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Alfred Hrdlicka says he represented the men in this way because there are no women in the Da Vinci painting which inspired it…
The museum took down the Last Supper piece at Cardinal Schoenborn’s request just over a week after the ‘Religion, Flesh and Power’ exhibition opened, leaving a blank black wall at the entrance to the display.
Curator Martina Judt said the exhibition was meant to prompt…balanced reaction. The museum wanted to show that controversial works inspired by religious imagery can be discussed without taboo.
“People have said the Catholic Church has become a lot more liberal,” she said. “But in the end, the reactions show this perhaps isn’t the case.”
The Cardinal – in predictable newspeak – says this has nothing to do with censorship, it just requires “reverence for the sacred”.
#28 – One good sign of a church in decline is if they depict the Last Supper as a gay orgy.
Not if its a church that worships a gay god and features sex as a sacrament. Such a church could well be on the rise.
26 IE6.0.2900.2180
[If you upgrade to IE7, it will solve the problem. – ed.]
So what? If someone did a painting like that, but depicting the Greek gods or Norse gods, no one would care. Why? Because those “aren’t real gods”. LOL. It’s all just made up. Gods/witches/demons/unicorns/trolls aren’t real…none of them are around…none are on video or have any ‘proof’. It’s all just silly stories told about how it USED to be back before scientific proof was required to assert something. Since the invention of the video camera, all gods/demi-gods/giants/dragons have stopped roaming around the earth like they used to. Thor no longer battles giants and Zeus no long impregnates woman making demi-gods and Jesus hasn’t shown up again in 2000 years…it all stopped in every single religion on earth. Shocking huh. LOL. Grow up and stop getting made because someone makes fun of your MADE UP fictional supernatural characters.
#24, jbenson2, you response is just childish… it’s not even a point. I didn’t deny your right to free speech. You just made that up so that you could throw a stone at me.
So, in essence, you think making fun of Mickey Mouse is the same as making fun of Walt disney. Put a drawing of John Dvorak and friends masturbating on public display, and see if it is considered freedom of expression just like Alfred Herdlicka’s painting, as you claim.
When the shit hits the fan and you are peering out from behind bars, or out of a cardboard box under the freeway, you’ll notice that Alfred Herdlicka is still a free man.
The Last Supper always made me sad…
Mostly because I figured I’d get hungry again the next night.
#34 – If this drawing is so full of innocence and love as you seem to believe (a painting involving creative expression), then riddle me this – why is not shown all over the internet?
It’s because Al Herdlicker’s sole objective is not creative expression. It was to shock the folks that visit the museum and it succeeded. Now, he is scurrying for cover because the big hammers are coming out.
Regarding your comment: You just made that up so that you could throw a stone at me. Go cry me a river!
33 LOL: Placebos are known scientifically to work also. I say religion, for better and worse, real or not real, has historically – if not scientifically – been proven to be as powerful as any scientific discovery. And when you laugh at that, it’s like laughing at someone with a loaded gun who has no right to shoot you.
#34 JimR: Alfred Herdlicka’s painting is gone.
Personally I believe free speech is more an excuse to fill pockets with $ than preventing the proverbial jack-booted invasion.
Only WHIMPS try to offend the religion of we Christians. They know we won’t do anything.
I dare them to try this on Muslims!
#36 “It’s because Al Herdlicker’s sole objective is not creative expression. It was to shock ”
True, but I’ve got news for you jbenson2, creative expression can be intended to do many things, one of which is to evoke emotions. Shock easily falls into that category.
#37 Unfortunately RGB, secularists aren’t allowed to explore tabu subject matter while the Christian police are around. It will show up somewhere where there’s more tolerance for opposing views.
Actually gregallen, there are many who aren’t afraid to exercise their right to freedom of expression in what they believe… namely that all gods are myths… even if there is a threat of violence.
The Muhammad cartoons have been republished many times, and there are several rather negative documentaries on the Muslim religion, the most recent being Fitna by Geert Wilders.
They wouldn’t DARE do this to the Moslem or Jewish religious icons. No freakin way! But there never seems to be much offical reprisals for pissing all over Christianity. Maybe this extraordinary degree of tolerance of denigration should be commendable. But it seem more like excessive complacency to me. The Olympic committee is more protective of its icons. Also, maybe this debauchery of the major symbol of all branches of Christianity, who are likely to retaliate the least of all the world’s religions, says more about the screwed up Art World. And it’s sick infatuation with homoerotic imagery. To the point of using it to defill anything others hold dear and sacret. And they gays wonder why they get the anger of the straights, now and then. Then some of their more extremist kind pull this crap. Like naughty little children, testing the bounds of what they can get away with.
Gee no riots, no one was killed. what is wrong with these damn christens don’t they believe.
39 JimR. “Explore”? How intellectual sounding. So we need to “explore” material as offensive as creativity will allow because it calls attention to the simple point “All the apostles are men.” Around here, you get pummelled even if you WRITE IN ALL CAPS TO CALL ATTENTION TO YOUR POINT because such things are accepted as artificial, too easy, intellectually unnecessary and, ultimately, weak pretentious pomp.
Luckily the damages were limited in that no Liberal sacred cows were hurt in the making of that painting.
I have no doubt Herdlika will make a fortune with his painting elsewhere. That’s the subtext of his “freedom of speech.” But the point is, it will be elsewhere.
I assume you guys will all stand behind me when I put my painting of Chuck Schumer drinking the blood of Gentile children, while Barack Obama-with-chimpanzee-body rapes Barney Frank, and Nancy Pelosi in a Soviet officer’s uniform pisses on Ralph Nader, in the congressional art gallery.
I call it, ‘The Aristodemocrats’. What? You’re not as equally outraged by the suppression of my free expression? How unsurprising.
#45–BillyB–I’m not going to reread this post, but my own impression is that no one here has been outraged or even concerned about the suppression of the art work in question. Comments have been on tangential issues.
Fun to catch ourselves in our own prejudices/knee jerk reactions??
#36 – It’s because Al Herdlicker’s sole objective is not creative expression. It was to shock the folks that visit the museum and it succeeded.
I hear this familiar refrain in reference to many artists, and it is always leveled by someone who doesn’t have any real appreciation for art.
And besides… anyone who gets so easily upset or offended by such trivial things as a homoerotic Last Supper should just stay home and avoid all cultural and social events.
#38 – Only WHIMPS try to offend the religion of we Christians. They know we won’t do anything.
I dare them to try this on Muslims!
Zealots are zealots and fundies are fundies. When zealots like Pat Robertson realize their wet dream of a theocratic police state, like the Muslim loonbats have now in some Middle Eastern nations, then Christians will act just the same.
Just look at Fundy nutbags protesting at abortion clinics. Do you think that is love in their hearts when they are shouting down teen girls with labels like “whore” and “baby killer”? We are just a few bad election results away from from letting slip the dogs of God’s army to exact vengeance from the heathens (or, me, not to put to fine a point on it)
These posts claiming Christian innocence and persecution are as tiresome as they are false.
RBG – In case you didn’t see my answer to your display problem… it’s a problem with IE6. Upgrading to IE7 or switching to FireFox, Opera or Safari will solve the problem.
#45 – I assume you guys will all stand behind me when I put my painting of…
I will do nothing to squelch the voices of those who are offended by your art, except to suggest that they should just relax. But I will defend your right to create that art and freedom of expression is important enough to me that I would help defend your and your art were the offended nutbags to actually attack you.
So yes… I will stand behind you.
#49 – I will also try to close the italics command in the future.
I feel such great shame now.
#49, italics aren’t so bad. I’ve left the bold on before. 🙂
48 hhopper. Thanks. Had a feeling about that. Wonder how I can check to make sure my computer-seller included Genuine Windows without having Microsoft disable IE in the process as they once did to my Windows Media?
To bring on topic: apparently Microsoft requires “reverence for the sacred” so I may be having a Last Supper for IE.
#45, Billy Bob,
I call it, ‘The Aristodemocrats’. What? You’re not as equally outraged by the suppression of my free expression? How unsurprising.
It is your use of just three crayons that kind of turned me off. That along with you had to explain it to me. I originally thought it was just some two y/o scribbling.