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On March 26, Richard Falk, Milbank professor of international law emeritus at Princeton University, was named by unanimous vote to a newly created position to report on human rights in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. While Mr. Falk’s specialty is human rights and international law, since the attacks in 2001, he has devoted some of his time to challenging what he calls the “9-11 official version.” On March 24 in an interview with a radio host and former University of Wisconsin instructor, Kevin Barrett, Mr. Falk said, “It is possibly true that especially the neoconservatives thought there was a situation in the country and in the world where something had to happen to wake up the American people. Whether they are innocent about the contention that they made that something happen or not, I don’t think we can answer definitively at this point. All we can say is there is a lot of grounds for suspicion, there should be an official investigation of the sort the 9/11 commission did not engage in and that the failure to do these things is cheating the American people and in some sense the people of the world of a greater confidence in what really happened than they presently possess.” Mr. Barrett, who is the co-founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, said in an interview yesterday of Mr. Falk, “I would put him on a list of scholars who are sympathetic to the 9/11 truth movement.”
He added, “Unlike most public intellectuals today, he is both honest and very, very knowledgeable in that he understands the probable reality of 9/11. He understands that the evidence that it was a false flag operation is very strong.” Mr. Falk’s selection to the post as rapporteur has already prompted the government of Israel formally to request that Mr. Falk not be sent to their country. The Israeli press has reported that he may even be barred from entering the country. The deputy permanent representative of Israel to the United Nations in New York, Daniel Carmon said, “We are asking the U.N. not to send him. We cannot agree to Mr. Falk’s entrance into Israel in his capacity as the rapporteur.”One reason the Israelis are concerned about his appointment is that Mr. Falk has compared Israel’s treatment of Palestinian Arabs to the Nazi treatment of Jews in the holocaust. In an April 8 BBC interview, Mr. Falk said he stood by the Israel-Nazi comparison.
If you look at the guys head you can see where the tinfoil rubbed off his hair.
This guy’s a real winner. The UN is such a joke.
Great! More wack job 911 conspiracy theories. A blind man can see this douche has a strong pro Arab inclination.
jeez look how far our colleges have fallen. this nitwit taught at princeton?? the “Milbank professor of international law emeritus at Princeton University” good god.. the dude is a kook.
*engage wingnut tron*
UN sucks
conspiracy theory
pro Arab . . .pro terrorist?
*program complete*
What an idiot 9/11 truther.
I’ll represent the minority view. Video about 9/11 Truth can be found here:
#4 There are plenty of professors out there teaching our youth that are just a wacky or worse. Its frightening.
What happens when people are thrown out of their homes left to fend for themselves. They get pretty upset after a while when they see those who threw them out get real rich on what was their land. Study the plight of the Palestinians. The total Palestinian population worldwide is estimated to be between 10 and 11 million people, over half of whom are stateless, lacking citizenship in any country. Hello. Stateless. 5 million have NO citizenship in any country. Hello. Any country. Any country on the entire planet. Hello. Is anyone getting this. Mr. Falk has compared Israel’s treatment of Palestinian Arabs to the Nazi treatment of Jews in the holocaust. There must be something to this, at least something. Of course, those who study TV and history books, will scoff and say he’s simply a cracked nut without a case, as they have also done with the president of Iran. After all, we have heard since we were tots that the Holocaust was as real as Satan himself. Hmm. Palestine. 5 million have NO citizenship. What happens when 5 million people have no place to call home. Iran president asks that holocaust be studied. People immediately blow him off. “We’ve already proven that billions of Jews were massacred. Hmm. Why is there people saying that some of these claims just don’t add up and are saying that those photos we have all been exposed to showing mass graves were not killed but rather succumbed to disease. Hmm. It’s all very interesting.
#7 – I am with you on this. “Tin foil hats”, “conspiracy theorist wack-jobs”, “truthers”… labels thrown in order to discredit people who are not convinced by the flimsy and diluted official report. There are a great deal of interesting facts that make for a convincing case stating that certain individuals in government may have had something to do the “attacks”. Keep an open mind without shutting out possible truths about what is really going on.
We won’t know the real truth for probably another decade at least, but I think it is important that people question what we are told by our government, especially one under the thumb of the Bush administration. Who can trust what comes out of the White House right now? Seriously…
This is a loser for the truth.
What needs to be studied is the cynical use of 9/11 by the neo-cons to justify their bogus war on Iraq.
But this 9/11 mythology detracts from the investigating the conservative evil we know is almost certainly the truth.
I wish Israel were somehow contaminated and everyone had to vacate the region.
Then the idiotic fighting over a small slab of land would be over and the rest of the world would never have to hear about it again.
Maybe a nice earthquake would flood the region.
Because I sure get sick of hearing about it.
Just goes to show you that there a nut jobs on both ends of the political spectrum. Hey Princeton, that’s quite a winner you got there.
Other than that little comparison of Israel to the Nazi holocaust, I think Falk should be pretty fair & unbiased in his Israeli-Palestinian human rights report, don’t you think?
But I think he should also investigate whether it is also “possibly true” that the towers were destroyed by directed energy beams from UFOs.
Guaranteed traffic grabbing article. Dis Jesus, Macs or 911 troffers and comments come flooding in. It’s like clockwork.
Frankly, althought there is no evidence (nor do I believe myself) that the neocons orchestrated, planned, or supported 9/11 in any material way there is a distinct possibility that they knew it was coming and let it happen to further their political agenda. That alone is worth looking into.
I would put him on the list of crazies!
People like the first poster pat sicken me. All they do all day long is write “tinfoil hat wearing idiot troofers” without getting into facts.
Hitler did the same with the Reichstagsfire. Insidejob in order to implement the enabling act and invade poland.
Ah see the parallels?
Bush implemented the patriot act and invaded afghanistan/ iraq. And the military industrial complex made the biggest money off of 9/11 you can imagine.
Fucking ignorant idiots who still believe the neo-con cabal is your friend just sicken me.
As if anything at all coming out of the UN has credibility. The US should unjoin and let them go their merry way.
This is the same organization whose president said that ethnic cleansing was because of global warming
#18–Alix==would that connection be as worthwhile to look into for the same reasons as it will be worthwhile to look into those who think we are going to attack Iran? Worthwhile that is, AFTER we actually attack Iran so the “connection” will be there?
#20–Brett==I see the parallels==now where are the “facts?” No facts =equals= tinfoil.
I think I know why you are sickened by the esteemed defiler of tin foil dreams, poster #1 for a reason, Pat. ((You do see the parallels?))
#21—TGW==the UN is a willing stooge of the USA. They will be around as long as the USA needs an excuse for not acting wisely in the world==ie, forever.
22–MikeN==I had not heard of that one before, but just a moments reflection can reveals the links, connections, parallels that make such a statement credible. Not proven, just credible==as in environmental stress causes people to move, and people moving into another persons area is often a cause of war.
What do you think is going to happen when the seas rise in 60 years from Global Warming??? Open arms?
So, proof positive that Tin Foil warps reality. Creating it for a few, denying it to others. I’m gonna go out and get a roll, see what it does for me.
Thanks guys.
#24==pedro==thats my point. Thanks for your support. The political students will come around eventually with our good example.
You forget that on *numerous* occasions Israel and the UN have tried to reach out to the Palestinians and carve out a country for them. That there are Palestinians that do not have a country is a direct result of terrorist idiots like Arafat rather than Israel. Stopping bombing children and present some reasonable solutions and people will listen.
> Bush implemented the patriot act…
What about all the people in Congress that signed the Patriot Act? Are they “in” on it too?
Actually, there were numerous inquiries on Pearl Harbor and plenty of people like Admiral Kimmel were vilified in order to show a result. To this day, there are people that think that Roosevelt orchestrated the attack or knowingly let it happen. Sound familiar?
18 Smartalix “there is a distinct possibility that they (neocons) knew it was coming and let it happen to further their political agenda. That alone is worth looking into.”
It’s just too easy and obvious. Why not also stigmatize these groups for the same reasons:
Religious organizations
Green Peace
Parents Television Council
Flat Earth Society
Not to mention the headlines we could generate if we looked into whether Mother Theresa ever beat her mother.
I’m still trying to figure out why the US hasn’t pulled out of the UN and kicked them out of New York. The organization is a joke.
18 Smartalix. The US is in Iraq supposedly because of the threat of WMDs. How easy would it have been for the US to plant those things all over the country? But the US didn’t. And still it was enough to start a war there.
So then you really think the Right needed to have lower Manhattan taken out with thousands of innocents killed to produce the Afghanistan War – a war no one seems to even give a hoot about?
I am still waiting for one “fact” that proves that 9/11 was an inside job. Not conjecture, not doubt, not theory, but a fact. Just one.
This Falk is pushing a scary agenda, but so are the neocons. We need people in charge that believe in the Constitution, for a start.
#30. “So then you really think the Right needed to have lower Manhattan taken out with thousands of innocents killed to produce the Afghanistan War – a war no one seems to even give a hoot about?”
Or on a larger scale, the War on Terror? The unendable, unwinnable, cash generator for the MIC?
#30–RGB==thats right. No need to create a situation and suffer the downside of getting it revealed. Much more clever to simply take advantage of events that occur all on their own and then link them to what you want to do. Cleaner, no conspiracy, even partially valid.
9-11 was heaven sent for the neo-cons, military/industrial complex, but not manufactured.
Silly rabbits accept evolution taking advantage of random changes in the genome/environment, but deny the same ability in conscious political greedy self aware calculating animals? Conspiracy theory without direct facts in support “isn’t scientific.”