
(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #31 – Hahahahahahaha… Winner!

  3. Balbas says:

    The 3-headed dog from Harry Potter at the retirement home.

  4. racheva says:

    Uhhh.. Hi. I’m Bob and this is my brother Bob and my other brother Bob…. uhyuk!

  5. bhodosi says:

    I didn’t think he’d choose us over her. He never did like an ultimatum. An old tomato, I’ve never hearf it put quite like that Roscoe. We got our house back Jed, let’s just enjoy the moment and watch her fade in the sunset.

  6. Rich says:


    Takeout Chinese is delicious, but you are just hungry again an hour later, and there are lasting side effects.

  7. Chris says:

    You sure have a perty mouth!

  8. Anoni Mouse says:

    All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth …

  9. ECA says:

    Which way did he go…
    Which way did he go..
    Uh, huh, Uh, Huh…

    Hey ralph…
    do you smell that??
    Ya, Joel.
    lets go find it, and see if we can place our Nose up its butt..

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    “Ya know, Condi, I think Dick here has the right idea. Bomb the hell out of ’em and declare victory. Mission accomplished. Somethin’ like that. It’s what the ‘merican people need. To feel good about bombin’ the crap out of dad’s sworn enemies. And, Dick’s buddies at the Hal will make a ton o’ money. Don’tcha see? It’s a win win for us in a couple a months!”

    –Recently found video of a White House Meeting, circa 2002.

  11. Badinoff says:

    After 80 consecutive hours of exposure to conservative talk radio the experiment had to be halted when test animals began to display symptoms of profound genetic regression. Researchers have have christened the phenomenon as “The Deliverance Effect”.

  12. hhopper says:

    Disappointed, Carl, Elmer and Jake had their braces removed.

  13. Terry says:

    Three British hounds prepare for the hunt.

  14. Thomas says:

    “The canine unions have been stumping for inclusion of dental coverage”

    “The Clinton’s take some time off the campaign trail to pose for a family portrait”

    “Efforts to clone liberals have not been entirely successful although the clones did show signs of improved intelligence.”

  15. LtJackboot says:

    “doo da doo doo doo doo doo doo dooooooo…..
    doo da doo doo doo doo doo doo dooooooo…..”

    Banjo from Deliverence.

  16. ECA says:

    Do I have something Stuck in my teeth??

  17. ECA says:

    Hey Bill,
    You still getting Radio off those teeth??

  18. darkwolfbc says:

    Is it true that peoples pets look like their owners?

  19. OmarTheAlien says:

    Laugh, assholes. Your time is coming to an end, and then we get to be dominant species. ARF ARF, muthafucker.

  20. unsung says:

    Hello and welcome to another exciting adventure with the Cranky Geeks. I’m your host John C. Dvorak. To my Right, the Co-Crank, from pcmagcast.com, Sebastian Rupley. And on his left, the co-founder of PodShow, Adam Curry.

  21. KD Martin says:

    Sadly, Alpo’s “Chitlins ‘n’ Biscuits” marketing campaign was a total failure.

  22. BubbaRay says:

    Dang, Joe Bob! The Chinese have recalled our teeth!

    (True story)

  23. Momma Hill says:

    James was their daddy.

  24. Jimmy, James, and Jimmy Hill. says:

    #54, Momma Hill,

    And the apple don’t fall far from the tree.

    We love ya Momma Hill!!!


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