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I visited the Ad-Tech show in San Francisco to see what the fuss was about. There was a used car salesman atmosphere permeating the place that’s for sure. To give you a feel for the atmosphere I took one of my random walks with a small cam in hand.
Needs more booth babes.
You are as bad as my wife with the TV remote, zips past everything!
I’m shocked by your apparent anonymity there. You would think SOMEONE would have recognized you. I guess it had something to do with speed at which you were traveling, you were just a blur to them.:-)
During the opening portion of the video there is a huge number of chairs filling up a lot of the exhibit space. That is a trick the exhibit houses do to make the show appear to be larger than it really is. They can claim the show had x amount of square feet, but the seating area is non-revenue generating space the fluffs up the numbers.
God I hate Flash video.
Walk Aound ??????
John must be sleepy.
He miss spoke “Crankygeeks” at the end of his Tech5 podcast, and now he typoed here. Rest well my friend, drink some warm milk. 🙂
towards the end, was there a man in a star trek uniform at the left hand side of the screen?
nevermind… guy in red shirt… which means in star trek terms, he died soon after he left the frame. LOL!
Fixed the typo. And I can assure you that there was not a single person at that entire event who knew me from Adam. In fact I doubt they would know Steve Jobs or Bill Gates for that matter. It was like pod people coming to Earth trying to score cheap money. I’ve seen this phenomenon a few times in the business. It was weird.
Hey John, I had the same problem with my broadband speed… complained… new modem… yada yada yada etc. Tech support suggested look for router firmware update… they were right! (I know!!!) Linksys had a new firmware update and I went from 4mb to 20mb instantly (virgin cable UK).
btw. Your a grumpy git 🙂 and I never miss your shows (podcast for M25 traffic round Heatrhrow airport)… except for the ‘no agenda one’ just don’t have time.
Wasn’t that Joe Izuzu I saw about half way through?
Not even the Fox Network guys recognized you…don’t they watch Cavuto??
I woulda tripped you in the aisle for sure…that’s what friends are for! BTW, this clip coulda used little theme music…I suggest “Waterloo” by your fav band!
Wow that was as boring as any home show.
Why even bother going to these things John?