(Image courtesy Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office – Click photo to enlarge.)


EAST LAKE — Around 10:30 p.m. Monday, Sandra Frosti heard an intruder bumping around in her kitchen.

Turns out, the noise was made by an 8-foot, 8-inch alligator that had crawled into the 69-year-old’s kitchen in Eastlake Woodlands.

The female alligator apparently pushed through a screened panel on the back porch, shouldered its way past a potted ficus tree, then got inside the house through an open rear sliding glass door. Once inside, it crawled through the living room, down the hall and into the kitchen.
Pinellas deputies called a trapper who removed it about 1:30 a.m. During the capture, the gator was slightly injured when a plate was knocked to the ground and cut the reptile. No other injuries were reported.

“The house was a mess,” Frosti said. “It did a good amount of damage in the kitchen.”

Cripes. This was less than a mile from my house… and we have a six-footer living in the lake behind our house and it’s mating season.

Thanks MJ.

  1. richardbt71 says:

    I wish it came to my house. Looks like fine eating. Haven’t had gator in a while.

  2. 888 says:

    “Cripes. This was less than a mile from my house… and we have a six-footer living in the lake behind our house and it’s mating season.”

    hhopper, if I’d live there, I’d get pets – a dog or two. Too bad they don’t eat crocs, but at least can warn you about such hungry guests on premises 😉

  3. RBG says:

    0. hhopper. Try bears that come to play on my kids’ playset. And I’m only 15 minutes from a major downtown.


  4. Mark Derail says:

    #2 888 an eight foot alli! (not a croc)

    You would hear, bark, bark, snap, silence.
    Then two days later, same visitor.

    I like the story where it went in a child’s wade pool.

  5. 888 says:


    of course I mean dogs as a living alarm system (probably best there is, short of some pentagon-style computer systems).

    Dogs aren’t that stupid as you think – it would be more like “bark bark bark bark…” from a safe distance endlessly, until hhopper wakes up and comes down with .45 (or whatever he has)

  6. hhopper says:

    My gun’s so small that if I held it with three fingers, I’d shoot two of them off.

  7. Mister Feline Feces says:

    Hopper, just don’t try to mate with it! LOL!

    I was in Tampa yesterday at the airport. My hard shell Samsonite luggage fell from the top of one of the 3 story escalators. It took off like a shot. Luckily there was only one person about halfway down and she was able to side step this thing. Then TSA held me up for a half an hour because my iPod headphone amp ( http://tinyurl.com/44cvxt ) looked suspicious. They actually took a picture of it and sent it off to “headquarters” so they could have a look. I had to demonstrate it before they let me go. They told me they never saw one before. I replied that I guess not, when all they make is minimum wage. I would have rather encountered the alligator.

  8. dejavuyou says:

    wouldn’t it be a good idea to basically not have a screen protecting the potential everything down there? Just in case????

  9. Tech_1 says:

    Thats a little one.
    I have gators that mate in my back yard and migrate to the lake out front.

  10. WmDE says:

    The local newspaper ran a gator story a few years back. They had a sequence of pictures showing a six foot alligator climbing over a 4 foot chain link fence. I was impressed.

  11. ECA says:

    sounds like a Wallet, purse, and a NICE belt, is in its future..

  12. Hope says:

    Someone’s in the kitchen with Sandra
    Someone’s in the kitchen I know-oh-oh-oh
    Someone’s in the kitchen with Sandra,
    And it ain’t snackin’ on an oreo…

    Has anyone seen my corgi? Princess? Princess?


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