Lame Microsoft Vista Video Tries to be Hip — Fails to Check Calendar
By John C Dvorak Friday April 18, 2008
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OK. This is s a spoof and should be labelled as such. Can we not do even 10 minutes of investigation before we post this stuff? Still worthy of being posted… but it should say SPOOF in the title! ARGH.
It’s definitely in-house. A friend at Microsoft recognized it immediately.
replacing all instances of the word ‘rock’ with ‘suck’ in the song makes it more accurate.
so, anybody willing to dub that in and re-youtube it as a video response?
Was that Balmer on sax?
OMFG! They should pass out free LSD with this commercial, if they expect to sell anything with it!
I think it was a crazy waste of money to hire Mary Lou Retton for the Courtney Cox role. Dumb Microsoft.
“Our ecosystem rocks!”
The rallying cry for a bland generation.
> # 24 twhighbanks said, on April 18th, 2008 at 9:32 am
> Who but us old farts even remember the Courtney
> Cox dancing connection to this? Anybody under 35
> is probably saying…well, you know what they’re
> saying.
I noticed it right away. Oh wait… I guess I’m making your point.
I think I just vomited a bit in my brain.
There’s nothing rock n’ roll about selling operating systems and there never will be.
I suspect brainwashing.
Was that Julia Roberts’ brother singing lead?
Microsoft sales team rocks! They really do! This proves it!
1. You got guy with American flag head bandana
2. You got hunky lead guitar with shirt open to navel.
3. You got perky young groupie dancing on stage with band.
It’s quantifiable!
Rock Microsoft sales team! Rock! Rock! Rock!
#41 Pedro. Ever heard of Google? Perhaps John hasn’t either. Total investigation time. :15
>>Can we not do even 10 minutes of
>>investigation before we post this stuff?
Rect, the “anonymous inside sources” who claimed it was a spoof may well have been speaking at the behest of Steve Ballmer, who was so embarrassed by the public release of this abomination that he went on a disinformation campaign.
Productivity? Just wait until the uac box comes up when trying to do anything.. I’ll stick with OS X and XP
What is really funny is at the beginning of the video the guy turns around and has a red bandanna in his back pocket which indicates he is a fudgepacker, regardless of if he pitches or catches. I guess this implies that all Vista users are gay, which I’m inclined to agree.
He sung
“…improvements in INsecurity”
instead of what lyrics say in subtitles:
“…improvements in security”
Listen to it again, he did!
Bruce ServicePack needs Service Pack 2 himself?
Rectagon..what sort of spoof is this? Have you ever been to a sales meeting in a big company? This is actually one of the better vids I’ve seen. And that weird citation you send us to? A blog post in the Washington post citing a PC World blogger citing anonymous sources according to cnet. What? Yeah, that’s confirmation up the ass. Cripes.
If this was a spoof, it sucked worse than if it was real. A spoof of what? For something to be a spoof it has to spoof something. What is it spoofing?
A Spoof? I seriously doubt it. It’s too well made to be your typical spoof. And there isn’t the usual sarcastic remark, now and then, to make a point. Inhouse pitch? Yeah, I could believe it. But I don’t see the point of it. Is it for the rank and file employees, or the stockholders? probably the latter, as they’re the least hip, and might even buy this pitch. For them it’s likely perfect. The price of wealth. You have to sacrifice your cool and hipness, to be so rich that you can affort all the crap you ever wanted, back went you had any hip. If you’re not really careful, wealth can suck out your soul. Matthew 19 v24.
It’s for sales managers and sales folks who have to sell the stuff to big companies.
Ex-Microsoft contacts on Twitter say it genuine.
#55, Sag,
I suggest it cost closer to $2 million to make. This is very common practice by the marketing division to enthuse them. While it might be easier and more informational to have a slide show presentation, when your budget allows it, go for it.
Yes, it is cheesy, but a well produced, slick cheesy.
John C Dvorak said, on April 19th, 2008 at 12:03 am
It’s for sales managers and sales folks who have to sell the stuff to big companies.
This is what excites sales jerks in the corporate world. Remember Ballmer freaking out a couple of years ago on stage?
Funny, Microsoft doesn’t mind Springsteen copycats but sure cares if you clone them.
I’m going to be a little sick now.