• EU approves use of cell phones on airliners. The airline that appears to have the lead is Emirates followed by EMI, RyanAir and Air France. Lufthansa says no.
  • Microsoft’s Trusted Computing initiative looks to be in the toilet.
  • HP brings out $499 mini-laptop.
  • Robots replaced 3.5 million workers in Japan.

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  1. jbellies says:

    They’re probably going to want an eye-popping per-minute charge to use a cell phone. I agree, it is a bad idea, but this too will pass. Maybe they should make it a separate section called … well, Business Class is taken. Gabby Class? Hubbub Class? Hugga Mugga Class? No. Class. (No. being short for “Noisy”).

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Trusted Computing initiative. A crock from the start.

    It was Microsoft’s and Friends kowtow to the RIAA and MPAA that created the disaster known as Vista.

    Locking down every part of the system from the optical drive through the audio to the video just to appease the entertainment industry was one of the worse business decisions in history. Incompatable hardware, broken drivers, and OS bloat can all be directly attributed to the Trusted Computing initiative.

    Look how much money and market Microsoft lost because of it.

    Microsoft fought off the Government numerous times already, why did they decide to throw in the towel now just to create a bug ridden OS that nobody wanted?

    Let’s hope that Microsoft and company learned a lesson, which again is, “Deliver what the customer wants!”

    Here is my Crystal Ball glimpse of the “hoped for” future.

    Win 7. We know it is being released very quickly, so it cannot be a ground up build like much of Vista, so it must be a massage of Vista.

    Hoping that someone of importance at Microsoft has awakened from their deep slumber, they release Win7 with two “modes” of operation. Trusted and Legacy.

    Trusted would be recommended for all installations, specially in a corporation. It would be what Vista would be with SP3 with a few extras.

    Legacy would be an optional mode for home users. Legacy would allow devices currently unsupported by Vista/Win7 to run using XP drivers. It would still run Aero and DirectX10/11, and deliver the other bells and whistles. When selecting Legacy, somewhere in the end user agreement the end user would hold Microsoft harmless against what the end user did with the system.

    This would give users what they want and Microsoft a way out.

    Of course, this concept of delivering what the customer wants may be too far removed for Microsoft to understand.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    WoW! That was a long post!

    I need a life…..

  4. bobbo says:

    #3–Ah Yea==long is much better than arguing with yourself. Do you hear voices, or are you only surprised by what you have just written? (smile!)

    Actually, very good post-the longer one.

    I hear my own voices telling me “Nooo–Win Legacy will be seen through as “Win, The Pirate Edition” and MS will get sued for aiding and abetting copyright infringments.

    MS caved to entertainment industry in order to avoid potential lawsuits==not an express upfront concern, just in the mix.

    What will be “the last gasp” of the RIAA? My voices say “Sue everybody!”

  5. John X Dsnorak says:

    Say, John, those sound effects are about as awful as it gets. “Welcome to Johnny’s treehouse. Let’s put a crowing rooster on today’s tape of me reading headlines.”

  6. Sam says:

    I think you are underestimating the market of the EeePC, particularly among students. A laptop has become an integral part of any students academic career, but many students are still unable to afford the $500+ required for a standard laptop and even more for a small, portable one. The EeePC and others like it give these students the ability to purchase a functioning laptop that they can easily carry around between classes.

  7. Eideard says:

    AFAIK, most of Emirates customers are Brits going somewhere warm and dry.

  8. stopher2475 says:

    Damm robots!

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    Bobbo, “Do you hear voices, or are you only surprised by what you have just written? (smile!)”


    The RIAA can’t go away fast enough. Don’t these clowns understand that not only have they not reduced piracy, but in fact exacerbated it by eliminating any moral high ground?

    Apparently, they just don’t get the message.

  10. /T. says:

    I remember hearing that in the UK certain train cars were fitted with a transparent metal film over the windows that blocked cell phone signals.

    No ringing, no dicks yelling into their phones.

    As ideas go … FANTASTIC !!!




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