Found by Paul Salzman.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    Aw jeez. That’s just pitiful. I hope Bruce Springsteen sues them for making him and the E Street Band look like douche bags. A new low, even for MSFT.

  2. Ron Larson says:

    Oh lighten up John. It is just an inhouse fun video.

    You gotta give that artist some credit. Could YOU make up a song touting features of Vista with all the acronyms, AND sound enthused? That is a tall order.

  3. wbskeet37 says:

    Knowing the cost and time of video production this is a huge waste of time and money. They would have gotten more from telling all of the people in this video to go blog about Vista for half off time that they spent making this video and then gave them the rest of the time as vacation.

  4. gquaglia says:

    Why does this surprise you. M$ is about the least hip computer company of all. You have to look no further then the shit brown Zune to realize that.

  5. jbenson2 says:

    New Microsoft Sales Pitch: We asked you to trust us with the original release of Vista, but it sucked, so we added some patches and band-aids with SP1. Now, you can really trust us because it is going to be great.

    And if it doesn’t, you can trust us because we will come out with SP2 in 2009.

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    Was this funded by microsoft, or is it just a spoof someone did? This needs to be clarified before we bash this lame video.

  7. Danny Federici says:

    things like this just kill me

  8. Improbus says:

    It was extremely hard to watch even a portion of that god awful video. The video, like Vista, is lame and an epic fail.

  9. Greg says:

    Looks like a spoof video to me. Viewing it as a spoof video will allow you to get through the entire thing. Not so sure if that is a good thing.

  10. bobbo says:

    Is there any clue in the fact that is not Bruce Sprinstein and in general Bruce doesn’t do commercial endorsements?–ie, he would not approve a mock use of his band?

  11. “Quota is where you focus is..gotta get those bonuses”


    As for spoof versus Msft production. No research needs to be done. Cripes. You see enough of these things at corporate events. It has no (nada, zero, zilch) earmarks of a spoof whatsoever. Just the opposite in fact. (Too long and over-produced for one thing). This is obviously a vid produced for a sales meeting. Moreover, and what needs to be researched is who the participants were. For example that girl in the t-shirt brought up on stage is obviously one of the team they were saluting. Who is she? My advice to her: dancing lessons.

  12. Pioneering says:

    The video was pathetic. Typical Microsoft.

    To “Danny Federici”: that was sick.

  13. pat says:

    Thanks John!

    I was trying to eat breakfast.

  14. Shubee says:

    That was unbelievably boring.

  15. Ian says:

    Props to gquaglia for mentioning the mother fucking brown Zune.

    Just goes to show you money can’t buy taste.

  16. chuck says:

    Microsoft has a sales team?
    I thought they just forced PC manufacturers to ship Vista on every PC they build?

    Sales team? Who needs a sales team? They’ve got a money printing-press.

    My prediction: in 6 months they come out with “Vista Classic” – which is just XP with the Vista Aero interface.

  17. Tananga says:

    Sad, Sad, Sad. Just the fact that they felt the need to produce this shows that they know Vista blows. I just recently uninstalled Vista and went back to XP. Vista is slower than XP, more annoying than XP, and offers only headaches. I had to buy a new soundcard in order to use Vista. Vista slowed my computer to a crawl whenever I attempted to download anything, I couldn’t play music without crackles and skips, I had to click 82 different boxes to authorize any function. Ant benefits Vista appears to have can be added to XP. I do like the new bubble screensaver, so I added that to XP. Bitlocker? You can add encryption to XP without Vista. There are only negatives to Vista. It’s a turd. Bury it and move on.

  18. bjer says:

    They could have done better by hiring someone to write a script and better lyrics. I was half way through it before I realized it wasn’t a spoof on Microsoft’s marketing folks.

  19. andy says:

    you have to truly naive to believe this is any kind of spoof.

  20. brendal says:

    This reminds me of the time I was at Wang Labs in ’89 and John Chambers issued the lame “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” vid on WangTV during pending bankruptcy…wish I had that one on tape. It was worse. Yes. They can be worse.

  21. RASTERMAN says:

    OMG. Simply embarrassing!



  22. Mister Mustard says:

    Steve van Zandt should get some Soprano button men to take these idiots out.

    And wtf is the “Vista ecosystem”? Ecosystem? Are they trying to win over the Global Warming set, or what?

    “You saw lots of sales”?? SALES? Did they actually sell any copies of Vista, or did they just snooker folks into getting it on their “Vista capable” PCs???

    Just pathetic.

  23. twhighbanks says:

    Who but us old farts even remember the Courtney Cox dancing connection to this? Anybody under 35 is probably saying…well, you know what they’re saying.

  24. J says:

    # 22 RASTERMAN

    “OMG. Simply embarrassing!”

    Yes very sad indeed. All that money and no talent at Microsoft.

    # 23 Mister Mustard

    Wow, you are an angry young man today arn’t you?

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Wow, you are an angry young man today
    >>arn’t you?

    Son, if you think I’m angry, you haven’t seen me angry.

    And even you, “J”, have to admit that the video is pretty fucking lame.

    And who’s the old white guy playing the sax supposed to be? Clarence Clemons? Sheesh.

  26. Eric Susch says:

    WOW! The Microsoft sales team ROCKS! …Or they ARE rocks… or something…

    PS What the heck are all these great features they are yammering about? I’ve been using Vista for awhile now and it’s actually not that bad, but it’s not that much different than XP.

  27. burrn says:

    what a pile of crap! then again, the video fits Vista like a glove. the tards at microsoft need to get out more often.

  28. Melanie1001 says:

    I really truly thought this was going to be a spoof to start with….then…oh my god….

    and just what is a Vista ecosystem? Are they trying to say that if we really care about the environment we’ll switch to Vista? That has to be the lamest term ever, whatever it does actually mean. Anyone know?

    This is all just sad…sad sad

  29. J says:

    # 26 Mister Mustard

    “Son, if you think I’m angry, you haven’t seen me angry.”

    I said I am not you son buddy! Come on! Does no one watch South Park anymore?

    “And even you, “J”, have to admit that the video is pretty fucking lame.”

    No doubt about it. It is what happens when creative decisions are made by committee.

    # 28 burrn

    “what a pile of crap! then again, the video fits Vista like a glove. ”

    Now lets not turn this into a Vista bash!

  30. ECA says:

    Security?? most AGAINST the user..
    Virus protection?? someone ELSES maybe..

    Selling to BUSINESS??
    Business dont need much, what does it take to write Letters schedules, appointments, data bases, spreadsheet??

    Notice they arent SELLING to GAMERS..
    PRODUCTIVITY?? It hasnt been faster then XP yet.
    Notice there is no extolling of the CORE 2 DUO, being faster??


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