There is no question that Al Gore’s 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth is a powerful example of how scientific knowledge can be communicated to a lay audience. What is up for debate is whether it accurately presents the scientific argument that global warming is caused by human activities. Climate change experts express their opinions on the scientific validity of the film’s claims in articles just published online in Springer’s journal, GeoJournal.
The papers in GeoJournal agree that it does an excellent job of raising public awareness of man-made global warming and explains why increased atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases lead to warming.
They also agree that its main weakness is that it tries to use individual extreme events, such as Hurricane Katrina, to prove the existence of global warming.
In the first opinion piece, Eric Steig from Washington University states that the film gets the fundamental science right. The minor factual errors do not undermine the main message of the film…
There are several articles in the GeoJournal [registration, subscription]. True Believers who reject peer-reviewed science will continue to be upset.
Bobster: Intersting links. I particularly liked the Village Voice article about guys like
“Hoeflin is part of a small community of uncommonly intelligent people obsessed with their own IQ scores.”
Sounds kind of like “J”, except in his case, it would be “obsessed with their own imaginary IQ scores”.
Mustard, you crack me up.
How come DU has posted nothing on the good Pope’s visit or Bill Maher’s tribute? We don’t disagree on that to start with, but the conversation disagreeably digresses from there?
Its good practice.
# 187 bobbo
“I’m glad you clarified that. What with your close association with Oliver STONED, and Joe Walsh, I might have thought those were maurijuana buds and this whole thread was a pipe dream.”
What the fuck is wrong with the reading comprehension of people on this board.
I never said I knew Joe Walsh. I said I used to listen to interviews with him on the local talk radio. I said I don’t know who he knew at the station. He must have know some one because he was on all the time. I don’t even like his music.
I never said I “knew” Oliver Stone. I said I “worked” with him. To know him would imply that I was on a personal relationship with him. I was not. It was professional. Although,one does get to know people a little when working with them.
Again go back and read what I posted. WTF is wrong with the people here and their ability to comprehend what they read without a bias?
“Somewhat related to this off topic thread is a demonstration of how refined people like to get: (a survey of high intelligence groups)”
It will take me some time to read through all of those. But I know from experience there is a broad range of personality types in such groups. Mensa for example. They have people that have not even graduated High School. They also have assholes like Mr Turd who think that they always have one up on people.
# 188 Mister Mustard
““Hoeflin is part of a small community of uncommonly intelligent people obsessed with their own IQ scores.””
Easy to poke fun at things you don’t understand. Why don’t you go back to your cave.
“Sounds kind of like “J”, except in his case, it would be “obsessed with their own imaginary IQ scores”.”
Yeah I’m the obsessed one. Pot meet kettle.
Did you slip on the drool coming out of your mouth?
See I know you are full of shit because if you really thought I was lying you would have taken me up on my offers to prove me wrong. Instead you want to sit in the cheap seats and scream obscenities at the players. How’s the view from the cheap seats?
#168 – bobbo,
Nah. I didn’t have much to add to that. No point in going around in circles, despite the other circles going around here.
#176 – bobbo,
I think it was “My Maserati does 185 …” Interestingly, I always thought that was supposed to be a Bora. But, I just checked, it had a top speed of only 165, which matches your new lyrics. I wonder if Joe Walsh just got it wrong or if there was another Maserati that could hit 185. Hmm… Anyway, I’m not so into these flat SUVs anymore anyway. (Flat SUV – A sports car that gets the mileage of a Humper H2, or worse.)
#189 – bobbo again,
Good Pope??!!? You mean the same Dope that said that the indigenous people of the Americas were silently longing to be killed, enslaved, and forcibly converted to Christianity by priests?
J–to loosely quote Inigo Montoya:
You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means.
#191–Scott==the good pope said that??? Why he sounds like some kind of ex nazi, or maybe not ex?
Yea–I got a Jag-E up to 165 downhill once. That’s always stuck in my mind. Nothing to do with the song or Maserati’s.
SCOT==this might be relevant and keys off the abused pat==how much reading and actually somewhat valid research should one do before taking a position on a subject one actually knows nothing about?–say like global warming, nuke waste, BHA contamination and the like.
Some study is necessary, but the demand to study more often strikes me as a diversion.
Forgive the vagueness, just though you might have something on that.
#192 – bobbo,
I deliberately only half quoted the Dope. Here’s an article with the real quote. It’s not much better.
We still have some freedoms and liberties in this country. Study as much as you have interest in a particular subject. When you lose interest, stop studying. Present your own information with a level of confidence based on the reading you have done.
If you are actually a climate scientist, for example, you might make an extremely strong case about global warming. If you are merely quite interested and have read a lot your case may be only a very strong case. If you have only read the popular press, well … climate science happens to be a subject that has been poorly reported.
In general, try to read and post links to popular press articles from reputable papers that reference a particular peer reviewed paper.
With other scientific areas, the rules would probably be much the same, but perhaps a bit less care would be understandable. Most other science topics don’t tend to be as politicized as global warming.
I like to post links. I tend to assume that my word, being that of an anonymous blogger is nearly worthless in and of itself. So, I like to back things up whenever I want to make a stronger case. Often with global warming, I even post links to peer reviewed papers, preferably ones that don’t require a fee to read, though they are fewer and farther between than I’d like.
There really are no hard fast rules though. It’s all how you want to be seen. I try to avoid seeming like I’m just blowing it out my ass. But, sometimes I’m sure people do see it that way, especially since I know from my own blog that few people will bother to click through the links.
And, of course, just when you were trying to bring this back on topic, you opened the thread to being closed under Godwin’s Law. Perhaps that’s not a bad thing in this case.
# 191 Misanthropic Scott
“I wonder if Joe Walsh just got it wrong or if there was another Maserati that could hit 185. ”
I think he said it was supped up.
# 192 bobbo
“to loosely quote Inigo Montoya:
You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means.”
To quote Westley. “You truly have a dizzying intellect”
BTW I don’t understand what you are saying with that quote. I hope you understood what I said. God I wouldn’t want to be “OVERSTATING” myself because Mr Mustard might call me out onto the carpet and sweep me up.
Great movie. I am still waiting for it to come out on Blu-Ray.
“how much reading and actually somewhat valid research should one do before taking a position on a subject one actually knows nothing about?”
For some none. LOL. But it is contradictory to say you have done reading and valid research and would know nothing about a topic. The key is VALID. How one makes that determination is for some based on bias and for others critical thinking skills.
Scott–as always, thanks. I don’t think Godwin’s Law applies when talking about propaganda? But, thank goodness I was off thread and the discussion can continue about global warming.
J==throw the word “initially” in there somewhere, anywhere. Bad typing, sticking keyboard may explain a missing letter, whole words missing or substituted?==I don’t want to think about it, even while I can.
Who knew half the thread would be over whether an anonymous poster is who he anonymously claims to be?
I guess I’ll claim to be a White House senior staffer and let you guys argue about that too.
Bobbo, you are right that Gore did nto deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for his work, but keep in mind that they also gave out a prize for someone who handed out loans to poor people in Bangladesh. This is certainly causing less peace than those various killers who stop killing.
However, Gore’s case is different. His actions are likely to lead to more conflict. Taking action on global warming is likely to lead to economic restriction, and this will only make things worse. It’s not much different from making oil scarce through high demand. It’s worse when you are telling poor countries to restrict their own growth.
# 196 MikeN
“I guess I’ll claim to be a White House senior staffer and let you guys argue about that too.”
If I was I would not admit to that. LOL
# 197 MikeN
“It’s worse when you are telling poor countries to restrict their own growth.”
The point would be to not make their growth dependant on Oil, Coal, and Gas. Why can’t we encourage growth using clean energy?
#197–Mike==you raise so many issues. I’ll respond to just a few.
1. I don’t think the poor countries in question have any oil, coal, and gas? If they did, they wouldn’t be poor?
2. I thought Micro-Lending was one of the best things ever started. How does getting a small family in Bangladesh out of grinding poverty up to abysmal poverty a bad thing—what killers?
That’ll do for now–respond on those, or pick your own?
BTW==J’s pretending to be a rich Intertel type just causes uncontainable envy in our own imaginary selves. Pretending to be a member of the Bush Whitehouse===not so good. However, you do post more consistently with your chosen imaginary self than does J.
# 200 bobbo
“I don’t think the poor countries in question have any oil, coal, and gas? If they did, they wouldn’t be poor?”
So what growth exactly would we be stopping if they don’t have any?
“J’s pretending to be a rich Intertel type just causes uncontainable envy in our own imaginary selves. ”
Can I help that you guy are so limited in your imagination? LOL
“However, you do post more consistently with your chosen imaginary self than does J.”
Prove it!!! Show me one inconsistent statement! Just like Mr. Turd You won’t take me up on it because you can’t and you aren’t really sure but you will continue taking cheap shots like you went to the Mike Tyson school of boxing.
Hey! When Mr. turd says the Intertel list isn’t available tell him you’ll get it from your wife. Or better yet why don’t you check for him?
# 202 TheGlobalWarmer
Did you chime in just to hi or do you have another one of your crazy posts about how everyone should drive a Hummer?
J–you know how the hammer sees the world as a nail? You are much too negative.
TGW==thats the second time I’ve seen your tonsils. Please cover your mouth.
>>See I know you are full of shit because if
>>you really thought I was lying you would
>>have taken me up on my offers to prove
>>me wrong.
“J”, I wouldn’t even waste my time. You prove that you’re a lying sack of shit without any intervention on anyone’s part.
>>Just like Mr. Turd You won’t take me up
>>on it because you can’t…
Why are you fixated on me, son?
# 204 bobbo
“J–you know how the hammer sees the world as a nail? You are much too negative.”
Can you blame me??? Past couple of days with you. Now Mr. Turd starting in on me about my credibility. At least you stuck somewhat to the topic and only threw in the digs as a special desert. As far as I am concerned nobody here has ANY credibility. All they have is the logic of their statements and the facts that back up their position. What they say about who they are I could care less. If their position is valid it is valid. If not it’s not. If they want to tell me their perspective great I will evaluate it against their statements.
Sorry if I misinterpreted your post.
>>When Mr. turd says the Intertel list
>>isn’t available
>>Now Mr. Turd starting in on me about
>>my credibility.
Can you blame me? Anyone who ocmes on here spewing the kind of jibber-jabber you do about how rich, smart, well-connected, and successful they are is, by definition, a bullshit artist.
And you, son, are a bullshit artist of the first water.
J==its not about blame. Its about not blowing a gasket.
Lots of incorrect illogical baseless statement can still be enjoyed for whatever else might be there. Mustard for instance often turns a nice phrase.
When he calls you and me “son” he is only demonstrating he is watching cartoons and Foghorn Leghorn just came on with the funniest line ever said on cartoons: “Son, if you keep talking so much, you’re gonna sun burn your tongue.” and of course the little chicken hawk can’t get a word in edgewise.
Relax, enjoy. With some practice, you might like it.
# 205 Mister Mustard
J”, I wouldn’t even waste my time. ”
You are wasting your time posting without evidence. Why not go get some evidence and really make me look bad Colombo! I don’t think there is anyone else that is in Region I of Intertel that lives in Chicago and owns a Visual effects company and also owns lots of commercial real-estate. If their is the list is very small and won’t take you long. Then you can come back and tell everybody I don’t exist.
“You prove that you’re a lying sack of shit without any intervention on anyone’s part.
Ok! Where’s that proof? I made a few comments about myself. Your proof would need to be something that shows that’s incorrect. Prove me wrong or STFU and talk about the article.
# 206 Mister Mustard
“Why are you fixated on me, son?”
I’m not your son, buddy! Really? Take a look at your last ten or so posts. Who is fixated on who?
“And you, son, are a bullshit artist of the first water.”
STFU and prove me wrong!!! You think I am lying prove me wrong. Get the list from bobbos wife or find a comment that I made that is inconsistent. Do something! I want you to prove me wrong! Please do it so we can get back on topic.
>>Do something! I want you to prove me wrong!
You might want to get some counseling for that, son. Your attitude suggests deep-seated “issues”.
I have to say, I’ve never seen such a defensive, insecure, scaredy-cat as you. Do you really think I give a flying fuck if you’re a member of Mensa or Intertel or the 0.00000001% club, or whatever it is that you claim to belong to?
My point is simply that it’s been my experience that folks who come onto an anonymous blog and start posting up a storm about how smart they are, how rich they are, how much of an entrepreneur they are, and how much commercial real estate they own are usually bullshit artists.
And you’re one of the first water.
Whoa, “J”!! You’re right, you ARE rich and famous! Your picture is even posted on line (Google term: BRAINIAC):
“You might want to get some counseling for that, son. Your attitude suggests deep-seated “issues”.”
Are you claiming to be psychiatrist? If not you shouldn’t be giving advice. I think you are full of shit! Anyone who did would know it isn’t possible to diagnoses without personal evaluation.
“I have to say, I’ve never seen such a defensive, insecure, scaredy-cat as you.”
LOL I’ll give you defensive. Insecure maybe. But scaredy-cat I don’t think so. I have nothing to be afraid of. I know you are just a cock sure punk that thinks he can analyze people over the internet because he thinks he knows all. Too bad for you you have hit a wall of truth you can’t talk your way out of. It’s easy pick anyway you want. Go and get some proof. Not your theory of everything and prove me wrong. I will not back down from this and every time you post about it I will respond. I didn’t put up with little assholes like you in grade school and I won’t now. Perhaps that is why you are where you are and you are and you are jealous of me. Either put up or shut up.
“Do you really think I give a flying fuck if you’re a member of Mensa or Intertel or the 0.00000001% club, or whatever it is that you claim to belong to?”
You must because you keep posting about it. BTW I don’t qualify for the 0.00000001% because I hear only the BIGGEST bullshit artists belong to that. Besides what are the odds? Sure aren’t 1 in 100 are they?
“My point is simply that it’s been my experience that folks who come onto an anonymous blog and start posting up a storm about how smart they are, how rich they are, how much of an entrepreneur they are, and how much commercial real estate they own are usually bullshit artists.”
Well! Bully for you! That is just the kind of mind set I would expect from the guy who says Jews are pushy and have big noses.
“And you’re one of the first water.”
Oh you got me. In the Library with the rope Col. Mustard
I am poor, illiterate, wifeless(or will be if I keep at this much longer), I don’t know anyone, and I don’t own anything.
No really my name is LARS and my wife is really a blow up doll.
Are you happy now?
My wife says you have a small penis to match your bank account and that I should stop bothering with little people. She is very defensive of me and very spoiled but I will keep that between you and me.
>>I didn’t put up with little assholes like you
>>in grade school and I won’t now.
You don’t seem to be out of grade school yet, son.
As to your wife’s evaluation of your penis size, the size of my bank account, and the rest of your spittle-flecked invective, good gosh, man! Get some counseling!
And as to Jews being pushy….tee hee!
# 215 TURD
Like I said put up or shut up.
So, I guess Al Gore and An Inconvenient Truth just isn’t that important anymore.