• Gizmodo busts Psystar. Says hoax. What did I tell you here on Tech5 from the beginning?
  • Red Hat drops plan for desktop Linux.
  • I complain about Windows and the registry.
  • Mark Zukerberg under fire once again.
  • New research group recommends Vista.
  • Law would ban US in-flight cell phone use.
  • Sun shutting down features to screw MySQL users.
  • AMD adds to layoffs.
  • Laptop desktop crossover coming sooner than expected.
  • Novell deluded.
  • Google to look at deep web.

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  1. Shenzhov says:

    I put Ubuntu on my last remaining Windows box a couple of weeks ago and it’s interesting. Would not want to use it for a primary system yet.

    My wife and I both moved over to Macs in the last 6 months for some of the reasons John mentioned. I do have to say it’s nice now just using apps and never having to think about the operating system. It has actually brought fun and usefulness back to computing.

  2. Scatropolis says:

    Awesome King of the Hill quote at the end.

  3. B. Dog says:

    When my friends go to those goat porn sites or wherever they get viruses, I use a bootable Linux CD to format their drives to get rid of those pesky viruses that nothing else seems to get, before they reinstall Windows and their apps.I think it was PC Magazine that pointed me to a nice Linux package.

  4. Joey B says:

    Dear John,
    How do they count the linux users? No sales, no registration.
    -Joey B

  5. Glenn E. says:

    Here’s my take on the Cell Phone ban. It seemed to come out no long after the 9-11 incident. The passengers of the one plane, discovered that other hijacked planes were used as weapons. So they supposedly rushed the hijackers and this crashed the plane early. Or was that the real cause? Some have speculated that it was shot down. We may never know. And banning cellphone use in planes now, may be more of a national security move. As it gets harder to take out hijacked planes, when the passengers are calling loved ones and telling them what up. Or… it could be to prevent hijackers from coordinating their moves. As the 9-11 terrorists obviously did so with the WTC.
    I’ll just bet the NSA has their conversations on tape. It’s also remotely possible that the air carriers want this ban, so they can make more money by charging for their own skyphone use. But they wouldn’t want it known that they lobbied for this ban.


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