Just something else that doesn’t exist in the minds of True Believers.

Here’s a reference article.

  1. moss says:

    Phew! Looks like a boil on the ass of Earth.

  2. Balbas says:

    Nothing to worry about. I heard on right-wing talk radio that CO2 is good for us. The word “healthy” was used.

  3. Animal Mother says:

    Ah, so that’s where Hillary and Obama are!

  4. bobbo says:

    Good News re Global Warming concerns. Turns out a limited Nuclear Exchange, say between India and Pakistan will instantly through enough dust up into the atmosphere to throw our weather into reverse and create an immediate cooling event. Seems we can regulate that fairly precisely and what with the Himalaya’s being turned into an off-road park, it could be used to regulate the earths weather.

    Only downside appears to be a thinning of the Ozone layer–but that only increases cancer and cataracs a few hundred percent==totally avoidable if you simply stay inside or travel at night.

    I love a good scientific solution to a social problem==say, it will probably work for over population issues as well.

    The future looks bright==”cataract bright” (copyright by bobbo).


  5. Animal Mother says:

    Ahhhh, experts and their beloved models! They nourish and cherish those models like they are fruit sprung of their fecund loins. No one shall argue against “my Precious” unless they are a head-in-the-sand denier or a capitalist stooge. Of course, let’s not forget that models that validate the preconceived notions of the purser are the key to more and more grants!

    When I studied operations research the professor’s credo was “No models are true; some models are useful.” Screw that; we have taxpayers money to spend!

  6. Glenn E. says:

    This doesn’t prove that the US is solely responsible for global warming, that global warming is man made, or that global warming itself is real. It’s just very interesting trivia about CO2 source. Probably taken during the daytime, so the trees and shrubs don’t confuse the scan with their own night time emissions of CO2. And isn’t the hot spot up there in Oregon Mt. Saint Helens? Like one expert states, the world’s volcanos give off more CO2 than human activity. But I suspect that these visuals can be adjust to filter out those natural sources. So only the ones we can be blamed for are prominently visible. Who’s funding Purdue’s crusade to save us. Nuclear Energy Inc.?

    Here’s an idea. Let us all start using electric cars, electric stoves, electric heaters, and power them from Chinese power plants. Then these guys can fault China for creating 90% of the world’s CO2. Who won’t give a sh*t about it, the way we do. Were outsourcing everything else to China. Factory jobs and its polution. So why not our power plant polution as well?

    Of course the real solution to all this would be to stop sitting on Geothermal power technology, and put into world wide use, in earnest. But the oil, coal and nuclear kingpins are going to let that happen.

  7. Glenn E. says:

    Correction to above “This doesN’T prove…” I don’t know why these blog windows keep omitting out my “n’ts” all the time. Just a coincidence.

    [Fixed. – ed.]

  8. Lou Minatti says:

    “the minds of True Believers.”

    Watermelons (green on the outside, red on the inside) don’t have minds. All they have is their belief. And when they are challenged they get very, very insulting.

    Why don’t you call global warming skeptics “fundies”? That will convince them of your case.

  9. bobbo says:

    Yea–it looks like a model to me==as in, it is nothing but a pictorial presentation of what we already knew==so whats the point besides pretty pictures?

    #6–Glenn== Q-#1==if you were shown a website of “Q&A regarding Global Warming fact and fiction” and it stated with references that Volcano’s do NOT emit C0’s in substantial amounts==would you not post your claim again, or would you keep on doing it??

    Q-#2==What do you see as one of the critical issues in having China create electricity for the supposed use of the USA. How closely should your answer to this question affect your credibility on Q-#1?

    Q-#3==what is your ball park estimate of how much of America’s energy needs could be supplied by Geothermal if it were fully developed?

  10. Steve-O says:

    I like the model.

    Ohio – the Heart of it All

    I’m glad to see that my hometown made it on the model.

  11. god says:

    #8 – your “skeptics” aren’t much different from xhristian fundies. They aren’t capable of much more than egregious denial of responsibility. They can say it’s God’s Will. They might go further in their denial – BushCo style – and deny climate change altogether.

    Or they can use the ostrich defense – specially piquant in the land that advocates conformity and political cowardice in the face of controversy – and offer up their singular rejection of an overwhelming body of scientific evidence. Because their rejection just Feels Right. Lazy bastards afraid to confront the suggestion they do anything at all that’s out of line with their political ennui.

  12. god says:

    BTW – for the ignorant among you who perceive this animation as a “model” – it ain’t. It’s a record.

  13. bobbo says:

    #13–God, my, my. Getting somewhat full of yourself??

    Surely being omnicient, you know that words mean whatever they are defined as? I, being merely mortal, have always thought that models indeed could be representational and did not have to always be only predictive??

    Expand your horizons, be kinder. that’s what we expect of any god.

  14. Billy Bob says:

    Crucify the unbelievers!

  15. tallwookie says:

    I demand more Red

  16. MikeN says:

    This is dated 2002. Since then the US has seen its emissions drop while the Kyoto worshippers in Europe have had their emissions go up. Also, the Chinese are now the top emitter.

  17. jbellies says:

    #6 Glenn E. The “volcano” in Oregon in the accompanying article map is called “Portland”. As anybody who watches 5th Grader knows, Mount St. Helens is in the state of Washington.

    The gases and energy balances would look better if we did all our computing during the heating season, and none (or only low-power stuff?) during the cooling season.

  18. jbellies says:

    In the voice-over of the video, they specify that it’s fossil-fuel based CO2. So, lovers of cows or methane, go elsewhere.

  19. Ed Roberts says:

    [Duplicate comment. – Deleted. – ed.]

  20. Ed Roberts says:

    Interesting study.

    Don’t understand your comment John. “Am I ever glad I left the East Coast”… because obviously CO2 is a pollutant?

  21. jbenson2 says:

    * The rising seal level did not bother me.
    * The polar bear problem did not bother me.
    * The rising fuel prices did not bother me.
    * The kooks on the left did not bother me.

    But after reading this article, I know it is getting serious and we’ve got to do something immediately.


  22. Bob says:

    Fact: Global Warming is Real

    Fact: You would have to be a complete idiot to deny it. Real world temperature data shows it.

    Fact: There is conclusive proof that it has happened before in the history of the Earth many times, and therefore should happen again.

    Fact: The Anthropogenic Global Warming model supporters believe margins of error in excess of 200% constitutes accuracy. This is information from their data sets. Some of their model attempts are in excess by more than 1,500% versus real world data.

    Fact: The Anthropogenic Global Warming model supporters also believe the Atmosphere is of infinite depth. This is one of the core principles of the mathematical model.

    Fact: The Doomsday level of CO2 Anthropogenic Global Warming supporters say will cause runaway warming has happened before on earth. In fact, it happened most recently in the last interglacial. In fact, after the high point for temperatures during that period. Even more amusing, it happened during the cool down approaching the next Ice Age.

    Fact: You should always question people who make any sort of claim. The more spectacular the claim the more demanding you should be.

  23. Phillep says:

    Well, how much global warming have we seen since 1998?

  24. Phillep says:

    Hmmm, that distribution looks familiar. Does anyone know how to overlay that map with the Red/Blue county map?

  25. RBG says:

    C0^2? Should be great for Earth’s plants and all the flowers I see blooming in the garden.

    “Anyone who has observed the explosive growth of aquarium plants in response to carbon dioxide (CO2) fertilization must be convinced of the usefulness of this system.”

    And now think I’ll go skiing since I see the local mountain received yet another rare April dump of snow.


  26. Yup says:

    If you believe global warming is being caused by humans then I’m sorry to say you are just some yuppy looking to fit in with the latest trend.

    And there are plenty of REAL scientists that would agree with me…you just haven’t found that out yet because you don’t know how to think for yourself.

  27. Yup says:

    All you skeptics better watch out global warming’s gonna GETCHA!

    DO AS I SAY! Sit down shut up and take your medicine, its good for you…like mercury.

    Seriously though, all you yuppy believers wouldn’t know how to save this planet if it was sitting on the tip of your nose, oh wait, it is…see.

  28. jOE says:

    the sky is falling!, the sky is falling!

  29. Mark T. says:

    Noted author Jerry Pournelle recently wrote on his blog about just these types of studies. For those interested, here is the link:



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