Click image to see Cranky Geeks.

Today’s Guests:

  • Sebastian Rupley, Co-Crank,
  • Jason Cross, Senior Editor,
  • Rafe Needleman, Editor, CNET Webware

The Topics:

  • Gates Teases Bankers with Windows 7
  • Reports Say that the 3G iPhone is Coming in 60 Days
  • The EU Gives the Thumbs-Up to Cell Phone Use in Flight
  • New Life for Windows XP
  • Charles Manson Cuts a Downloadable Album

  1. B. Dog says:

    Too bad about the Olympics being canceled.

  2. OmarTheAlien says:

    I’ve watched a few of these things, and the conversations are, no doubt, usually interesting. But I miss the TechTV Star Trekkish set, with beautiful and obviously highly intelligent ladies doing cool stuff on their own computers. Cranky Geeks is visually bland, basically a bunch of tech heads sitting around talking shop. Maybe oughta include Charles Manson on the guest list.

  3. xhacker says:

    Where is the link for the beaten girl video ??
    I browsed youre blog and even used google to breowse it and can’t find the link.

  4. lou says:

    I saw C G #111.
    Should have called it, sleepy geeks.
    It’s like John and the Co crank have lost interest in the show.Seems it has turned into a job and is no fun anymore.

  5. stopher2475 says:

    John thinks they should just leave analog alone until it runs out of steam? You haven’t read anything about the spectrum auction? AT&T and the others who just bid billions of dollars for that about to be freed up spectrum might take issue with that.

  6. McCullough says:

    #3. “Where is the link for the beaten girl video ??I browsed youre blog and even used google to breowse it and can’t find the link”

    You are kidding right…..right?


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