The one big hole in Apple’s lineup is a monitorless box between the closed box Mini and the ultra-expensive Pro that allows you to select/change the video board and hard drive. You know, like a PC.


The highly extensible OpenMac is a configuration of PC hardware capable of running unmodified OS X Leopard kernels. If you purchase Leopard with your OpenMac we will not only include the actual Leopard retail package with genuine installation disc, but we also include a Psystar restore disc for your OpenMac and we will preinstall Leopard for free so you can begin to use your computer right out of the box.

  1. the answer says:

    Question is if the company payed for the royalties to say (it’ll run leopard) let alone give out a copy of leopard with the computer. Every other PC out there that runs windows has to pay a sum to Microsoft. Did these guys? Or are they the typical Chinese bootlegger?

  2. Anon says:

    Link appears to be dead. At least from my computer.

    [Says site down for maintenance. Try again later –.ed]

  3. andy says:

    i’m amazed this thing trickled all the way to DU without getting on apple’s radar – unless that explains the site being down now.

  4. JPV says:

    Good, maybe this will open the floodgates for Microsoft to sue Apple over Boot Camp.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Well, it’s been at least 8 hours and the site is still down, so..

    Looks like Apple already got to them!

  6. joaoPT says:

    Frackin’ hilarious… these guys don’t get it:

    1 Steve will hit them like a ton of bricks.
    2 People want Macs, not only because OSX but because of the hardware’s/case/Logo design.
    3 Can be cheap Macs, but still overpriced under equipped PCs. Worst of both worlds.

  7. Dan Wally says:

    It was slow to come up—but it’s up. Not sure you can buy one though…

  8. ZARk says:

    Well they could get problems from Apple basically because you can install an UNPATCHED Leopard.

    since OS X needs to be patched to install on a pc because it checks for an onboard chip.
    This means they’ve been able to duplicate that chip and fool OS X in thinking it’s installing on a mac.

    So thats copyright infringement right there.


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