1. TootsieFarkleFanny says:

    Who else is going to be singing “Boom-De-A-Da” for the rest of the week?

    Awesome commercial

  2. joaoPT says:


  3. Ennev says:

    Just true and sad that in all that beauty somebody had to blow something up.

  4. Mac Guy says:

    I love how they slipped Stephen King into the commercial.

  5. Jobie says:

    @#3: I assume you mean Stephen Hawking.

  6. bill says:

    Beam the commercial into outer space…

    “Visit EARTH, while its still here!”

    Oh, wait… it already has been, right?

  7. Les says:

    Cool, though with me watching Discovery all the time, I have yet to see it on the tv.

  8. 888 says:

    #7 you won’t it is partially politically incorrect for US tv
    (where is “the black geek”? buddhist monk saying “I love my homeland” is too “tibetanish” for today, PRoC would be pissed… etc etc)

  9. bobbo says:

    That guy in the middle of the lava flow was batshit crazy.

  10. Miguel says:

    My favorite TV channel! Great ad!

  11. Mr. Catshit says:

    An excellent promo. Although I have seen them several times, their Walking With Dinosaurs series always amazes me.

  12. FRAGaLOT says:

    they are really saying “boom de-ah-da”
    though it was “Oohm de-ah-da”

  13. Mr. Catshit says:

    OK, I caught it at about 10:25 CT Saturday night.

  14. Jena says:

    It’s been on Discovery at least twice a day for the past few days that I’ve seen, only watching in the evening. Your excessive crankiness is just a waste of energy.

  15. 888 says:

    sorry to disappoint you 🙁

    I’ll try harder, I promise.
    (I’ll start from notifying National Black Anti-Defamation League about this politically incorrect terrible ad 😀 )

  16. Jena says:

    And here it is now at 9:29PM EDT on 23 April 2008.

  17. 888 says:

    Wait until I finish cranky email to Ambassador of People’s Republic too 😉


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