Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa

The Daily Breeze

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is asking federal officials to rethink their policy on workplace immigration crackdowns that involve established businesses and to focus on employers that mistreat workers instead. The mayor said in a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff that work-site raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement could have “severe and long-lasting effects” on the local economy, the Los Angeles Times reported Thursday. ICE made more than 4,900 work-site arrests nationwide in fiscal 2007, a 45-fold increase over the number in 2001, authorities said.

Villaraigosa accused federal officials of targeting “established, responsible employers” in industries that rely on “workforces that include undocumented immigrants.” “In these industries, including most areas of manufacturing, even the most scrupulous and responsible employers have no choice but to rely on workers whose documentation, while facially valid, may raise questions about their lawful presence,” he wrote in the March 27 letter. He said ICE should spend its limited resources targeting employers who exploit wage and hour laws.

Chertoff has not responded to the mayor’s letter, but Homeland Security spokeswoman Laura Keehner said the department believes its priorities are correct. She said work-site investigations focus on national security and public safety and that the agency also investigates companies it believes may have committed visa fraud, money laundering, and other violations.

The headline sounds a bit ominous, almost threatening. The translation just may be, we want you to enforce the law as long as it doesn’t hurt my chances for re-election.

  1. jbenson2 says:

    A measly mayor warns the Federal Government to back off? What a cocky SOB.

    He said work-site raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement could have “severe and long-lasting effects” on the local economy…

    Yeah, like the raids on the meat packing companies in the mid-west. Americans were hired to fill the empty slots and the hourly rate was raised. Let’s hope those “severe and long-lasting effects” continue to benefit the local economy.

  2. qsabe says:

    If the employer relies on undocumented workers to fill his workforce, then s/he is not a very good citizen. The employer should be arrested, not the poor slob trying to earn a living. It’s the employer who is taking advantage of the poor slobs predicament to line his own pocket with cheap wage competition.

  3. Angus says:

    So the Mayor basically says “Stop enforcing the Law, or at least stop enforcing the Law as much as you are now”. Must be a politically correct way of justifying this, despite the fact that in a raid, both the company and the aliens working the that get charged.

  4. Improbus says:

    This would be like Al Capone telling the Feds to back off. Not. Gonna. Happen.

  5. bobbo says:

    Too bad ICE doesn’t post their stats on a monthly basis?

    How many raids?

    How many caught?

    How many illegals?

    From what countries?

    Employers cited?

    Stuff like that, called “facts.” Until such time, this could be all complete fluff or more likely an overreaction to a pinprick while another 12 million illegals poor in.

    Any body see any video’s of raids in LA? Me neither.

    The biggest impact on illegal immigration recently has been the declining US economy. HAR!!!!@

  6. Mr. Catshit says:

    #6, Bobbo,

    I like your questions. I have to agree with the suggestion the Mayor is just grandstanding.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    #6 – “The biggest impact on illegal immigration recently has been the declining US economy.”

    Right on! The more illegal immigrants that sneak in (20+ million and climbing), the more the economy will suffer. The hospitals and emergency rooms will suffer, the local schools will suffer, the hourly pay scale will suffer.

    The only ones who will benefit are the greedy farmers, construction companies and the like, who work the illegal aliens at slave wages.

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 – The more illegal immigrants that sneak in (20+ million and climbing), the more the economy will suffer.

    That has never been true before. Why should it be true now?

  9. pat says:

    #9 – Because before there wasn’t taxpayer funded welfare & health care that they were entitled to by law?

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Let’s face it, this Mayor Villaraigosa is grandstanding to his voter base, which obviously is Latino.

    As it stands now, about 45% of LA county is Latino. So he doesn’t care about such minor details as the law. It’s all about him being reelected.

  11. pat says:

    #11 – And, because you don’t have to show proof of citizenship in LA County to vote or register to vote…

  12. jbenson2 says:

    #9 “That has never been true before. Why should it be true now?”

    It’s might obvious. Just count the numbers. The number of illegal aliens today is 20 million and growing at an alarming rate.

    Just look at the charts in this incredible video:

  13. pat says:

    #13 – Wow! Time to close the border and implement the Eisenhower solution…

  14. jbenson2 says:

    #14 – “Time to close the border”

    A more accurate response would be:

    Time to control the border.

  15. apeguero says:

    #12 – Is that true?

    This Mayor has it all wrong. How can he ask ICE to relax on the illegal alien raids? How pathetic! I like Bobbo’s questions above and the point he makes about what will finally reduce the increase of illegals into this country. I really don’t think this government is doing enough to crack down and I highly doubt this country will ever do anything to crack down. Both sides (Dems and Reps) seem to benefit from this otherwise something would’ve been done long ago.

    I also see how employers could have a hard time verifying the legality of employee’s identification documents. Counterfeiters progress their practice along with the advancement of technology. Perhaps the solution would be to create a Federal ID for US Citizens that is nearly impossible to dupe, like the DoD Military ID. And, also update the Resident Alien ID Card (Green Card), if that’s even used anymore. Make this the official ID for the US where you could basically do nothing without it. I’m talking employment, credit, banking, government benefits, etc. Anyone without it is not a permanent legal citizen/resident, basically just a visitor or tourist and would therefore not be illegible for most of the things us citizens and resident aliens are eligible for.

    When is this country finally going to realize that we can’t afford to take care of people that are not here legally. I’m all for cracking down on employers that exploit illegals. These same employers normally put others (usually small businesses) that follow the law out of business. However, there’s so much corruption in our Government and so many civil liberties complainers that I doubt something, if anything, will ever be done. I mean, how is someone’s civil liberty violated by requiring them to have a Federal ID?

  16. Dave W says:

    #9 – Because before there wasn’t taxpayer funded welfare & health care that they were entitled to by law?

    That’s a taxpayer funded welfare and health care issue. In fact, most so called illegals (I’d include Sir Walter Raleigh on up) don’t go on welfare, use health care only when absolutely necessary, pay at least some taxes, work far, far harder for less pay than “Americans” and only help the economy.

    As for Villaraigosa? He’s grandstanding as usual. I will forever regret being hoodwinked into voting for him. He’s a snake. Charming at times, but a snake.

  17. pat says:

    #17 “don’t go on welfare, use health care only when absolutely necessary, pay at least some taxes, work far, far harder for less pay than “Americans” and only help the economy.”

    And send their hordes of children to public schools at $7k/per year that greatly exceeds their tax contribution… Just go check out the emergency rooms in border states. They pack them with children who have minor ailments. They get treated and others (read taxpayers) foot the bill.
    25% of the people in LA County jails are illegals. The costs are astronomical.

  18. bobbo says:

    Conservative source says 10 Billion per year deficit in taxes minus benefits just in Federal program.

    Seems light to me. Nice rot right at the base/core of our society, but lets gets excited about removing the death tax and capital gains tax because its unfair that the top 10% pay so much in taxes.

    HAR HAR. My country sucks.

  19. pat says:

    #17 – I almost missed this piece of nonsensical typing: “That’s a taxpayer funded welfare and health care issue.”

    Umm, yes? I was responding to following:

    #8 – The more illegal immigrants that sneak in (20+ million and climbing), the more the economy will suffer.

    That has never been true before. Why should it be true now?

  20. the answer says:

    I am sure the mayor’s letter is taped to the wall somewheres in a cubicle for laughs.

  21. pat says:

    #19 “but lets gets excited about removing the death tax and capital gains tax because its unfair that the top 10% pay so much in taxes.”

    No, let’s get excited about getting rid of all income based tax and replace with a tax on consumption above certain minimum levels.

    The gov’t has no business penalizing me if I work hard & want to invest for my retirement.

  22. pat says:

    #19 – The cost to California’s budget is over $10 billion.

    Fed budget is another matter ON TOP OF the states budgets.

  23. jbenson2 says:

    #20 You are repeating yourself, honey.

    See #13

  24. pat says:

    #24 – Thanks, dear.

  25. Pharaoh90 says:

    Because there is no problem with immigration. It’s a distraction from real problems.

    But reading the comments, some are just natural born stick chasers.

  26. pat says:

    #26 – Since there is no “problem” why don’t you pay all the money it costs tax payers. I’m sure that wouldn’t be a “problem” for you. Let us know when you’ve done it. Don’t bother replying until you’ve paid.

  27. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #27 – Let’s quit pretending the illegal immigration (which exists only because we create a demand for it in this country) cost’s taxpayers any money at all.

    I can play the same game by saying the war in Iraq is costing taxpayers money so lets stop the war. All these roads are costing us money, so lets take the train. Schools cost money so lets be dumb. Whatever I object to is where my tax money goes and whatever I want is what we need to raise more money for. Thus, I can manufacture taxpayer indignation for whatever issue I like.

    You don’t get to decide how much is collected, how much more than the collected is spent. Were it even a practical solution, they could magically make every illegal disappear tomorrow… and you taxes won’t go down nor will your services increase.

    Taxes are not the point, is my point.

  28. pat says:

    #28 – “Were it even a practical solution, they could magically make every illegal disappear tomorrow… and you taxes won’t go down nor will your services increase.”

    Cite your reference please. Especially about services…

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #29 – Well Pat, you got me… I’m basing my statement on my cynical belief that we, the people, are an afterthought in the new world order.

  30. pat says:

    #30 Damn, got me there. Probably right though.


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