• FBI and Congress want all online activity monitored by ISP for two years.
  • Apple buying a processor company. Why?
  • GTA4 reviewed on Cranky Geeks.
  • PETA offering a million dollars for test tube meat.
  • Dell building a bookshelf computer.
  • Acer sees 5-7 million netbooks.
  • Now they can stop you at the border and look inside your laptop files when you enter country.

click โ–บ to listen:


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  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Velcome to the USSR, er, USA!

  2. 888 says:

    USA = United Soviet America

    whou would knew LOL

  3. pat says:

    Kinda tough to view them when they are encrypted! LOL

  4. Rick Cain says:

    If they are encrypted then you simply get arrested and waterboarded until you give them the key.

  5. Mark Derail says:


    For many people, lots of confidential data – business related.

    In large companies the administrator password is unknown to the employee. Removing the admin password can get an employee fired.

    Once, entering the US by plane, I was asked just to boot up the computer, to make sure it really was what it was.

    I don’t think they’ll inspect all laptops – but I seriously doubt they will have the IT knowledge to inspect an NTFS partition.

  6. 888 says:

    Next time I cross the border I’ll have my pocketpc full of ugliest old gays porn I can find on the web ready for US Customs officers ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. The Pirate says:

    Be very careful which port of entry you choose for that stunt. Interpretation of what is obscene is left to the local areas to determine based upon community standards.

  8. 888 says:

    How about famous “goatse” as wallpaper?
    I can always claim it is my own ass when I was sick ๐Ÿ˜‰ and i keep it on my personal pocketpc as a reminder wallpaper (which isn’t public obviously)?

  9. 888 says:

    goatse.cx is dead, but long live the web ๐Ÿ˜‰

    For those who don’t know: goatse.cx was perhaps the ugliest picture ever posted on the web.
    It is an insight of ugly anus.



  10. julieb says:

    LOL, he goatsed the thread.

    What ever you do don’t lemon party, tubgirl, or meatspin.

  11. 888 says:

    Apologies for “goatsing the thread” (LOL!) it wasn’t intentional ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Borat says:

    Tubgirl was better than goatse. I’ll be she was home schooled.

  13. dejavuyou says:

    Every day it seems like a little bit more of the basic freedoms we enjoy are being eaten up by paranoid security excuses and I’m beginning to get the feeling that the terrorist a*holes won a battle in a ridiculously costly war for both them (the a*holes terrorists) and us (the peace-loving free people. I equiate the a*holes terrorists with some sort of adolph hitler approach to things in many ways and the paranoid security excuses have no freaking idea what they’re doing.

  14. 888 says:


    “Big Brother in the form of an increasingly powerful government and in an increasingly powerful private sector will pile the records high with reasons why privacy should give way to national security, to law and order, to efficiency of operation, to scientific advancement and the like.”

    Justice William O. Douglas


  15. Hmeyers says:

    Store files on internet instead of laptop, problem solved.

  16. JimD says:

    One solution is to travel with a dummy drive with WinME that loads and plays this flash file on boot up:


  17. pat says:

    #16 Encryption is your friend. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  18. brendal says:

    I got busted at Vancouver airport for not listing my laptop as a “business tool” on the form. I showed the guy my ballpoint pen and asked,

    “Is this a business tool, too?”

    Snarky, but he just laughed it off and waved me through…so much for NAFTA.



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