For many New York City police officers, a trip to the gym or the station house weight room is as much a part of the day as roll call or making notes in a memo book.
Officers pump iron in New York, as they do around the nation. And sometimes, they pump more than that.
Prompted by an investigation into a Brooklyn pharmacy that revealed several officers were steroid customers, Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly has decided to add steroids to the list of substances police officers are tested for.
Under the new policy, reported on Wednesday in The New York Post, officers would be tested on entering the Police Academy and again when their probationary period ended after two years. Steroids would be added to the list of substances for which officers can be randomly tested…
Better living through chemistry.
Do steroids affect vision? Can a wallet being produced for officers holding a suspect at gunpoint be mistaken in a steroid haze for a weapon?
It should be a picture of a real buff (beefcake) pig for this story
This is completely stupid. I will probably start a flame war here, but all this to-do about steroids is crap.
This is really important if you are interested at all in this.
It is an excellent 10 minute report and a must see.
Believe me, it’s a real eye-opener!
#2 – maybe you think a flame war might get you some undeserved attention; but, your link is to a piece of journalistic crap with a couple of apocryphal bits of testimony about steroids not killing people.
Whoop-de-doo. A non-issue.
I guess you support cops on the street doing their Barry Bonds imitation. At least it may be more “productive” than the Twinkie defense.
hey NYC is a tough town. you need a drive to survive
#3, You are right about Steroids being a non-issue, except that it has become a major issue.
I understand that you are of very limited intelligence, so I will go slow.
The point of the video is that we are all being played by the sports industry.
The American Medical Association lobbied against banning steroids. Why would they do this? Because the benefits outweighed the negatives. So why did they get banned? Professional sports. Club owners feared that people would loose interest in professional sports if steroids were allowed, thereby devaluing some very expensive properties.
To keep the effects of steroids out of pro sports, they would have to be banned universally so that new athletes would not be able to gain the benefits before going pro.
In other words, powerful lobbies in the US placed the making of money ahead of the public health again. Examining and understanding where all this steroid frenzy came from and why clearly details the power of money on politics and the pursuit of money over the public good.
Therefore, reasoning and intelligent people like most of us who participate in this blog would be very interested in a clear cut and straightforward example of this type of abuse of power, given that it involves corporate interest, political figures, and our health.
Like I said, since you are of limited reasoning facility, I had to spell it out, although I doubt it did any good.
Sorry, #3 jumped to #4, keane-o before my blog posted.
Maybe roid-rage is to blame for most cops being assholes.
I think it comes with the job. A way to become a career bully!
#8 – Maybe… but I agree with you about most cops being assholes.
I got pulled over last week by a cop, so he could inform me that my rear tail-light was out.
Normally I would appreciate the heads up, but not after his tirade, condescending attitude, and the fact that he never once addressed in a voice that wasn’t shouting.
Ah yea–good link, good post. I think every proffered link should have 1-2 sentences of “orientation”/evaluation? But a paragraph after the fact is even better when written with your skill. Going a bit overboard on the personal invective aren’t we? I was told yesterday I was a flamer for my own style and all I did – – – -well, maybe it was too close.
#10–OFTLO==the lawman interfering with your freedoms? I’ll bet you didn’t tell him about your natural rights, much too smart for that. Too bad you aren’t a gun nut just for the purpose of pointing out that for many of us “Pillars of the Community” a real threat we face is the guns held by cops.
#8 & 10. I’ve been pulled over many times in several states in 30 years and never had a bad experience. Guess it depends where you live.
#12 – That used to be true for me too… But in these past several years, it just seems like cops are getting out of hand.
#11 – I’m not going to claim I have a natural right to a busted tail light… But there is no excuse for being an asshole, especially since I was nothing but cooperative.
#12 – Well that sucks. Wish you luck, although I wish I didn’t need to…
What else are you gonna do to survive? Look at Carl Eller the other day. 2 burly cops and a 66 year old hall of famer. He wiped the floor with them even after they tased him 4 times.
Yeah, look what happened with RoboCop.
#3, Ah Yea
This is completely stupid. I will probably start a flame war here, but all this to-do about steroids is crap.
Sorry, but it isn’t.
Steroids are NOT banned. As a Sched. III Controlled Substance, they may be prescribed by a physician for any of several reasons. I had some prescribed just last year to help treat a severe case of poison ivy. I use a topical steroid ointment to treat my eczema.
Side effects
The major effects of anabolic steroid use include liver tumors, jaundice, fluid retention, and high blood pressure.
Additional side effects include the following: for men shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts; for women growth of facial hair, changes in or cessation of the menstrual cycle, deepened voice; for adolescents growth halted prematurely through premature skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty changes.
Researchers report that users may suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and impaired judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility.
Because they may have undesirable side effects, they are regulated. And guess what. The police are charged with upholding the law. By ignoring the regulations they are effectively breaking the law. That, to me, is the most significant part of this.
Regarding the photo. Yup. Our squirrels really do look like that in NYC. You should see our rats!
I’m with Mr. Catshit on the rest. When cops break the law, it sends a really bad message. Now, how do we get them to stop parking on the sidewalk?
I agree with the fact that the cops should not be taking steroids, although I can understand where being bigger, healthier, and stronger may mean the difference between life and death.
Catshit, Let’s have a look at reality.
I’ve got a test for you! Guess which drug this is.
This drug:
“should not be given to a child or teenager who has a fever, especially if the child also has flu symptoms or chicken pox.”…”can cause a serious and sometimes fatal condition in children”…”Stop using this medication and call your doctor at once if you have any symptoms of bleeding in your stomach or intestines. Symptoms include black, bloody, or tarry stools, and coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds.”…”Avoid drinking alcohol while you are taking this medication. Alcohol may increase your risk of stomach bleeding.”…”Before taking XXX, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs, or if you have: asthma or seasonal allergies; stomach ulcers; liver disease; kidney disease; a bleeding or blood clotting disorder; heart disease, high blood pressure, or congestive heart failure; gout; or nasal polyps.
If you have any of these conditions, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests”…”This medication may be harmful to an unborn baby’s heart, and may also reduce birth weight or have other dangerous effects. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant while you are taking this medication. XXX can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. Do not use this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.”
Let’s see, potentially fatal, don’t give to children, severe side effects, internal bleeding, liver disease, kidney disease, etc …
So have you guessed what drug it is? No? Aspirin.
That’s right. Anabolic steroids are safer than aspirin.
BTW, anabolic steroids have been proven to be highly effective in reducing the occurrence of prostate cancer, reduces overall cholesterol (much better and safer than Crestor, Tricor, Lipitor, etc., repairs damaged cartilage, muscles, and tendons, and vastly improve the overall quality of health for those with some years behind them.
So, Catshit, stop being manipulated by the powers that be, and start thinking for yourself.
Catshit and Ah Yea===please keep the thread going.
Could either of you confirm for your evil drug whether or not the negative symptoms are “common” or actually a risk of “excess usage?”
I take aspirin and antihistamines like they were candy. Never a problem. Does that mean I could take steroids too?
I’m thinking that like all drugs==they are poison or cure depending on the dose?
Ah Yea–I’ve read several stories about cheaper drugs being displaced by more expensive less effective drugs. I guess its true to some degree or in some cases? Disturbing that the experts (FDA and AMA) get ignored and the regulator adopts a non-medical rationale in violation of their express mandate?
Not to different than maurijuana though.
On 20/20 tonight they had a bit on “fat dissolvers” meant to break fat down to be excreted by the kidneys. Clinic personnel told customers that the chemicals were FDA approved when they were not. These clinics advertise openly in magazines and tv/internet.
Once again, whatever is good for business goes unregulate/unenforced by our government.
About steroids–I asked a medical friend about casual use and he said there as usual were no good studies on most questions “but” in general it is found that when drugs are used to interrupt the general aging process of the body you can get some certain beneficial result and fail to notice some other negative result that is not apparently connected–but it is.
Sadly, looks to me that eating less and exercising more is the best medicine.
To the Gladiators, Catshit and Ah Yea==gee, both sides firmly taking conflicting positions? What to think? Neither of you provided links, and I’m not going to look it up either because “the truth” is usually complicated enough to include both positions depending on drug, time frame, vested interest etc.
Knowing nothing, and having no vested interests, seems to me Catshit has the more likely position, for a variety of reasons not worth dithering into.
Amusing to me how attractive conspiracy theories are. I think we all succumb to them? All you have to be is ignorant. I wonder why there aren’t more?
I later realized I erred in #25. Topical steroids, specifically hydrocortisone is available off the shelf in strengths of up to 1%.
Oral and injectable steroids have never been available “over the counter” in the US.
#26, bobbo,
Ah Yea makes the mistake of getting information from one source. This only adds to the facts that his claims are totally unsupported. I did post a link in #25 to a fact article that gives a fair bit of information about steroids. Ah Yea’s link is to a biased video.