There is no question that Al Gore’s 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth is a powerful example of how scientific knowledge can be communicated to a lay audience. What is up for debate is whether it accurately presents the scientific argument that global warming is caused by human activities. Climate change experts express their opinions on the scientific validity of the film’s claims in articles just published online in Springer’s journal, GeoJournal.

The papers in GeoJournal agree that it does an excellent job of raising public awareness of man-made global warming and explains why increased atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases lead to warming.

They also agree that its main weakness is that it tries to use individual extreme events, such as Hurricane Katrina, to prove the existence of global warming.

In the first opinion piece, Eric Steig from Washington University states that the film gets the fundamental science right. The minor factual errors do not undermine the main message of the film…

There are several articles in the GeoJournal [registration, subscription]. True Believers who reject peer-reviewed science will continue to be upset.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    Boboli: Grow your own mustard plants.

  2. bobbo says:

    #158==Excellent. I probably didn’t think of that because I stopped my plant growing hobby when I moved to a location in the deep shade. But there is an empty field down the road I think I could use.

    Guerilla condiments.

    Thank you.

  3. J says:

    # 153 Mister Mustard

    “Oh man. You are just pitiful. I actually feel sorry for you, “J”.”

    Much appreciated.

    # 154 Mister Mustard

    “You’re crashing and burning, “J”.

    Your right I should have told the joke this way.

    “The paper trail (e trail?) would exist to show your innocence, but maybe so.” – bobbo

    “Well yeah, not unless Mr. Mustard was over using my computer” – J

    # 155 bobbo

    “Now Mustard==back off on the hot sauce.”

    Thanks bobbo but don’t worry about me I can take it. I like swatting at flies.

    # 156 Mister Mustard

    “Aw, come on, Mr. Bobbolina. Do you imagine that because someone says he’s a “rich guy” on the internet, that means he’s a rich guy irl? He could be a Bowery bum, logging in from the public library.”

    You are absolutely right. I could be Jesus for all you know. Like I said take it or leave it.

    “It’s been my experience that the harder folks pimp themselves in a non-verifiable situation (like posting on DU), the bigger the loser they usually are.”

    Are you admitting to something?

  4. J says:

    # 158 Mister Mustard

    “Boboli: Grow your own mustard plants.”

    I hope you are not transporting them across state line into California. That would be a felony.

  5. J says:

    # 156 Mister Mustard

    “It’s been my experience that the harder folks pimp themselves in a non-verifiable situation (like posting on DU), the bigger the loser they usually are.””

    LOL I just brought this converstion up to someone else here and they said tell him you “ARE NOT A PIMP”. “YOU ARE A WHORE”. LOL Such charmers!

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Like I said take it or leave it.

    Thanks, will do.

    >>Are you admitting to something?

    To what? Have I touted my riches here? Have I bloviated on my entrepreneurial skills? The rich and famous folks I know? My wife’s wealth? My Hollywood connections?

    Jeez. Give it a rest, son. You’re turning into even more of a buffoon, if that’s possible.

  7. J says:

    # 163 Mister Mustard

    “To what?”

    I was reffering to you being a loser. LOL DOLT!

    “I touted my riches here? ”

    No because you don’t have any.

    “The rich and famous folks I know?”

    No because you probably don’t know any.

    “My wife’s wealth? ”

    No because she probably dosn’t have any.

    “My Hollywood connections?”

    That’s really is the same thing as famous folks.

    “Jeez. Give it a rest, son.”

    I’m not your son. Pal!

  8. I assume there’s no possibility of actually trying to get back on topic here, right?

  9. bobbo says:

    #164–J==you left Mustards last sentence unreviewed. That hesitancy might be telling you something, from your own values viewpoint—or not.

    There is an expression “It takes two fools to have an argument.” ===Alex, I’ll take “Things I wish were True” for $100.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    No, Scottie, there’s no chance. Once “J” jumps into the fray, the topic is pretty much history. After all, what’s more important than his wealth, his influential friends, his Hollywood cred, his entrepreneurship, and like that?

  11. bobbo says:

    #165–Scott==that would be YOU responding to my excellent post at #130.

    I need to watch the “Sham” video response to the Global Warming is a Myth video one more time. Can’t blog and pay close attention at the same time, but it looks like Durkins main chart cuts off at 1990 calling that “today” and missing the huge uptick in global warming. That looks clear to me. There is an extended panel discussion on the effects of co2 that needs closer attention.

    I’m not interested in Al Gore v Nobel, but the accuracy of his slide show is very important because his main chart was incorrect as well.

    Not good scientific work, even if we agree with the sentitment.

  12. J says:

    # 165 Misanthropic Scott

    “I assume there’s no possibility of actually trying to get back on topic here, right?”

    Not as long as Mister turd continues his ad hominem attacks on me.

    # 166 bobbo

    “That hesitancy might be telling you something, from your own values viewpoint—or not.”

    No I just couldn’t think of a clever come back with out resorting to being a tremendous dick. Sorry.

    ““It takes two fools to have an argument.””

    LOL Self reflection? lol Just kidding. 🙂

    “Alex, I’ll take “Things I wish were True” for $100.”

    What is Mister Mustard has credibility.

    See it doesn’t work when you try to force it. 🙂

    Mister Mustard

    Since you seem so bound and determined to defame me. I challenge you. Find any post I have ever made that would stand in contradiction to any claims I have made about myself.

    I am not worried because there aren’t any. You just wasn’t to make ad hominem attacks without basis in an attempt to diminish anything I say. YOU ARE A FOOL!!! The things I post on are things that I have knowledge of or comedic view on. Unlike you who clearly has a self esteem issue.

    I have all the time in the world for your nonsense. I can post day and night from any location I am at if you want. Give it up! Your harp is out of tune and as we all know it takes a long time to tune a harp.

  13. J says:

    # 167 Mister Mustard

    GIVE IT UP ASSHOLE!!!! You sound like a jealous woman!! Do you stalk women when they break up with you? I bet you do!!!!!

    Everything I posted about myself was well within context of posts from others!!!!

    How about you get back on topic and post a retort to my posts to pat. Otherwise STFU

  14. bobbo says:

    #169–J== you say “No I just couldn’t think of a clever come back with out resorting to being a tremendous dick. Sorry.”===well, THAT’S it and your response was appropriate. Just expand it==or reduce it. Hard to say anything about size when dicks are involved.

    You have posted with some in depth global warming info. How did you come to that area of interest?==as in, the main thread should always be kept in sight–somewhere==off on the horizon?

  15. J says:

    # 171 bobbo

    “well, THAT’S it and your response was appropriate. Just expand it==or reduce it. Hard to say anything about size when dicks are involved.”

    I don’t know what to make of that.

    “You have posted with some in depth global warming info. How did you come to that area of interest?”

    My dad. I won’t expound on that as to not stir up Mister Turd.

    Oh and my interest in not fucking up the planet. I am one of those that uses a lot of electricity. I feel I need to do something to counter that.

    “off on the horizon?”

    Out beyond the neon lights? 🙂 Name the song and movie it was from. And NO Mister turd I did not work on that movie.

  16. bobbo says:

    #172–“out beyond the neon lights” pretty common phrase refering to any big city? Memory is weird, I can hum a song that “sounds like” the Eagles and another one that sounds like “New Riders of the Purple Sage.” mabye another one by Joe Walsh. Probably more?

  17. J says:

    # 171 bobbo

    I went back to find that link to that video I couldn’t find it. What post was that in?

  18. J says:

    # 173 bobbo

    You got it! “Joe Walsh.” for the movie The Warriors.

    Your part was a little different but I made me think of it.

    From In the City by Joe Walsh for the Movie the Warriors

    “Somewhere out on that horizen. Out beyond the neon light.”

  19. bobbo says:

    “Its hard to leave
    When you can’t find the door.”

    “My Masseratti does 165, I lost my license, now I can’t drive.”

    Makes me laugh.

    No website for: PROOF THAT ‘THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE’ WAS A SCAM.avi–I must found it on uTorrent.

    I’d love to through a party and watch all three films with some knowledgable people, but I’d just get drunk.

  20. J says:

    # 176 bobbo

    I have listened to a lot of his interviews. He was a regular on The Loop(AM talk radio) here in Chicago back in the 90’s. I can’t remember who he was friends with at the station. He always sounded like he was completely out of his mind and high. Nothing he doesn’t admit to.

    “No website for: PROOF THAT ‘THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE’ WAS A SCAM.avi–I must found it on uTorrent.”

    Oh it is copy written material? No go man. Can’t go that route and I am not sure I want to fund their “research” and I use that in the loosest sense of the word with my purchase.

    “I’d love to through a party and watch all three films with some knowledgable people”, but I’d just get drunk.”

    You mean

    Natural Born Killers, The Joy Luck Club, LOL 🙂 and The Warriors. That could really mix a person up. LOL I have found that movies from the 70’s don’t seem to hold up very well when given a second watch in the 21st century. With a few exceptions.

  21. bobbo says:

    #177–J==very high standards, understandable in a creative artist, but it is a BBC production and I thought they recently made all their stuff publicly available as the brits had already paid for it?

    Well, when you violate copyright to watch “Swindle”–just look for the dates on the chart. There are quite a few versions of “Swindle” out there, so presentations may differ.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Find any post I have ever made that would
    >>stand in contradiction to any claims I
    >>have made about myself.

    Can’t do it, “J”. I admit. Every post you’ve ever made about yourself poses you as rich, beautiful, thin, and posessed of a brain bigger than any human should ever hope for.

    The only problem is, it’s all bullshit.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Not as long as Mister turd continues
    >>his ad hominem attacks on me.

    “Mister turd”? Hey Pot, Kettle calling.

    Give it up, dude.

  24. J says:

    # 178 bobbo

    “very high standards, understandable in a creative artist”

    Yeah I wish that were the case. I watch TMZ. So my standards aren’t that high. LOL I just don’t want the hassle. Besides if you can afford it why take it. That is a sign of mental illness. Like Winona Ryder.

    “Well, when you violate copyright to watch “Swindle”–just look for the dates on the chart.”

    LOL. Just….. LOL. Your like a drug dealer LOL I don’t want any man!!!!!

    “There are quite a few versions of “Swindle” out there, so presentations may differ.”

    Quite a few? If you said 2 I might be “Uh ok” but Quite few. That should tell you something about the credibility of the piece.

    I think I have read about it I just don’t remeber what was said.

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    >>You just wasn’t to make ad hominem attacks
    >>without basis in an attempt to diminish
    >>anything I say. YOU ARE A FOOL!!! The things
    >>I post on are things that I have knowledge
    >>of or comedic view on. Unlike you who
    >>clearly has a self esteem issue.

    Hoo boy. Give it up, son. You’re losing air as you post.

  26. J says:

    # 179 Mister Mustard

    “Can’t do it, “J”. I admit.”

    Yeah I knew that. That is why I didn’t have a problem making the challenge. Only a liar has to worry about being caught in a lie.

    “Every post you’ve ever made about yourself poses you as rich, beautiful, thin,”

    Now that is just simply not true. I never said I was beautiful or thin. Actually I consider myself to be average looks and average weight but then again I am bias.

    “and possessed of a brain bigger than any human should ever hope for.”

    I don’t think brain size has much to do with intelligence and I don’t recall saying my brain was bigger than anyone’s. Although, I do have a huge skull. But from what I remember you are a racists and would say that’s because a I am a Jew! Despite the fact that I have a small nose.

    I tell you what smart guy!

    Why don’t you look up Region I of Intertel and get the list of names. It isn’t that big! Do a little homework and research the names on the list. Look for one in Chicago or Highland Park. I forget which is listed. My bio is on the internet and you can read all about me. Oh and my name doesn’t begin with “J”. “J” is a joke from the movie Men in Black. You Fucking Dolt!

    If you show up at my door or stalk me you will be arrested and prosecuted.

    “The only problem is, it’s all bullshit”

    Your right Mister Tard. I am a poor guy with a 30 Mb business connection that has no time to chat on the internet because I am too busy standing out on the corner begging for money.

    Does that make you happy? Will you STFU now????

    # 182 Mister Mustard

    “Hoo boy. Give it up, son. You’re losing air as you post.”

    I’m not you son Buddy!

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I am a poor guy with a 30 Mb business
    >>connection that has no time to chat
    >>on the internet.

    Yeah, I can tell, son. You certainly spend no time here. Titter, titter.

  28. J says:

    # 184 Mister Mustard

    “Yeah, I can tell, son.”

    I said I’m not your so Pal! God. Get a clue.

    “You certainly spend no time here. Titter, titter.”

    Thank you for making my point.

  29. J says:


    I went over to my buds at Real Climate. To see what they said about “The Great Global Warming Swindle”. I think I will pass on that one unless someone forces me to watch it or it just happens to be on tv when I am flipping.

    Oh let me clarify my use of “buds”. I am in no way implying that I know or associate with these people but simply saying that I enjoy their work. You ok with that Mr. Tard?

  30. bobbo says:

    #186–J==I’m glad you clarified that. What with your close association with Oliver STONED, and Joe Walsh, I might have thought those were maurijuana buds and this whole thread was a pipe dream.

    Somewhat related to this off topic thread is a demonstration of how refined people like to get: (a survey of high intelligence groups)


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