1. bobbo says:

    Sure “looks like it.” GUFFAW!!

    I think it can be “proved” too. Go thru however many other cheek rubs you can find and see if he uses just his middle finger? I doubt we could find any.

    I think Hilary just got the South Side Chicago Salute—-or make that Saaaaaaaluuuuuuuute. If that’s not too corn filed for ya.

  2. lh says:

    It’s about time someone flipped her off.

  3. RD says:

    So the pimp who would be king proves to be nothing more than a common troll. Obama you’re a class act.

  4. bobbo says:

    #3–RD–speaking of trolling, what makes you say Obama is a pimp? How would you evidence your deeper appreciation of the crap Hilary spews?

  5. ApexMI says:

    They both should just keep at it, McCain’s November victory margin will keep on growing…

  6. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Everyone should flip Hillary off.

  7. RD says:

    #4 Yeah I agree, pimp was the wrong word. Boorish pompous ass is more like it. Hillary is just an angry shrew.

    After watching the last debate the only conclusion is that both are embarrassing whiners not ready for prime time.

  8. MikeN says:

    Obama should drop out sooner rather than later. After his coming Pennsylvania loss, his popular vote lead will just about disappear. He’s going to go into the convention asking the superdelegates to overturn the people’s votes and make him the nominee.

  9. Carl.C. says:

    🙂 Hell, I’d have been far less subtle about it. It’s time somebody gave up on this whole “Oh, aren’t we all really just friends deep down?” routine. Somebody send Barrack an “I’m with Stupid —>” t-shirt to wear at the next debate.

  10. 888 says:

    It is a finger, which has been recognized by cheering crowd as well – and confirmed by Obama’s smirk in the next second.

    Way to go for a US Pres candidate, but hey – each nations usually deserves their leaders.

  11. Mark says:

    And for those of you playing along at home, “Boorish pompous ass” roughly translates to “able to form complete sentences.” Not a highly valued quality in conservative circles.


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