• MacClone back in action II. Questions arise.
  • Women more likely than men to surrender a password for chocolate.
  • Broadband up 300-percent in USA. SF Bay Areas leads the way.
  • Tech stocks up.
  • Comcast looking for P2P apps and proposing a P2P Bill of Rights. Wha??
  • Does Seagate hold the patents to the flash hard drive? Maybe!
  • E-Paper back in the news. Har.
  • Wii Fit selling like crazy.
  • New ASUS eee-PC.
  • Pro-Tibet rootkit out and about.
  • Twitter user saved from Eqyption Police by using Twitter. Wow.

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  1. FRAGaLOT says:

    Hey John you ended the show saying “I’ll be back tomorrow with another CrankyGeeks.” you didn’t say “Tech5.” Doh!

  2. Ron Larson says:


    Spelled “Egyptian”

  3. jim h says:

    I haven’t seen this C-Geeks show yet, but I recently bought an ASUS EEE.

    They’re cheaper, smaller and lighter than laptops, the battery lasts longer, and if all you use a laptop for is email and web…


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