
Make no mistake, we’ve seen some fairly boneheaded moves (even someone rocking this very same gaffe!) made by technologically-illiterate bank robbers, but the latest case involves a fellow who was quite the opposite of that. Yes, the 20 to 25 year male who decided to hold up an Alabama bank the day before his taxes were due actually did the deed without hanging up his cellphone. And there’s surveillance footage to prove it. Quite honestly, we can’t imagine what the conversation here would’ve been like, but at least he made the most of whatever minutes he had remaining as a free man, right?

I think this is an organized gang.

  1. zorkor says:

    what next? typing emails on blackberry while robbing a bank? God !

  2. Personality says:

    So all the cops have to do is find the records from the nearest Cell tower and use process of elimination. But, will they really try that hard?

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    This is totally off target, but damnit… I remember a day when if a man was gonna rob a bank, he’d have the courtesy to put on a nice suit and a tie.

    These days, every punk ass gansta wanna-be thinks they can rob a bank. There used to be standards.

  4. the answer says:

    lol @ #3

  5. hhopper says:

    His family was probably held hostage and he was following the kidnapper’s instructions on the cell phone… or not.

  6. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    D’no wassup you?
    Sittin coolin in de crib.
    where’s doogie?
    Hey doogie!

  7. pjakobs says:

    #5, hhopper: nonsense, his wife was yapping at him, telling him what he should bring from his “shopping deal”. I bet he has upped the amount of money at least once in the process.

    “Hey mate, give me 100000$ in unmarked notes! I’ve got a gun and I’m gonna use it! mhmmm darling, yes, of course YOU WANT FUcKING WHAT???? Hey mate, make that 250000! and quick! I’ve got things to do!”


  8. me says:

    I love the type Endgadget instead of Engadget.

    Hoped it was a new Luddite website.

  9. Phillep says:

    Heh. Smart tactic. He does not need to have been talking to anyone, just pretending.

    Who is going to pay attention to just another ill mannered ass yapping on a cell phone?

    It’s a variation on having a big (fake) mole on the nose, or that gal who was robbing banks while wearing a see through blouse and no bra. (She chose male tellers, and they gave excellent descriptions of her tits. “Hair color? She had hair?”)

  10. Bell Star says:

    Hello, this is Bell Star bank heist help line,
    how may I help you?

    I’m in a bank and not sure what to do…

    mask? yep
    gun? yo
    note? oh, I forget…

  11. Tsk Tsk says:

    Should have known it was a knee grow.


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