(Click photo to enlarge.)

This has been getting a lot of play on the Interwebitubes this week. And now his office has spoken. But just because an aide with a desire to keep her job says so, doesn’t make it so. This calls for a Congressional hearing! We must get to the bottom of Glasses Gate!

Is that really a naked woman in Dick Cheney’s sunglasses?

He shot his hunting partner, but Vice President Dick Cheney apparently doesn’t fly fish with naked women.

Since Wednesday, the blogosphere has been atwitter over a photograph on the White House Web site of Cheney with a caption that said he was fly-fishing on the Snake River in Idaho.

The photo is a tight shot of Cheney’s face sporting dark sunglasses and his trademark grin.

What’s stirring all the buzz is the reflection in the vice president’s dark glasses. Some thought that the reflection looked like a naked woman and, this being Cheney and this being the Internet Age, they immediately shared that thought with the world.
“Clearly the picture shows a hand casting a rod,” grumbled spokeswoman Meagan Mitchell.

The photo that set the web a twitter

  1. RBG says:

    Ha. The lefty version of the Virgin Mary etched on burned toast.


    [Kudos RBG thats classic- ed.]

  2. pjcamp says:

    If that’s true, the hand is up the rod’s poonanner.

  3. admfubar says:

    prolly the reflection of his next hunting victim

  4. gregallen says:

    Not seeing the naked woman.

    I see woman-ish curves and flesh tones. But it looks more like a ginseng root to me.

  5. fahrquar says:

    United States Vice Presidency-Proof that the National Welfare system is running perfectly. Making money and not f-ing working, except on a sunburn! What a waste of a human life form!

  6. Chris Mac says:

    It’s the Flying Spaghetti Monster

  7. Brian K says:

    I saw a high resolution of that image somewhere and it was VERY obviously a fishing pole. Look for it, I’m too lazy.

  8. Greg Allen says:

    What the hell is wrong with Dick Cheney, anyway?

    The guy has WAY MORE MONEY than he ever could spend in whatever few years he has left on earth.

    But, in he quest to get even more, he’s delighted to send America down the crapper and go down in history of one of the great villians our country has ever seen.

    How messed up is that?

  9. Chris Mac says:

    I thought he had rose colored glasses

  10. WmDE says:

    If it is a naked woman she must have been a model for Picasso.

  11. Danijel says:

    The big version:

  12. The Warden says:

    Yeah, Bad ol Cheney is greatest villian. As Mr. D. would say, “WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!”

    I just wish the VP office had a sense of humor and stated, “It was Monica Lewinsky on loan from the Clinton Presidential Massage Parlor.”

  13. bh28630 says:

    Thanks to Danijel for the better image. I’m inclined to agree the reflection appears to be that of a hand on a fishing rod.

    Given the male Republican predilection for penis waving in warfare or whacking while in wide stance, the nude female never made much sense in connection with the VP. Of course, had the form in the frame been a naked torture victim hanging before him is very likely to elicit a smile from Dick.

  14. Dallas says:

    Looks like a blow up doll or a naked Condolezza Rice.

  15. Angus says:

    Really good Photoshop work. This guy has had 4 heart attacks!!! Any more than looking would probably do him in anyways…

  16. rawdod says:

    It may not be a woman, but his hand is on his rod

  17. JimD says:

    Nah! Cheney only has eyes for all the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Halliburton/KBR and others are raking in and his “Set Aside for Dick” !!! That’s why the Repukes will NEVER END THEIR GRAVY TRAIN “WAR ON TERROR” !!! We, the People, have to put ALL THE REPUKES, AT EVERY LEVEL OF GOVERNMEMT, OUT OF OFFICE, WHERE THEY CAN’T GET THEIR HANDS ON THE PUBLIC TREASURY !!!

  18. the answer says:

    looks like he’s playing with a naked Barbie doll.

  19. Mark Derail says:

    Actually, it’s three dogs, the unaltered picture can be seen here.


  20. Liz Smock says:

    I looked at the picture as close up as I can get. It’s a reflection of his hand holding his fishing rod.

  21. DarthVCDr says:

    /agree… hand and rod.

    just goes to show how sex starved some one the nets are… they see naked women everywhere..

  22. Jimmy Hill says:


    Yeah, Bad ol Cheney is greatest villian.

    Wellll, may not the greatest, but after Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, The Shah of Iran, and Attila the Hun, the competition gets pretty weak.


    It couldn’t be Cheney’s left hand on his rod. We all know he is a strong Right Winger.

  23. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    If you judge by the amount of damage caused, the greatest villan of all time will turn out to be Al Gore.

  24. Phillep says:

    Someone isn’t getting enough (or “none”).

    Hey, Greg? Are you talking about Cheney or Soros?

  25. MikeN says:

    But is that reallly a picture of Cheney?

  26. pjcamp says:

    Lynne Cheney is a woman???


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