The New York Sun reports that Aliza Shvarts’ artificial insemination and miscarriage art project is just “creative fiction.” Yale University released a statement this afternoon.
***2nd UPDATE***
Shvarts stood by her project, calling the University’s statement “ultimately inaccurate.” Shvarts reiterated Thursday that she repeatedly use a needleless syringe to insert semen into herself. At the end of her menstrual cycle, she took abortifacient herbs to induce bleeding, she said. She said she does not know whether or not she was ever pregnant.
Yale Daily News
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The goal in creating the art exhibition, Shvarts said, was to spark conversation and debate on the relationship between art and the human body. But her project has already provoked more than just debate, inciting, for instance, outcry at a forum for fellow senior art majors held last week. And when told about Shvarts’ project, students on both ends of the abortion debate have expressed shock — saying the project does everything from violate moral code to trivialize abortion.
But Shvarts insists her concept was not designed for “shock value.”
“I hope it inspires some sort of discourse,” Shvarts said. “Sure, some people will be upset with the message and will not agree with it, but it’s not the intention of the piece to scandalize anyone.” The “fabricators,” or donors, of the sperm were not paid for their services, but Shvarts required them to periodically take tests for sexually transmitted diseases. She said she was not concerned about any medical effects the forced miscarriages may have had on her body. The abortifacient drugs she took were legal and herbal, she said, and she did not feel the need to consult a doctor about her repeated miscarriages. The display of Schvarts’ project will feature a large cube suspended from the ceiling of a room in the gallery of Green Hall. Schvarts will wrap hundreds of feet of plastic sheeting around this cube; lined between layers of the sheeting will be the blood from Schvarts’ self-induced miscarriages mixed with Vaseline in order to prevent the blood from drying and to extend the blood throughout the plastic sheeting.
Schvarts will then project recorded videos onto the four sides of the cube. These videos, captured on a VHS camcorder, will show her experiencing miscarriages in her bathrooom tub, she said. Similar videos will be projected onto the walls of the room.
Her parents must be beaming with pride.
Makes using stem cells to study disease cures look pretty good. Little stunt could get abortion outlawed again though. I did the same thing a few years ago with my sperm. Nobody cared.
Is her dorm a rubber room?
No matter which side of the Abortion ‘Issue’ one falls into, this is just pure filth.
I guess this is just a last ditch, desperate attempt for Aliza Shvartz to get laid, as god forbid, I can’t imagine anyone actually wanting to sleep with her!
Its only a pity her mother didn’t decide to abort her!
You need to do better research. This is a fraud.
“Ms. Shvarts is engaged in performance art,” a Yale spokeswoman, Helaine Klasky, said. “She stated to three senior Yale University officials today, including two deans, that she did not impregnate herself and that she did not induce any miscarriages. The entire project is an art piece, a creative fiction designed to draw attention to the ambiguity surrounding form and function of a woman’s body.”
Ms. Klasky went on to suggest that Yale would not have permitted a project of the sort described in the student newspaper. “Had these acts been real, they would have violated basic ethical standards and raised serious mental and physical health concerns.”
This is probably a prank. In which case, it is an absolutely brilliant piece of art.
Even if it’s real, these aren’t “abortions” as much as they are “miscarriages.” My understanding is that natural abortifacients tend only to work very, very early in a pregnancy.
It’s not much of a stretch to say that a woman who voluntarily starves herself into miscarriage is doing the same thing. Abortion? It seems to be a slightly different act, to me.
That’s a cunning stunt
No, that’s a stupid cunt. It’s a vagina, not a clown car.
Attention whore.
Filth or not. Moral or not.
I’m pretty sure it’s unhealthy to do that to your body.
Oh, I just noticed the update… it never happened. Well, I feel less worried for her body. I’m still concerned for her mental health.
#10–Greg==why would it be unhealthy? Unfertilized eggs are flushed every month, not “too much” difference to flush fertilized eggs before they implant? or even after they implant in the first few days of pregnancy.
Course, I’ve never been a woman.
#7, rimshot/high-hat:-)))
BTW: How do you pronounce Sh varts?
#14 – pronounced just the way it’s spelled. In Yiddish, among other things, it means black – or Black servant, especially among bigots.
I don’t get it. Before it was revealed as “performance art” I thought it was sick and sad, violated basic human morality, and I had questions about her mental state.
Now, I think it is sick and sad, and I have questions about her mental state. Nevermind that the perforance art of voluntary miscarrages probably hits a large number of women who have had involuntary miscarrages in much the same way as performance art of rape would affect rape victims.
very cool
this will cause the religious wackos to run amok – now that will be amusing to watch
#17 – looks like it caused several secularists wackos in this blog fell for it and “run amok”. You are right – it was amusing to watch them.
[Dont be so sure, she is saying its true now- ed]
As reality, this is horrific, but as a hoax this is an absolutely brilliant reality hack.
#15 – while we’re on the subject of names, Schiavo (as in Terry Schiavo) literally means “slave” in italian.
Ha ha, fooled a whole lot of people. I guess she made her point.
She’s somewhat disputing Yale’s version
Physically ugly, attention whore; how did she get into Yale? Let me guess, daddy went there? It’s unfortunate mommy didn’t shove a coat up her hole to abort this bitch.
wtf is going on in this picture:
I was gonna say I’d Still Do Her but man….
this pic
“You people are such hicks.”
“Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travail.”
Theorore Dreiser
“First and foremost, we consider ourselves artists.”
More proof of liberal bias in the media: why is there no mention of Martin Luther King’s niece attacking Planned Parenthood? You know if she were attacking the Republicans, it would be all over the airwaves, just like RFK’s attacks.
Stupid tart must think that getting pregnant is that easy. A syringe full of semen, where’d she get that, how was it ‘handled’? Trained professionals in clinical conditions have a hard time doing this, I seriously doubt she ever ‘took’.
On the other hand, isn’t this sort of like an IUD. I mean an IUD doesn’t keep you from conceiving it just keeps you from getting pregnant.
Apparently she just took it up the ass, the only way she was ever going to have butt secks. She is still a skank and it looks bad for all of Yale to allow this nutcase to continue there.
>> bobbo said, on April 17th, 2008 at 7:24 pm
>> #10–Greg==why would it be unhealthy? Unfertilized eggs are flushed every month, not “too much” difference to flush fertilized eggs before they implant? or even after they implant in the first few days of pregnancy.
I don’t claim to be an expert but I’ve heard many time that repeated abortions has health risks.
Of course, these were extremely early-term but it’s hard to imagine that repeated doses of “abortifacient drugs” could be good for her.
By the way, I’m not some sort of pro-lifer with a back-door argument against abortion. Nor am I a pro-choicer who turns a blind eye to down sides of abortion.
Her parents must be proud. “Our daughter goes to Yale!”