
Political Radar: Condoleezza Rice Is Pursuing the VP Spot

ABCNews’ Mary Bruce Reports: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is actively courting the vice presidential nomination, Republican strategist Dan Senor said. “Condi Rice has been actively, actually in recent weeks, campaigning for this,” Senor said this morning on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” According to Senor, Rice has been cozying up to the Republican elite.

“There’s this ritual in Washington: The Americans for Tax Reform, which is headed by Grover Norquist, he holds a weekly meeting of conservative leaders — about 100, 150 people, sort of inside, chattering, class types,” Senor said. “They all typically get briefings from political conservative leaders. Ten days ago, they had an interesting visit — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice — the first time a secretary of state has visited the Wednesday meeting.” According to Senor, Rice has been cozying up to the Republican elite. “What the McCain campaign has to consider is whether or not they want to pick a total outsider, a fresh face, someone a lot younger than him, a governor who people aren’t that familiar with,” Senor said.

“The other category is someone who people instantly say, the second they see that announcement, ‘I get it, that person could be president tomorrow,'” Senor added. “Condi Rice is an option.”

Like many people I think McCain will probably be the next President. How is his health BTW?

  1. Rabble Rouser says:

    Canada looks better every day.
    If Condisleeza gets in as Veep, it will be my best option!
    Just what we need, another oil billionaire for a war to take over the Middle East’s oil!
    Not that McSame wouldn’t all by himself, heck, he wants 100 years of war with Iraq, and many more wars.

  2. JOE says:

    the story was completely false she’s come out and made statements that she has no interest in the job

  3. Butom says:

    Rice does have the resume to be a VP, specially with McCain admitting that he is weak in foreign affairs. Condie was a Soviet/European advisor during bush I, and her experience as a secretary of state and NSA adv. counts a lot. Any one who says that she does not have the credentials, does not have the credentials to say so. I am not arguing her future effectiveness, just her qualification.

    A tool ? someone who speaks 5 languages, plays the piano like a possessed woman and a former Stanford provost a tool ?

    You may disagree(as I do) with her support of a real tool of a president, but you cannot argue against her intelligence.

  4. Joshua says:

    #27…julieb….that dosen’t make any sense. You stated that there is no voting based on race or gender. I pointed out that if that were true then how do you explain Obama(a bi-racial man, who consider’s himself black) getting anywhere from 75% to 90% of the black vote and only 20 to 30% of the white vote? Or Clinton, who is a woman who gets from 46% to 60% of the women’s vote, and 5% to 10% of the black vote(and 80% of her black vote is black women)?
    As I said above….if that’s not racial and gender voting, then nothing is. And it’s actually quite important that it’s taking place in the Democratic primaries, since the vast majority of blacks only vote str8 Democrat and approx. 54% of women vote Democratic.

    Condi Rice being black wouldn’t get much black vote as you stated correctly because she is a black Republican. Even Colin Powell never polled above 24% of the black vote back when he was talked about as a candidate.


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