She had no desire to be just another smiling face in Italian politics. So when porn star Milly D’Abbraccio designed her campaign posters, it was obvious she was going to show off her bottom.

Targeting her male fan base, the veteran of Italy’s adult entertainment industry has plastered images of her derriere all around the Eternal City in a bid to win a seat in Rome’s city hall.

Click photo for poster – NSFW

If elected, D’Abbraccio wants to create a red light area with strip clubs, erotic discos and sex shops called “Love City” just kilometers away from the Vatican…

D’Abbraccio hopes to capitalize on increasing disenchantment with Italian politics. The recession-prone nation votes on Sunday and Monday in elections to pick a prime minister as well as lawmakers, mayors and city councilors.

“People don’t want to see these politicians’ faces anymore,” she told Reuters in an interview from her Rome apartment.

In the privacy of the voting booth, will the Family Values moralists end up voting for her?

  1. bobbo says:

    Well, you left out the best quote in the article: “”It would be something cute, clean — nothing to do with prostitution,”

    What is it about politics that turns a porn star running on creating a “love district” into a lying whore?

  2. TheCommodore says:

    well, the bottom is nice, but the face, well, is ‘she’ the correct pronoun? Ah well, it IS Italy – the government changes about as often as the average guy’s underwear. They won’t have to look at her face for long, either.

  3. The Warden says:

    I am sure she is running ads that goes as follows…

    “It’s 3am and you have a woody. Who are you going to trust to take care of it? Rely on Milly D’Abbraccio to answer your call.”

  4. Chris says:

    Let us pray to God that Hillary doesn’t get any bright ideas from this……….

  5. joaoPT says:

    Italians get Election Erections

  6. QB says:

    #4 You win! Funniest thing I’ve read in weeks.

  7. the answer says:

    just goes to show that politics is a popularity contest. nothing more. anywhere

  8. lperdue says:

    Of course, D’Abbraccio’s penetration of the barriers erected by the male-dominated Italian political system was lubricated by the previous success of Ilona Staller, “La Ciccolina” when she mounted the podium as the first porn star elected to parliament. To keep abreast of this development, see:


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