You know, another whole aspect of the Nanny State is that no one ever does wrong or deliberately harms someone to satisfy their screwed-up egregious self-concern. They just need counseling.


A walk-in advice centre for stalkers has opened in the German capital Berlin – the first of its kind in the country.

Stalking was made a criminal offence in Germany a year ago. More than 1,000 cases were reported in Berlin in 2007.

Five psychotherapists and social workers will dispense free advice to help stalkers kick their habit.

The centre co-operates with the police, but people can seek advice there anonymously.

  1. bobbo says:

    Its also completely ridiculous to think that a country that offers a broad range of social services and mental health services could be thought of as offering a better society within which to live?

    What they should do of course is arm all the citizens to shoot stalkers. That way they would be free and happy like we in the USA are.

    How can you feel safe walking down the street in a country with such twisted values?

  2. gotit says:

    I don’t see anything wrong with adding more layers of prevention to an obvious problem, it seems they’ve done their research, I’m pretty sure that a few councilors time paid for, that may prevent a handful of future criminals is a lot cheaper than those handful spending their lives in prisons. I think if the US spent more money and effort into crime preventions of this type, instead of umm, say, the useless war on drugs, or even worse, abstinence training in schools we’d might actually prevent some real crimes. Instead we prefer waiting for some poor person to be victimized, and then let the taxpayers pay for incarceration.

  3. Les says:

    Stop Stalking!
    Use a Glock!

  4. bobbo says:

    #2–gotit==its worse than you suspect.

    In the Good Ol USA–you aren’t free unless you can shoot people. That is debateable in carefully crafted scenario’s given the squalid state American society has sunk too, but this attitude, sometimes summed up as “Don’t Mess with Texas” gets rolled up and becomes our only active foreign policy as well.

    I would have thought it was more abstract, but it seems a country really does reflect the attitudes and values of its citizens.

  5. Pfizer Corp. Lawyer says:

    In the good old USA if you shoot people you won’t be free long generally speaking. Legal gun ownership and freedom have nothing to do with shooting people. That you are confused is no surprise.

  6. The Pirate says:

    Fucking lawyers from Pfizer talking for me now 🙂

  7. Matt says:

    “You know, another whole aspect of the Nanny State is that no one ever does wrong or deliberately harms someone to satisfy their screwed-up egregious self-concern. They just need counseling.”

    Yes, because the American alternative (you know, locking everyone up) is so much more attractive and beneficial…

  8. flatline says:

    Wait…stalking was legal in Germany until a year ago? Cripes.


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