1. bobbo says:

    Excellent Interview–why can’t “the news” put more of these on?

    The nutbag did about as good a job as I have heard and the reporter brought out his the nutbags bias pretty well.

    Now, was the reporter a hitman? That would be definitional. In my mind, he asked only 1-2 inartful questions, but like most “flames” it went right to the issue that is really at hand. Too many reporters are not hitman enough to get to it.

    Is reverend Wright a bigoted race hater? I don’t know–from what I’ve seen, it could go both or either ways.

    The biggest error I saw this reporter make was failing to confine the discussion to what Wright taught from the pulpit on a few occasions from who he is “overall” as a man. Really, two different discussions.

    As always, context rules. Different flavors of cool-aid to be refreshing must be served in different glasses.

  2. julieb says:

    The interviewer really seemed to be in attack mode. It really was not an interview, but an argument between two people. I wonder who the interviewer was? Fox News is pathetic. I’d say they are worried about losing the election in November.

  3. bobbo says:

    #2–julieb==what was pathetic about the interview? Do you want nothing but carefully constructed unchallenged press releases to be repeated by “the press?”

    What is the roll of the press in our society?

    I don’t know, but the guy sounded just like the “Roving Reporter” that O’Reilley uses quite a bit.

    I’d say the black liberation theology in many mainstream black churches has gone “unreported” in this country for far too long.

    Field reporters should at least include some reporters who challenge their interviewees==otherwise, all we will have is network news direct from the Cheney Stenographers Pool.

  4. julieb says:

    The interviewer did a horrible job. He said the priest called O’Rielly a racist.

    He got a response to the question about Wright and then continues to challenge the answer. Is he getting the priest’s perspective or is he trying to convince him? The interviewer is starting with the premise that Wright is a racist and then is trying to convince the interviewee. The bias is plain to see.

    And this line, “That may be true, but but…”

    Then the interviewer brings up comments about 9/11 made by Wright. I guess he forgot that Falwell and Robertson made similar comments.

    It was a hack job.

    I’m not defending any of the priest’s comments. I’m criticizing the interviewer’s technique.

  5. JPV says:

    That “reporter” was pathetic and idiotic. Just parroting talking points that he’s been programed to regurgitate like a good little robot. Too bad that 99% of Americans are just as stupid and generally eat the crap that people like that spout out.

  6. bobbo says:

    #4–julieb==do you know for a fact the priest did NOT call OReilly a racist? I think I saw a clip where he did.

    Reporter challenged the answer?==Thats the hallmark of GOOD reporting. I’m starting to see why you don’t like this reporter. Its called a followup question, or not letting bullshit avoid the truth?

    How do you probe the perspective without challenging it? Are reporters just supposed to take the first response and shake their heads approvingly while they write it down? I believe Woodward and Bernstein were initialling told that Nixon was not involved in the Watergate Break in==being the type of hack you disapprove of, we finally got to the truth.

    Having bias and having it plainly seen is a good thing. You are the victim of bias you haven’t seen.

    Of what relevance at all are other comments by other people??? Please connect those dots. I think you’ll find that on any possible issue at all that you can think of, other people have taken 15 different positions. Is your position then that such fact means you can’t ask a person anything? Sounds like it.

    “I’m not defending any of the priest’s comments. I’m criticizing the interviewer’s technique.” /// In effect, yes you are.

  7. bobbo says:

    #5–JPV==parrots indeed. Cracker crumbs all over the place. Nothing wrong at all with using talking points–rather depends on those talking points. One talking point is to accuse the other side of using talking points whenever a question is asked you don’t want to answer. I got that off a list of talking points.

    Now, if you are part of the 1% that actually knows what is going on, does that make you an elistist and therefor irrelevant, or only your lack of specificity?

  8. J says:

    GO FATHER FLAGER!!!!!!!!

    Don’t fuck with a South Sider. Especially a South Side Priest!!!!!

    He is a HUGE rebel. He would beat Oreilly into pulp.

    You see that large black man behind him? That is his son. Flager has been a defender of the minorites on the South Side for years. I guess they should have done a little more research before they ask about Jeremiah Wright.

  9. Mr. Catshit says:

    #6, Bobbo,

    Reporter challenged the answer?==Thats the hallmark of GOOD reporting. I’m starting to see why you don’t like this reporter. Its called a followup question, or not letting bullshit avoid the truth?

    That wasn’t a follow up or prying for the truth. It was arguing with the interviewer about what the interviewer wanted to hear. The priest (?) explained his position very well that he can’t speak for others yet the interviewer repeated tried to push him in that direction.

    The interviewer reminds me of a zealot that thinks he is smarter than everyone else. While there are both liberals and conservatives that do this, with FOX SPEWS it sure seems there are a lot more on the right wing side.

  10. Mr. Catshit says:

    Has anyone shown what Wright has said is wrong? I understand the right wing nuts don’t like being reminded they are racist, but have they shown him to be wrong?

  11. Doodle says:

    Are Fox employing bloggers to do their reporting now or something? 😉

  12. bobbo says:

    #9–Catshit==I’ll give you it was not a “follow up” question. Those are questions going to the same point but with a different tack?

    Now, the only difference in arguing or prying is whether or not you agree with the question(s)?

    I’m not sure, but my impression was this priest has known and worked with Wright for years?==and knows and speaks for the man all the time unless the subject is not comfortable–that’s how that dodge usually works, but I’d have to go back and view the video again to confirm.

    Nothing the reporter said indicated the perceived intelligence level of anyone. Interesting how the label of “being intelligent” is becoming a negative. Kinda like being an elitist I guess? Being knowledgeable and competent?==check. I guess that happens when the subject is within 6 degrees of religion.

    Only rightwingnuts think, or at least try to parrot, that Fox news is not right wing. Its always amusing when they get their “fair and balanced” talking point garbled up. I think I heard OReilly say once “we lean right in order to remain fair and balanced?” Talking points are like that.

    you ask===”Has anyone shown what Wright has said is wrong?”
    1. Well, every sentence that starts with “God” is pretty much wrong.
    2. Whites did not give the black man aids.
    3. Whites are still racists in declining degrees but I don’t think we have our boots on the black mans’ neck?
    4–remind me, what else has he said?

  13. bobbo says:

    Speaking of Revered Wright (is the title “Most” reverend actually defined or bestowed, or just thrown around willy nilly?), Fox News, OReilly, religion, and bullshit==

    OReilly is reporting on the near completion of the $10,000,000 home Wright is going to move into.

    That’s “wrong” on 5-6 counts regardless of what any other “facts” might be. Personally, I’d go after Wright on that before anything else, and I don’t use guilty by association in Political Candidates unless money is involved.

  14. 888 says:

    I have yet to see any “Rabbi The Pedophile” or “Mullah’s Incest” posted by Uncle Dave.

    Seriously, what is it Uncle Dave with you fixation against catholics? Have you been raped by a catholic priest or what is your beef?

    You know, you can make good money today just by “confessing” how badly you were (mis)treated in that orphanage run by schizophrenic nuns…

  15. Uncle Dave says:

    #14: I was never Catholic. I have a ‘fixation’ against religion in general, but this is a story about a Fox reporter. Where did you ever get the idea this story is about the Catholic church or pedophilia? Find me a story about what you suggest (good luck) and perhaps I’ll post it.

    You sound like a troll.

  16. J says:

    # 10 Mr. Catshit

    “Has anyone shown what Wright has said is wrong?”

    No! and that has been pissing me off for quite some time. He spoke the truth that some people just dont want to hear.

    The whole Jeremiah Wright nonsense is one of the reasons I switched from Hillary TO Obama.

    # 12 bobbo

    “I’m not sure, but my impression was this priest has known and worked with Wright for years?”

    Yes that is the case.

    “and knows and speaks for the man all the time unless the subject is not comfortable–that’s how that dodge usually works, but I’d have to go back and view the video again to confirm.”

    Uh NO. Nice leap of logic there. lol

    “OReilly is reporting on the near completion of the $10,000,000 home Wright is going to move into.”

    I have yet to hear that from any credible news source and I have seen no proof at all.

    # 15 Uncle Dave

    “I have a ‘fixation’ against religion in general, but this is a story about a Fox reporter.”

    Me too and I agree.

  17. 888 says:

    Uncle Dave, you said that I “sound like a troll” last time I pointed out that whenever it comes to religion-related post you only post anti-catholic bits; and you said almost exactly the same time before that…
    Is it so hard to type in google i.e.:
    “rabbi pedophile”
    and pick one out of thousands stories?
    Obviously it isn’t, but you are just hating catholics, not “the religions” in general – hence your constant negative catholics involving posts.

    Yeah, if I’m a troll, you must be some catholics-loving zealot, no doubt 🙂

  18. bobbo says:

    Yea Uncle Dave—this here post is not anti-Catholic or religion and the Pope has been visiting for a few days and no mention of it here.

    I think you are losing your edge.

    Maybe you should go to Mass, give confession, or go protestant and speak in tongues or whatever and get your batteries charged???

    Until then, love the troll, hate the trolling.

  19. bobbo says:

    #16–J==do you think Wright is not buying a house?

    Most newsources are pretty accurate on “facts” and then apply their bias on the interpretation.

    Take the Pope. FACT–there is an earth. INTERPRETATION–God made it.

    Take Wright–FACT–he’s moving into a house. INTERPRETATION–the house is his, its worth $10MM, its in a white neighborhood ((at $10MM that would be hard to avoid?)).

    J==you seem to want to defend Wright. Nothing wrong with that. If a guy does 99% good, is it fair and balanced or not to criticize the 1%==or is it verbotten?

  20. J says:

    # 19 bobbo

    “Most newsources are pretty accurate on “facts” and then apply their bias on the interpretation.”

    That is absolutly NOT true.

    “If a guy does 99% good, is it fair and balanced or not to criticize the 1%==or is it verbotten?”

    Like I said I have seen no CREDIBLE news sources that say it is worth $10 mil. If you have one I would love to see it. Hopefully they have some legitimate documentation to back it up.

  21. bobbo says:

    #20–J==give us a reported “fact” that is not true, and not an interpretation. More than one if you have it?

  22. 888 says:

    Buying a house – no matter how lavish – is not a sin 😉
    Living in white neighbourhood is not a sin either, and it is not politically incorrect “racism” either – everyone regardless of race and political correctness prefers to live in a middle-class (or better) white neighbourhood than in a ghetto.
    So what is this talk about his house…?

    Popes live in a multibillion dollar ‘mansion’ and no one blame them for that 😉

    But even if a guy is 99.99% good, we still have all rights to criticize that 0.01% of bad, don’t we? Of course I mean constructive criticism.

  23. J says:

    # 21 bobbo

    “give us a reported “fact” that is not true, and not an interpretation.”

    Fox claimed that O’bama attended a madrasa. He did not.

    They reported that the black panthers supported O’bama. No evidence that they really do.

    Fox News Megyn Kelly falsely claimed that Howard Dean charged that McCain is out there touting his military experience and that there is something opportunistic about it. He did not say that.

    I could go on and on with Fox and tons of online “news” sources that constantly mis report the news. You have to be joking to even enter a debate of this nature. Like evolution the facts are in and there is no debate.

    And before you even go there I don’t buy the “Oh well that is a talk show not a news show bullshit” They report it as news not opinion!


  24. 888 says:

    “They reported that the black panthers supported O’bama. No evidence that they really do.”

    so, umm.. you’re like believing in green aliens and UFO conspiracies too?
    Because if Black Panthers don’t support first (half)black candidate in US history, then I don’t know whom do you think they support? Hillary?! 😉

  25. bobbo says:

    #23–J==I’ll give you those except the black panthers which I wouldn’t have quibbled over except for 888.

    I thought I saw Obama say he couldn’t help it if the Black Panthers supported him?

    Ok–“Big Facts”

    I did google Wright and his new home. Seems it is only 1.6 Million but it is collateral for a 10MM line of credit.–ie, close enough for a first report.

    AND–#22==888==The pope collecting golden candlesticks in his palace is not one of the stronger arguments for his love of poor people, other than his soaking of same.

  26. J says:

    # 24 888

    “Because if Black Panthers don’t support first (half)black candidate in US history, then I don’t know whom do you think they support? Hillary?!”

    That’s not the point. FOX news reported as if it was fact. What do you think their purpose was in that?

    # 25 bobbo

    “Ok–”Big Facts”

    LOL Nice side step. FACTS ARE FACTS!!!

    Who decides what is big or small? It doesn’t take many “small” non-“Facts” to alter the view of the public. The entire Bush Administration is founded on that concept. Constant false reporting of any kind along with a right wing bias makes their news UNRELIABLE.

    The reason they pushed for the $10 million issues is because to a lot of people $1.6 isn’t that much but $10 million? Now that guy is an Elitist!!! The $10 Million was for the Church and they broke NO law in the transactions at least not that anyone can prove. The whole purpose is to malign Obama

  27. fahrquar says:

    The “priest” is just trying to keep from getting his butt shot on the south side. He thinks it’s his ticket to heaven or at least a safe passage until he gets out of Chicago. Katrina was a hurricane and Farrakhan is a racist. It’s all about reverse discrimination to “even” things up. You know it’s true, it’s part of the theology that was mentioned in another post. Blacks can say it but no one else and that’s not me being racist, it’s a fact. Everybody reads and talks about Jesus, Buddha, Confucius and Martin Luther King, but not enough of them understand or imitate it. Even Mohammad said that he didn’t want temples and monuments built to him, yet look at all the ministers, preachers and priests that build these temples to themselves, black and white and brown. It’s not about truth, justice and the American way, it’s the dollar. Keep’em stupid and tithing. And that’s the greatest thing about religion, they love sheep! Just keep following that bell, right over the edge of the cliff. Baaaaaaa!

  28. pat says:

    #10 – “Has anyone shown what Wright has said is wrong? ”

    Everyone has a right to be a racist. So, no, Rev Wright isn’t “wrong” when you look at that way. He’s just a racist.

  29. Mr. Catshit says:

    #20, bobbo,

    Where Fox lied? Geeze, this is more than a short list. Because I rarely watch FOX SPEWS for more than 30 seconds at a time (my stomach just isn’t that strong) I’m using second hand reports.

    How about claiming Obama IS a Muslim.

    Or that Hillary Clinton was a communist during the 1970s.

    What about reporting that they have found evidence of WMDs in Iraq.

    Of coarse, we can’t forget their advocating of the “Swift Boat” campaign as correct.

    Their denial of climate change from man’s dumping CO2 into the atmosphere.

    Terry Schiavo being cognizant.

    “Scooter Libby” didn’t lie to a grand jury.

    Bobbo, you’re losing your edge man. C’mon, I know you’re better than that.

    #24, 888,

    So what is wrong with the Black Panthers supporting a candidate?

    If you had bothered to ever look at contemporary American History, you might just find that the Black Panthers were murdered and jailed on fraudulent charges. Simply put, where whites were allowed to own guns and become part of the political process, those same rights were denied to blacks. The persecution of blacks was, and still is, a travesty for anyone still believing in America.

    Those who condemn those who fought against tyranny, will hate Eldridge Cleaver AND George Washington.

    #28, pat,

    So if someone complains about discrimination based upon a recognizable factor, then they are a racist? So that makes Wright just another uppity nigger. You are another piece of the loyal, yet mindless, right wing nut crowd.

  30. bobbo says:

    #24–Catshit==when I say at #19 “Most newsources are pretty accurate on “facts” and then apply their bias on the interpretation.”

    How do you get I support Faux Spews?

    Interesting guy on Book TV an hour ago. Mark Steyn. He highlights that terrorism is being committed by those Muslims “in contact” with the West. 9/11 by the German faction etc. Its hard to attack the West when you are isolated on a goat farm in the hills?

    Anyway, he said that 36% of Muslims in England think it is proper to kill anyone who “used to be Muslim” but no longer are. The apostate problem. Also seems many Muslims believe Fox News==that Barack is a lapsed Muslim. Could be some fun times if he gets elected.

    Good news from Canada==seems the Canadian Islamic Counsel is trying to get Steyn’s book censored or “not imported for sale” because it raises sensitive issues. Big push for “multi-culturalism” as in don’t say anything bad about Muslims so we can go about our ways.

    I do think a clash is coming, or is already here and there is no clash because we are giving up in the early stages.


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