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Quest, 46, was arrested at around 3:40 a.m. after a cop spotted him and another man inside the park near 64th Street, a police source said. Quest was initially busted for loitering, the source said. Aside from the oddly configured rope, the search also turned up a sex toy inside of his boot, and a small bag of methamphetamine in his left jacket pocket.
It wasn’t immediately clear what the rope was for. The criminal complaint says the officer at the scene was able to ID the drug because of “his prior experience as a police officer in drug arrests, observation of packaging which is characteristic of this type of drug, and defendant’s statements that . . . ‘I’ve got some meth in my pocket.’ ” Quest, known for his hollering antics and stunts on the cable news network and its international counterpart, declined comment, as did a CNN spokeswoman. On his official CNN bio, the network calls him “one of the most instantly recognizable members of the CNN team.” He was reportedly once offered a position for the English-language version of the controversial Al Jazeera network, but said he turned it down because being gay and Jewish, he didn’t think it would be a good fit.
Probably a wise decision.
He’ll probably be one of these guys soon!
“…a rope around his neck that was tied to his genitals, and a sex toy in his boot…”
I bet he was going for, or coming back from, some lavish sexy party 😉
He was just doing some investigative reporting.
Well, I hope they don’t get rid of him. He’s one of the few left on the CNN “team” [har!] with a brain.
And now we know why he always seems happy. 🙂
Another fine media journalist!
Did CNN play Pain’s Rope Around My Neck when they announced it?
#5 – jescott418 – Another fine media journalist!
CNN and Fox News doesn’t have journalists… they’ve got Entertainment News Reporters…
So he had a wrope wrapped around both of his heads? Oi vei!
I used to watch him on the BBC before he came to CNN. As hard as those British tried, his co-talent couldn’t hide their scorn of this guy. I always assumed this thought it was a little nuts. I think I just didn’t know by how much.
He was on a “Dick Quest”
When Obama gets elected he’ll be a Boy Scout troop leader and teach a class on gay lifestyles to 3rd graders.
What a man does in his free time is his business. I find it appalling, that the pretense of loitering was used to harass this individual, even more appalling was the fact that he was carrying drugs and that he gets a slap on the hand because members of the media and the rich always get a pass. Look at Lindsay Lohan et al – if she was black and poor she’d be doing 25 years to life. Same for our fine CNN correspondent. Its time to get rid of these stupid drug laws, that don’t work, cost the taxpayers ooodles of money, and are only used to control people the government wish to harrass and the unlucky and stupid who are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Being horny and high can make a man do crazy things. This can’t be good for his career.
12-drug laws are in place to get as many people as possible in this country thrown in jail. Jails are an immensely profitable business to be in, and non-violent offenders are the easiest for cops to throw in jail. Instead of doing tough investigative work, instead of solving murders, they pick on those who wish to indulge themselves a bit.
There’s a reason America has the highest per capita (over 1 in 100) adults in jail of any country in jail – it’s good for business!
Well, CNN is essentially the Clinton News Network so this guy would be a good fit. Better yet, he’d make a good replacement for Dan Rather.
Wow, seven whole posts before someone tried to make up something about fox news. Man, you neolibs are slipping.
I am just waiting for someone to blame Bush for this, then it will be standard dvorak.org discussion.
Republican homos just having “fun” which is anything having to do with male genitalia.
So… did he have sex with a Chicken? No; he did not! So let him go.
I don’t care what he does in private. The few on air reports I have seen him do were pure “pop crap.” Did he do anything worthwhile?
#20.. Private?? The dude was in the Park! Guys like this tend to end up molesting young boys. What frickin’ sicko. Sometimes I think we need Chinese justice. Take em’ out back and BLAM! – end of problem.
#21–Keith==we haven’t entered the age of “Minority Report” nor do we arrest for standing on a slippery slope. But I was thinking of “private” as in off air. Enforce the laws. Hire and fire for job performance.
Hey, sounds like more judging people for “association” type issues? OTOT–a litmus test for any job of “denies sex with animals” would not offend me==but he should still be able to work at child care facilities.
Wow, I can’t believe a successful guy like him is on meth. I could imagine he just wanted to use the meth for payment for sexual services.
#23 – More likely it’s simple. More people use drugs, including Meth, with no or few ill effects than the government controlled media of the USA would want you to understand.
That’s a funny tale.
#17 — I blame Clinton this time. I’ll blame Bush the next time. Then Hitler. Do you feel better now?