Jack Cafferty at the Center of Storm

Yahoo! News

HONG KONG (Reuters) – A Chinese primary school teacher and a beautician have filed a suit against CNN in New York over remarks they say insulted the Chinese people and are seeking $1.3 billion in compensation — $1 per person in China, a Hong Kong newspaper reported. The case against the Atlanta-based cable channel, its parent company Turner Broadcasting and Jack Cafferty, the offending commentator, comes after 14 lawyers launched a similar suit in Beijing alleging that Cafferty’s remarks earlier this month violated the dignity and reputation of the Chinese people.

Cafferty said the United States imported Chinese-made “junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food” and added: “They’re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years.”

CNN said Cafferty was expressing an opinion about the Chinese government, but the Foreign Ministry demanded an apology and accused the network of trying to drive a wedge between the Chinese people and leadership. “We hope CNN will take this seriously, because what CNN said and did has not only hurt China’s feelings, but also CNN’s own image.”

Here it’s called Free Speech. Didn’t you get the memo?

  1. Thinker says:

    No Comments? 🙂 Thats right, no comments needed. 🙂

    Gotta love Free Speech.

  2. Billy Bob says:

    China is bringing out the goons, thugs, and spies to put a stop to the slander.

  3. gquaglia says:

    No only is it free speech, its a 100% true statement.

  4. stopher2475 says:

    Because they haven’t been doing any of those things?

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    It just keeps coming. Believe me, this isn’t the end of it.

    A lot of people were wondering what China would be like once they entered the world stage. Now we know.

    And the richer and more powerful China gets, the worse they are going to be.

  6. billabong says:

    Memo to John Dvorak.You have to get this guy on Cranky Geeks.

  7. MikeN says:

    So now you’re supporting the big corporations from having to pay out? Why you’re anti-consumer is what you are.

  8. chuck says:

    Cafferty should announce a news conference to apologize, then when all of China is watching, tell them to “go frakk themselves”.

  9. Jamie says:

    I don’t know what’s worse. Someone getting SO offended by an editorial remark that they think they’re entitled to damages, or that they’re offended on behalf of every citizen of their country.

    Mighty grandiose for a “primary school teacher and a beautician,” ain’t it?

    “Violated the dignity and reputation of the Chinese people??” Their dignity and reputation must be fragile indeed that it’s so easily crushed. Kinda like the Muslims that were protesting in the streets over a cartoon, except fewer burning effigies.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    This is the best thing that could happen to CNN.

    Let’s face it, China doesn’t have a leg to stand on. The Lawsuit would have to be at CNN’s headquarters, and have CNN give a day by day blow of all the witnesses testifying on behalf of Cafferty.

    And have all this happen right before the Olympics!

  11. Uncle Ben says:

    ‘cor, can you believe how rich you’d be if every American got a payout when someone made a nasty comment about Americans? Hell, the British would be pretty well off too…..

    On the bright side it’d be open season on the Canadians, New Zealanders, and Australians because the payout just wouldn’t be that big….

  12. GigG says:

    I think this says a lot about the value that the Chineese government puts on the value of its’ citizens, $1.00.

  13. Jopa says:

    If the chinese don’t like it, then they shouldn’t be a part of it.
    We shoud sue the chinese people for hurting our freedom of speech!
    $2 per citizen, $2.6 billion in total.
    This will shut them up for a while!


  14. Canucklehead says:

    this sounds like another one of those frivolous lawsuits that the U.S. is (in)famous for.

    Oh and #11 U.Ben, I’ll take that as a compliment.

    Mr. Canucklehead in Soviet Canuckistan.

  15. Balbas says:

    Are they gonna sue blog repliers, too?

    Here goes…

    In my opinion, PRC stands for “Prison Republic of China”.

    Go ahead. Make my day.

  16. The Pirate says:

    The Chinese government is an asshole.
    Go ahead, sue me, I DARE YOU.

  17. tallwookie says:

    good luck, ya slant-eyed mothafuckas

    yes, thats a racist & derogatory statement, but all those rikey-rikey-egroll chinese cunts can kiss my ass

  18. MikeN says:

    This is all being done to get concessions from CNN before the Olympics. China will throw them out if they don’t agree to tone down their coverage. This has already happened in Iraq(search for Eason Jordan)

  19. Patrick says:

    What would the Chinese know about free speech, I don’t think they’ve ever had it. They’re use to living a bubble where the government tries to control the flow of information. Everything that isn’t suppressed is no doubt spun in a very pro China way. If Cafferty were a Chinese citizen, they’d probably lock him up for 10+ years or execute him.

  20. Bhelverson says:

    I’m afraid that Cafferty is just plain wrong. The goons and thugs that ran China 50 years ago are dead and gone. The goons and thugs that run China today are alive and still here. But aside from that . . . .

  21. Rikey-rikey-egroll chinese cunt says:

    Y u so angwee? Jist we bwetter is no weason two be angwee.

  22. Rikey-rikey-egroll chinese cunt says:

    u in Sta war? Can i git yur wautogwath?

  23. Mr Catshit says:

    CNN should love this. They get all the publicity and they know the case won’t go far. I’m picturing CNN calling all those Chinese ex-patriots that left after being imprisoned for free speech or religious violations.

    The Olympic Rules forbid China from discriminating about journalists covering the events.

  24. fk says:

    Cafferty’s comments are racist… Note what could happen if he says this about african-americans????

  25. fkfk says:

    Cafferty’s comments are racist… Imagine what could happen if he says this about african-americans????

  26. gf says:

    Free Speech??? You guys are just so funny… If someone says “I wanted to fu*k you and your mom along with your wife”, what say you, you free speech” advocates???

    Caffery made a mistake by insulting others… if no one understannds that, it’s so sad that the people in this country is so stupid and they’ll definetely pay the price in the future…


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