1. Sea Lawyer says:

    I thought the term “Global Warming” had been replaced by the less specific “Climate Change.”

  2. jmsiowa says:

    What’s with linking to videos that get yanked by You Tube?

  3. MikeN says:

    Now it’s climate crisis.

  4. Stevo says:

    “Giant Lake?” A bit exaggerated, I think. Look up “channeled scablands” and “glacial Lake Missoula” if you really want to see some lake draining action.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #2: What are you talking about. It’s still there.

  6. jmsiowa says:

    Well before it said video no longer available. Now it just won’t load. I guess all the kids on campus right now are downloading to much porn for the servers to handle my requests.

  7. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Global Warming is good, thereby the results are also good.

  8. Peter iNova says:

    This sort of glacier-caused lake, then glacier melts thus draining lake thing has been apparently going on for billions of years. Things like this have happened numerous times PRIOR to the global warming panacea for all environmental changes.

    The lake in question filled back up after the glacier moved again.

  9. Shubee says:

    If tunnels are forming under massive glacial lakes, draining them of all their water, then why can’t heat be escaping from the interior of the earth through similar channels and thus be one source for global warming and a mechanism for the melting of massive glaciers?

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>This sort of glacier-caused lake, then
    >>glacier melts thus draining lake thing
    >>has been apparently going on for
    >>billions of years.

    Maybe “apparent” to you, but not to most folks. How about a link?

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    #6: Still works fine for me.

  12. roemun says:

    It’s Bush’s fault.

  13. Mr. Catshit says:

    Nothing new here. As #8, Peter put it, this has been happening over the ages again and again.

  14. FRAGaLOT says:

    12 hours? It’s that the same cycle for the tides?

  15. How about that upbeat music for this piece on a catastrophe?

  16. Phillep says:

    Mustard, Hubbard Glacier in Alaska does this all the time. Glaciers moving down slope are a sign of global warming, as are glaciers moving up slope, as are glaciers not moving…

    I haven’t heard anything about how much the planet is supposed to have warmed up since 98. Anyone know?

  17. eddie says:

    Mr. Hill I find myself strangely agreeing with you, and George Bush has the answer. It’s the end of the world as we know it.

  18. Phillep says:

    So, you guys going to do the world a favor?

  19. Glenn E. says:

    Is this anything like that other lake, Lake Chad I think it was called? That was only a foot or so deep, and dries up all the time? One of those “lakes”? And was one that some GW scaremongers also claimed a catastrophe.

    I’m still wanting to hear that Skii resorts are closing down due to lack of adequate snowfall (and not just the high price of fuel). So far, that hasn’t happened. But it wouldn’t prove anything if it did. Because climate isn’t predictable! Weather trends are the dreams of humans. Nature doesn’t operate by man’s rules.

  20. I’m with Mustard on this. Anyone claiming this happens all the time, please post a link.

    I think this is still more evidence that global warming/climate change is very real. We literally see it all around us, if we’re willing to open our eyes.

    Is any one event like this proof? Probably not. But, look around at all of the permafrost melting, the shrinking arctic sea ice, ice shelves collapsing in Antarctica. Shrinking high mountain glaciers all around the world.

    #1 – Sea Lawyer,

    It makes little difference whether people say global warming or climate change. The earth overall is warming. Climate change is technically a better term because despite the overall temperature increase, parts of the world will become cooler, especially for the short term of probably a few hundred years.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    Scottie, I’m glad to see that you’re with me on this one! I investigated the Hubbard Glacier (as suggested by Phillep), and was unable to find any evidence that it “does this all the time”.

    Perhaps he should post a link, or STFU.

    Are you with me, Phillep?


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