Not really certain where the “soul” is in these cells?

Two Christian groups have launched a legal battle against a decision to allow university researchers to create human-animal embryos.

The Christian Legal Centre (CLC) and Comment on Reproductive Ethics (Core) said they had filed papers at the high court seeking…the licences to be revoked so that no further experimentation is carried out.

Embryos created in this way would not be implanted in women or female animals to create young, but would be used to harvest stem cells for experimental purposes before being destroyed.

Backers regard the bill as crucial in making advances in treating and preventing conditions such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cancer and heart disease.

The point of hybrid research is cost-savings and expediting research.

Not that such reasoning will ever halt superstition and fear.

  1. Personality says:

    “Not really certain where the “soul” is in these cells?”

    It is not in there. Only a being who is scared of death can develop the understanding of the mythical soul.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    if you want to see how the embryos would look like if given time to grow check

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Christian groups challenge embryo research

    Well of course they do…

    Why can’t we just have a policy of rubberstamping the word “DISMISSED” across any suit filed in court by these people.

  4. julieb says:

    I see the soul! Oh wait, it looks like a piece of toast. Sorry.

    About 20% of Americans are crazy right wingers who hate democracy. How can anyone say otherwise?

    You have heard all their comments. “Gods is punishing America”, “We need to bring Jesus into gov’t”, “America was founded as a xtian nation.”, “God hate America because it has gone astray.”

    What are they really saying? They are saying that our political system needs to be replaced with a religious one regardless of what the majority wants or what the current law is. What does that mean? That they hate democracy and they are un-American. They are theocrats. How can it be argued otherwise? This meme needs to be repeated far and loud. Otherwise, our great experiment in secular gov’t will fail.

  5. bobbo says:

    From the article, legally, it sounds like there is a reasonable basis for the suit==given there is legislation related to these activities.

    From the headlines, I would have thought this was Tennessee — but its England==atheist England. I guess stars shine brightest just before they dim out.

    Anyway, basic misunderstanding of science when the complaint says the procedures most likely won’t work. That’s exactly how science works. Find out what doesn’t work, until you find out what does.

    Stoopid earthly representatives of the Most Holy One.

  6. Janky-o says:

    Science can’t say if research is ethical or not. Ethics are not scientifically analyzable, so they have to come from somewhere. Religious beliefs grounded in the dignity of humans are an excellent place to begin.

    Or are you saying “screw ethics, do what you want as long as it works?”

  7. Balbas says:

    Why aren’t the Druids filing more lawsuits like this?

  8. ECA says:

    I hope Scientists have come to at LEAST 1 conclusion about Making MODIFIED animal/human cross overs.
    That Mother nature has been PLAYING around for a Long time. And what is Here now, is WHAT can and will survive, if we Quit killing everything.
    relying on CLONED animals, because they have Antibiotic protections, And leaving the Poor COW behind to DIE out, because its Farts STINK, could be setting us up for a Major down fall.

  9. bobbo says:

    #6–Janky==for myself I would say ethics are very important, as is the dignity of humans. Sadly, you find none of this by definition from religion. What in beejebus can you possibly be thinking of?

  10. pat says:

    #4 – “About 20% of Americans are crazy right wingers who hate democracy. How can anyone say otherwise?”

    You didn’t read the article did you? ROFL

  11. jbenson2 says:

    The point of hybrid research is cost-savings and expediting research.

    Stupid researchers and idiotic supporters.

    Haven’t they seen The Island of Dr. Moreau?

  12. placebo says:

    RE: #8 ECA

    It sounds like you’re saying that mankind should just be passengers on planet earth and let Mother Nature do the driving. If so we’d have missed out on drugs that save and improve lives (eg, penicillin), farming techniques that allow one farmer to feed 100+ rather than just his own family, and on and on.

  13. julieb says:

    Yes, I did read it. I know my comment is not fully relevant to the article, but I get worked up over religion and tend to just let it roll.

    I stand by my comment.

  14. Jeffery Williams says:

    It seems a little creepy, but I don’t think I’d sue over it. The over reactor in me is thinking “Animal-Human hybrids … Soylent Green anyone?”

  15. jbenson2 says:

    Those silly Brits. They outlaw food (biotech genetically altered corn), but are anxious to create man-beasts.

  16. pat says:

    #12 Well, then stand by your comment on a relevant thread.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – You place way too much importance on relevance.

  18. Mr. Catshit says:


    Did you ever think that maybe you’re irrelevant?

  19. roemun says:

    “superstition and fear”????? What a galactically dopey comment!

  20. bobbo says:

    This may be “off point” but I stand four-square for being relevant. I just hate it when I post more than one paragraph in the totally wrong thread. Good thing most here don’t notice, don’t care, or feel the same way?

  21. pat says:

    #20 – If we were perfect we would never argue right?

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    Sometimes going “off point” can make the point. I enjoy reading these posts because some participants – whom I consider very intelligent people- bring a wide variety of viewpoints and opinions. So post “off topic”, please!

    And here are my two cents.

    I am for stem cell research, and here is my logical argument.

    For the religious contingent: How many of us would be willing to give our lives to save another? It happens all the time, and is often viewed by the religious to be a hallmark of divine behavior.
    Where is the morality in letting thousands who have lives, families, etc. die so one embryo could live? And before we get into the every life is precious (which I do agree with), talk about abortion first.

    And talking about abortion, on a previous thread we came to the conclusion that having the mother who is getting an abortion give permission to use the embryo for medical purposes should be legally ok. After all, the mother has the legal right to end the embryo’s life. She therefore should have the legal right to say what can be done with the remains.

    If this happened, I believe we would have far more than enough embryos, eliminating the need for these hybrids.

  23. Dallas says:

    Why do all these frigg’n fanatic Christians need to get involved now in research? Why is there a shortage of lions? We need to help produce more lions.

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #19 – “superstition and fear”????? What a galactically dopey comment!

    As long as “galactically dopey”(sic) is just a colorful new way of saying precise and relevant.

    #20 – This may be “off point” but I stand four-square for being relevant.

    Aside from meeting strangers for sex at truckstops, nothing is more fun than a lively, casual conversation with friends (say, around a campfire, or in a corner booth, or while careening down a sheer wall of ice in a bobsled).

    A lively, casual conversation veers in many directions. If I wanted to have a conversation cop along for the ride, I’d log on to instead of this fine site.

  25. This is incredibly silly.

    First, a mosquito brain has more cells than that and most Christians would not worry about the soul of a mosquito as they slap it.


    Wait. What?

    That’s right folks. Abortion has been practiced since 1,550 years before Jesus. So, if he had a problem with it, why didn’t he name it as a sin by name? Why beat around the bush, so to speak?

    (to be continued, avoids spam filter, I hope.)

  26. (continued from my post #25)

    There is not a single word about abortion in either the old or new testaments despite both medicinal and surgical techniques for the procedure prior to either book.

    For more details, check out Myth: The Bible forbids abortion.

    Christians of the world, WAKE UP!!

    You are being lied to by the powers that be in order to keep you voting for the most un-Jesus-like people in the known world.

    On election day, think about it. HWJV?

  27. bobbo says:

    #21–pat==if we were perfect, we would argue all the time===and like it. Argue as in the world of ideas. Personal attack–no, not worth the argument.

    #24–OFTLO==when I said I stand four-square for being relevant, that does NOT mean I take a wide stance–at truck stops, airport restrooms, or anywhere else. Thinking about it, in a crowd, I am often heard to say “That’s not relevant” and everyone has a good laugh.

    #36–Scot==are you becoming a one note pony? Stem cell research does not raise the issue of abortion==or it doesn’t “have to.” The bible, like the constitutiton, is a living document, its moral teachings/provisions to be understood in the times relevant.===nevermind, I can’t pull it off.

  28. #27 – bobbo,

    #36–Scot==are you becoming a one note pony?

    Yes. Somewhat. I’m hoping that since reason does not convince the religiose crowd that perhaps the bible actually might. Since they’re the ones that believe it to be the word of some god, perhaps they will listen to what it says, and in this case, doesn’t say.

  29. FRAGaLOT says:

    Ironic thing is these people who object to this research are the same kinds of people who would be having sex with sheep and calfs anyway.

  30. ECA says:

    I dont MIND the drugs, and meds, to much.
    As MOST of them started off as PLANT BASED material anyway.
    I DO mind FORCING a cow to make enough milk to feed 40-60 people a day.
    I DO mind forcing that cow into a Life that only 5 years long of milking, then SLAUGHTERING IT.


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