1. 888 says:

    hhopper, this is almost as old as internet 😉

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Another good example of advertisers who live in their own world.

    Is this ad trying to say “Microsoft Office, it looks good, gets you excited, has all you could want, but in the end is just a tease?”

    I wonder what WordPerfect’s ad was?

  3. jrtiberius says:

    I don’t get it…

  4. 888 says:

    I think MS Office in this ad is the (probably) hadsome guy who don’t know how to open bra… that’s more like MS product: looks OK but can’t do shit…

  5. gregallen says:

    Abort, Retry, Fail?

    might have been funnier

  6. bobbo says:

    I think MS Office in this ad is the bra. Guy has worked it many times before but just when some important work needs to be done, it wont work for no obvious reason. Everyone’s upset and peeved, with the one trusting the bra to work getting the blame from the person needing the work to get done.

  7. Brian says:

    Always funny to see the MS hating apple fanboys posting. If this had been an apple ad we’d be hearing how brilliant it was.

  8. brucemlloyd says:

    A reaching attempt to use sex to sell Office, and a further example of Microsoft’s lack of taste.

  9. Said says:

    I’ll finish the story:

    So he sticks it in her butt (unsupported hardware attachment), she gets pissed and leaves (Blue Screen). He he makes repeated calls and apologizes to no avail (calls to India MS support). He spends days sending flowers, candy, cards (rebuilds OS and reinstalls all applications). She finally agrees to see him again (system comes up) and she warns him that she is NOT a triple input (no supported driver for external device). He is now in search of new girlfriend while faking this current relationship (looking for new hardware and OS). He finds a new woman that is a free spirit and open to experimentation and he abandons current, bitchy girlfriend (bought MacBook PRO with OSX). He lives happily ever after.

  10. newglenn says:

    The bra is off at 04 secs and back on again later… And I can’t come up with an analogy.

  11. Ron Larson says:

    Ha… I’d love to see Clippy, the animated Office assistant pop up right there. “Hey! I see you want to get some action. Can I help?”

  12. Ron Larson says:

    Damn…. forgot to finish that.

    Clippy continues….

    “And if I can’t help, can I watch?”

  13. admfubar says:

    wow just amazing……… is there anything that M$ does that makes sense?? other than money??

    as for the apple version, this would have been a religious experience about the second cumming, maybe even a third or fouth.. but she commands a high price…… and is only found at overpriced specialty shops….

  14. BrentAd says:

    I wonder what would have happened if the blue screen of death came on instead…???


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