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Today’s Guests:

  • Sebastian Rupley, Co-Crank,
  • John Davison, President,
  • David Spark, Tech Journalist

The Topics:

  • Blockbuster to Buy Circuit City
  • Non-Scientist Claims Cancer Cure
  • Researchers: Windows is Collapsing Under Weight of its Code
  • Government Satellites to Spy On Us
  • Linux Subnotebooks: They’re a Hit
  • Today, we are announcing that we will no longer support the standard MPEG-4 format

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  1. Alexander Z says:

    long time fan, first time poster…

    I think a clear argument can be made for the benefit of OLPC’s and laptops in the US market, which is clearly ignored due to the biased perspective of those involved in the tech industry. Those involved in the tech industry (i.e. journalist, developers, and fanboys) are privileged consumers that don’t understand the difficulty in purchasing a computer. A high end computer can range easily from 1,000 to 3,000 dollars, and for middle or low income families, this is simple a commodity that wont be purchased. I refer to a computer as a commodity because a computer can be used for a plentiful reasons besides social networking. A computer for a low or middle income family can be used as a direct source for information (i.e. dictionaries, encyclopedia’s, or academic stimulation).

    With that said, if these computers are marketed to low to middle class Americans who believe in the sanctity and importance of education for their children, then I believe that the cause and benefits to creating these computers would outweigh the lacking in specs or design.

    I hope my opinion is respected as much as I respect John C. Dvorak’s.

    Alexander Z (

    PS: My own bias lies in my interest in researching the socializing and cognitive effects the internet has on developing adolescents.

  2. Viagra Vinnie says:

    Nixon’s war on cancer was a failure. Cancer meds are still in the dark ages. Here is a guy that dared to dream and has come up with something that is simple yet advanced to the point that just might be a better way to treat cancer. And it’s not like he’s hawking this on TV claiming it is a cure. He has handed over his machine to trained doctors to test it. Let’s hope it works…

    And by the way, the medical community has been wrong. Look at their take on HIV/AIDS. The drugs they have made have killed more than the disease itself. Where is the outrage there?

  3. J says:

    Is it me or is John starting to look more and more like a founding father? 🙂

  4. Gasparrini says:

    Warning, completely useless post!

    The picture makes it look as if there’s something between John Spark and David Johnson, with Sebastian Rupley standing between them, while John looks on them from the distance. Do we have here the makings of a cheesy romance novel? 😉

  5. Improbus says:


    He does look a bit like Ben Franklin. We all know what a horndog that guy was.

  6. J says:

    # 5 Improbus

    “He does look a bit like Ben Franklin. ”

    That is exatly who I was thinking of. LOL

  7. tdkyo says:

    Why is John all the way at the back in the picture. He should be in front and center or Sebastian will take over the show!


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