On last night’s South Park disaster struck. The internet disappeared. Stan’s father couldn’t look at porn! His mom couldn’t check her boring old email! And, most ominously and amusingly, television news was unable to find any information to report on. It was a pretty funny horror movie panic homage, even if it felt a tad dated. Click through for the clip.
In a world….without the internet…how will YOU survive?
I think everyone that goes to blogs would go back to reading more magazines and books
and those who go to videos would go back to blockbusters and dvd service by mail
and those who go to chat rooms and my face would go back to the mall.
Those who do all three would have to make some choices.
They have no internet? It looks like they’re all using Macs. Safari. I think I found the problem…
TV News doesn’t use the internet as much as they use the New York Times.
No Internet? Game over, man. Game over.
FINALLY…the internet is back up. I want to say that…oh, ahhhh, I forgot what I wanted to say. (Damn that crappy internet).
if it wasn’t for the internet i would not have seen that episode…. i’ll only watch southpart at southparkstudios com.
instead of selling you the DVDs, the creators made all of the episodes available for free!
Motaman thanks for the tip.Trey and Matt really do get the Internet.John ought to have them on Cranky Geeks.
#2 – I’m sorry your parent’s abortion failed.
The answer to the question is that we’d all watch more South Park. However, since they wouldn’t have the Internet to mine ideas from, the show would quickly die… along with the rest of civilization.
Mind you “James Hill” – majority of civilization still lives without internet, and without computers in their daily lives.
No internet = no loss to most of people on this planet.
This episode was hilarious!! I couldn’t help but think that this would be how the blogosphere, Twitter addicts and tech celeb’s would react in a similar situation. 🙂