Crocker and Petraeus prepare to testify before Congress

Did anyone hear more than predictable scripted rationales?

  1. bobbo says:

    Well, seriously, I am surprised everytime these “Heros” present themselves to the American Public with their pants down and asses fully exposed.

    The non-answer circular logic should have been recorded as contempt of Congress which I have for them too!

    “What is success?” “When will you leave?” THAT IS CONGRESSES JOB which they defaulted to Bush who clearly is going to stay forever, who assigned that hard and fast position to Gen Betrayus.

    Whole system doesn’t work from top to bottom and after we have bankrupted ourselves, we still won’t get any cheap gas.

    Actually, I laugh when I think about our geo-political hegemonic strategery.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    #1 I have to agree.

    Typical drooling media.

    Here is another example of how they try to create the news.
    “Oh, that was very nice, but could you try throwing another rock and this time tilt your head a bit more toward the camera?”

    The media does not report the news. They manufacture the news to suit their agenda.

  3. Dallas says:


    “Umm, I don’t recall”
    “That’s confidential”
    “Ask the president why we’re in this mess”
    “Yes, we need more money”
    “I have no idea”

  4. Bomber Bob says:

    stay the course,
    bomb the bad guys,
    we’re almost 1/2 done,
    only 10+ years to go…

  5. Angus says:

    Wow, with the vitriol on these posts, you’d think his last name is Bush. Frankly, anyone Bush assigned would be getting this same hate. The anti war gang won’t be happy till we’re completely out of Iraq. Then they can start calling for pull outs of Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, South Korea, and Italy…

  6. Noam Sane says:

    Biden pressed the general: If AQ is the problem, shouldn’t we be going after them in Afghanistan, rather than Iraq?

    After the requisite hemming and hawing, Petraeus admitted that was correct..

    That’s the story. Completely ignored by the major media, or course. But that’s the whole ballgame.

  7. Smartalix says:


    I’d say that is the case with most of the consumer media. My magazine is free of such crap (but then again we only write about electronic design engineering).

  8. JimD says:

    Repukes will keep the WAR MACHINE RUNNING AS LONG AS THEY CAN – THE PROFITS ARE TOO GOOD !!! Bush Cronies Halliburton/KBR, Bechtel, Blackwater keep LOOTING THE US TREASURY – 12 BILLION A MONTH !!! How can Repukes make an “Honest Dollar” without the “100 Years War” against a country that NEVER ATTACKED THE US !!!

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    I saw much of this on CNN, and what really caught my attention was when CNN showed video before the hearing. Hillary was joking, laughing, and all buddy-buddy with Petraeus. A true politician. You just can’t tell which face is the real one. Then again maybe she was sharing war stories about how she dodged those bullets in Bosnia.

    Obama was a bit more reasonable when he tried to nail down a metric for withdrawal. I thought his “If we can withdraw troops without the situation getting worse” line of reasoning was pretty good.

    I also agree with #6, Angus. No matter who showed in front of that congressional committee, the Dem’s would of skewered him for their own political purposes, right or wrong. I don’t know if ANYONE on that committee has the experience or knowledge to understand what is going on in Iraq from the General’s point of view.

  10. ethanol says:

    Sadly no.

  11. edwinrogers says:

    I watched it all and was particularly facinated by the facial expressions of the good General’s adjutant staff.

  12. roemun says:

    As is always the case, one hears only what one chooses to hear.

  13. gregallen says:

    How the heck did America get in a position where our president is hiding behind a general?

    That’s messed up.

  14. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    What that picture shows is that Congress is a complete circus.

  15. amodedoma says:

    Sheesh, it’s a long way to november!

  16. amodedoma says:

    They’re gonna bring peace to the region. Yeah sure. They’re gonna show these people how to live and what values to have so that when they leave it’s gonna be a shining example of freedom for their neighbors. Anybody that thinks this is doable has got their head up their Azz. Sooner or later it’s time to go and it’s gonna be real nasty whenever it happens. Hopefully we learn the lesson – War without a clearly defined and doable objective is war without end.

  17. RBG says:

    “Did anyone hear more than predictable scripted rationales?”

    I thought I heard Petraeus admit Iraq was a big unwinnable mistake and everyone should vote for Obama, but I might have been mistaken.


  18. OmarTheAlien says:

    PhotoShopped? The only picture I saw of these proceedings had the media folks in their normal, low profile crouches in front of the committee desks. Maybe I missed something, and that’s possible, as I don’t get to watch much TV.

  19. Brian says:


    Yes, that would be a wonderful start to get all of our troops off of all foreign soil. There’s no rational reason to have US troops permanently stationed in Japan, Germany, all over the world. Tell me exactly how you’d feel if a foreign government had a permanent troops presence in your backyard? I’d suspect you’d hate it as much as these foreign countries we occupy do.

    There’s no reason to have military bases overseas except to keep funding the war machine. The billions upon billions of dollars being poured into these overseas bases would make MASSIVE improvements here at home.

  20. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #20 – You think those governments don’t want us there? How much would it cost them to defend themselves instead of us doing it for them?

    Now, if by “pull out” we meant not only a military pull out, but cessation of all aid whatsoever to that country, I could be talked into that.

  21. olad says:


    “…Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, South Korea, and Italy…” and why is the US in all these places? AFAIK, there are no hostilities against the US in all these places.

  22. RBG says:

    20 Brian
    Even innocuous Canada has or had US military installations including 21 Dew Line sites,
    U.S. naval facility at Argentia, Goose Bay, Haines-Fairbanks, Nanoose Bay and others afaik.

    Not to mention Canada’s own active or formerly active foreign military installations including
    Camp Mirage, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    CFS Bermuda, Bermuda at Daniel’s Head1993
    CFB Baden-Soellingen, Germany
    CFB Lahr, Germany



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