Flu viruses evolve freshly somewhere in east or southeast Asia every year, spreading around the world over the next nine months before dying out.

Genetic analysis by two teams of international researchers show that there are just a few initial sources of annual, seasonal influenza epidemics. The viruses spread around the world from these before dying.

Then every year, new strains emerge to infect people, according to the studies published in the journals Nature and Science…

“We find that viruses come out of east and southeast Asia as a region each year and it is not any one particular country that is the continual source of influenza viruses. So it is not as simple as saying out of China, because out of China is not the whole story,” Russell said…

“Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur are only 700 miles apart but they have their flu epidemics at completely different times of year.” This means flu epidemics can be occurring almost year-round in Asia, he said.

Then the viruses die out every year in the Americas, Europe, Australia and the rest of Oceania, making these areas “evolutionary graveyards,” Russell said.

Of course, we still have Know-Nothings who think you can get influenza from the vaccine.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    That’s a good question about India. If the stuff I’m doing in China works out, I’ll be going into India soon after.

    I think I will NOT bathe in the Ganges.

    Macau does look a lot like Hong Kong. Both were colonial port cities, Hong Kong = British and Macau = Portuguese. The British did a lot with Hong Kong while the Portuguese did little with Macau. Nevertheless, they were both gateways out of China, so people flocked there to get away.

    Most never got further than the waters edge.

  2. bobbo says:

    #31–Ah Yea==I was in Karachi for 2 days. Pretty well disgusting, constant stench of charcoal and manure. Nothing to eat but rice and half cooked greasy chicken. I assume things have improved?

    Wanted to take a bus ride from Bangkok to Darjeeling but after 3 days could not get a visa. Its still the only “large area” of temperate climate I have not spent some time in.

    I envy you.


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