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Thanks, K B

  1. camberry says:

    Haha… when I lived in Florida I had peacocks next door. Trust me they are incredibly loud and obnoxious. It’s funny, but I feel for those folks.

  2. moss says:

    What? No hungry homeless with hunting skills in Florida?

    Roast with a little garlic, rice and veggies on the side. Yum!

  3. bobbo says:

    We had a family of beautiful wild turkeys around here–the males sporting the most iridescent purple I have seen (other than with Peacocks?). Used to come out around 3PM every day and walk down the street. You could walk to within 50 feet of them and then they would back off or even fly away. Beautiful–especially the 2-3 times a year a gaggle of ducks would fly by at 20 feet off the ground. Heard some gun shots last week, haven’t seen the turkeys since.

    Fucking Hunters.

  4. The Pirate says:

    Yay! bobbo accidentally got one right. Fucking hunters will solve the problem.

  5. Li says:

    Peacocks are tasty. It’s not a problem, it’s a new food source!

  6. Mr. Catshit says:

    Wild Turkeys are tasty too. Plus they make great leftovers.

  7. Mister Feline Feces says:

    Could be a Peacunt.

  8. Sling Shot says:

    Getting rid of these noise makers is easy with a sling shot. But it takes a concerted effort on every neighbor. We are stuck with neighbors that feed them.

    I’d love to post the photo of the with 6 on my neighbors deck. Guano is all over the roof, deck and walls of the house.

    These lovely birds squawk through the night especially when it is hot. When a cat or crow gets one of their little ones they cry all night.

    At least there are ordinances for barking dogs.


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