There are several more parts to the installation. Each one containing a proper political ration of crude oil.
From the Cologne Art Fair…
By Eideard Monday April 21, 2008
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It’s too kind to presume to plug oil into the hearts of these thugs. They don’t have any.
Better to use a ready-made orifice.
ART–in its highest form is supposed to teach you something about life? I couldn’t find that definition at Websters, so maybe I’m losing touch?
Still makes me think this exhibit is not art, but rather “crafts.”
I think it was in Cats Cradle (No Damn Cat, No Cradle) that Kurt Vonnegut said “Art is a conspiracy between rich people and artists to make poor people think they are dumb.”
DARN–wanted to add, that as “art”–Post #1, god, gave it the highest social value it could have, but he forced that meaning on it.
How could the artist have actually made that point?
#2 – I couldn’t find that definition at Websters
Why in the hell would you have looked?
What makes you think that was a “definition”?
#4–OFTLO==huh? Why?
Again from Cats Cradle (which I haven’t read in a long time):
“Tiger got to hunt,
Bird got to fly,
Man got to ask,
Why,Why, Why?”
And in was in those same literature classes that “the highest goal of art is to raise the consciousness of man, to teach him about himself.”
but that teacher was a hippy, dippy, student laying, pot smoking, anti-establishment, leather elbow gabardine wearing liberal!
So–I find the object resources a valuable touch stone before concluding any thought.
The residue of which is something I think my prof forgot to make clear–there is a big difference between arts and crafts, visual arts, painting, sculpting, film, plays, opera, and the highest and really only form of art that warrants the name==the novel.
Well, that’s not fair. Shakespeare did write a few plays. So==the highest form of art, is the written word.
Websters needs to be updated. Maybe I’ll post on wikipedia.
#5 – So–I find the object resources a valuable touch stone before concluding any thought.
That statement really helps explain the fundamental flaw in your thought processes.
So==the highest form of art, is the written word.
I read somewhere that somewhere else was a long and potentially infuriating explanation of your peculiar use of the equal sign in punctuation.
Fortunately, I know enough about English grammar to know that whatever it is you think you are doing, you are wrong.
#6–OFTLO==that should read “objective resources” as in dictionaries which I do use quite often before writing anything. Doesn’t help with spell checking though as I don’t see my mistakes for 5-10 minutes.
Grammar. Lets see, is it surprising or not that you would be such a stick in the mud?==Can’t tell.
I have no “intentional thought” in my punctuation, perhaps from ee cummings?
#7 – I have no “intentional thought” in my punctuation, perhaps from ee cummings?
Cummings was a well known asshat.
A dictionary is a useful tool if you want to know a basic definition of art.
If the dictionary were to use enough space to elaborate on what art is supposed to do in its alleged highest form, then it wouldn’t be a dictionary.
You already know what art is. You are just intentionally pedantic because you think its as fun to argue about the argument as it is to argue about what the argument is about.
It really isn’t.
#8–OFTLO==I stand naked before you. Not a pretty sight?
But seriously, that’s a good thing right?
#9 – Not if you are being literal…
#10–OFTLO==Well, I’m sitting down and I’m clothed, but still being quite literal in a metaphorical way.===like overcooked sushi.
#11 – Okay… not only is that a simile, and not a metaphor, it also makes no sense.
Am I the only one that read that as Cologne Fart Air?
#12–OFTLO==longer post deleted in favor of: yes. Thank you. I’ll do better.
#14 – You are dangerously close to having to take summer classes.
#14–OFTLO==in my attempt to do better, I looked up the terms and indeed I think I had them correct in my first usage, and gave your criticism my customary first blush credibility.
Simile: a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as (as in cheeks like roses)
Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them
Maybe you got confused by my subsequent private allusion to the oxymoron?
OFTLO/Bobbo – In the immortal words of John C. Dvorak…
#17 – Hey Hopper… We ARE your hit count.
Now post something that really pits the right against the left… and if you can add an image of Bush pissing on Christ’s head or something, that would be great… and we’ll get those ad sense dollars really rollin… 🙂