic at the top?


    [Thanks Don. Good idea. – ed.]

  9. MotaMan says:

    In California (sb420) signed into law by Arnold makes weed legal, sort of.

    the DA was real cool, she dropped the charges right away, and the Judge…. he was cool too! going into that courtroom that day with my recommendation in hand was like walking into the twilight zone.

    Being rejected by a pretty girl (DA) never felt so good!

  10. The Pirate says:

    Uh, I think you guys missed it. Its the bottle cap slogan they have a problem with. “Try Legal Weed” is a play on words for sure. Whats even more funny is that the Agency’s explanation why they denied it also misses their own point. Strictly speaking “Try Legal Weed” doesn’t insinuate that the beer has weed in it, it suggests people try ‘legal’ weed therefore promoting drug use. Fucking idiots can’t even get their own argument right.

    With that said I am Filing a formal complaint with the ATTTB about the words “Bud Light” on cans of Budweiser with less calories. Having consumed many I have yet to find a lit up bud in any can, this is false and misleading advertising and as such promotes marijuana use among those children on the internet not yet being stalked by a perv.

  11. Don says:

    Wait, I ain’t done yet.

    It creates a problem in California because WEED IS LEGAL THERE! Hence the confusion in his labeling!

    And head cheese is made of heads….. Oh yea, it is. DOH!


  12. Ah_Yea says:

    Now if I lived in Weed and baked brownies…

  13. Pfizer Corp. Lawyer says:

    Somebody is promoting legal marijuana use? Names please, we must extinguish this scourge from the planet.

  14. The Pirate says:

    Then expect your door to be kicked in and you hitting the floor face down. Don’t you know that children on the internet eat brownies and as such you will be promoting weed brownies to children.

    Studies have shown that all it takes is one little weed brownie and then next thing you know the children are mainlining heroin, thus making them vulnerable to being stalked by internet pervs.

  15. Internet Perv says:

    Where could I find this study?

  16. Pfizer Corp. Lawyer says:

    Whats your email, I’ll send it out to you.

  17. Lou says:

    Beer is a drug.
    And, It’s a fine one.

  18. Hmeyers says:

    @16, haha. Classic 😉

  19. Angus says:

    How is this any different that that horrible “Hempen Ale” I tried years ago? has 24 Hemp associated beers reviewed, so if they attack this company, they need to go after 24 more, at least.

    Where were these regulators growing up? Don’t they know that words can’t hurt you?

  20. Mrs Bobbo says:

    My Billy Bob Bobbo likes it. Just don’t tell him it really isn’t beer. He’ll argue the pants off you.

  21. William Scandone says:

    Are there heinie’s in Heineken?

    Where is Al Capone when we need him?

  22. brm says:

    All this time I was trying to get high with Budweiser because it says, “This bud’s for you.”

    I’m glad the government has made it clear they don’t permit marijuana in beers – but boy, do I feel like an idiot!

  23. duh. ex-stoner#89829481 says:

    If someone thinks there’s pot in it, then they’re already high.

  24. bobbo says:

    #22–wait==almost a good post. As you think authority should be understood in terms of fairness and balance, let me guess you are sipping on a martini?

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #25 – Don’t encourage the morons.

  26. bobbo says:

    #26–OFTLO==I’m sorry. I didn’t think of the tirade you might launch if I didn’t run interference?

    So, let me alienate you too. I say waits post is “almost good” because it is almost good.

    The authorities do have an obligation to prevent misleading products from being sold. I thought wait did a good job of how the average consumer might assess “Try Legal Weed.” He just didn’t complete his assessment, that’s all.

    So, I keyed off authority because that came first. Second came the proclivity the neo-tards to pick thru every issue in terms of dems vs pubs. And he does a good job at that too.

    So, wrap it all up and the piece as a whole is “conservative.”

    Course, as a funny-named-topic related-single time poster, I don’t expect a followup from wait, although that also happens.

    OH–wait==how did you finish your evaluation of “Try Legal Weed”. Oops, you did conclude it “was misleading”==but only if you stop thinking and start being an authoritarian.

    Of course the “first thing” you might think of is related to the clever label. When I see “Pauli Girl” I think “Gee, I wish she had less clothes on” followed by “I sure would like to go to bed with her” then “If I buy this beer, would a Pauli Girl go to bed with me.” Real stupid marketing shit like that. Now should the beer label be changed because it encourages prostitution?

  27. The Pirate says:

    Dibs on the hot air position when bobbo is done with it.

  28. Glenn E. says:

    They should try calling it Hemp Beer. It might still end up being illegal. But at least it’s more likely to be a true ingredient. I’m looking for some hemp grocery bags, instead of the cotton ones that wear out faster. Anyone see these around?


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