(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. BigWhite says:

    i vote for #45

  2. Serrin says:

    [Duplicate comment. – Deleted. – ed.]

  3. Serrin says:

    Ok boys! It’s 3:1 in our favor! If we can’t get some in this group, we’re doomed!

  4. gear says:

    It’s an illusion; he looks big in the photo but his legs as thin as Amy Winehouse’s

  5. ag3nt0sm1th says:

    “Where’s Waldo”

  6. moflaherty says:

    WWF College Campus Recruitment Picnic Group Photo for 2008

  7. Bobnino says:

    Massage Therapy 2008 Grads

  8. gmknobl says:

    My entry: And to think that the guy known as “Tiny” actually sounded like Mike Tyson.

    Mr. Dvorak, some of those girls use to be men until Tiny sucked all the testosterone out of them.

    This is actually quiet sick as I don’t think it is humanly possibly without really bad drug treatments. He’ll suffer horribly as he gets older, no doubt.

  9. BertDawg says:

    #1 is just too subtle, evidently. The guy’s like a small planet.

  10. TwelveTwo says:

    The subtle early signs of steroid abuse.

  11. TwelveThree says:

    Alternatively: The new fitness program showed inconsistent results.


    Josephine had some problems with the hormone replacement therapy.

  12. Jimbo says:

    Johny was always the center of attention…!

  13. George Kreif says:

    . . . daaaah, i taught dis was da gwoop photo for da sumo team.

  14. SpeedBump says:

    Three Girls for every GUY!!!

  15. Uncle Dave says:

    Walter was quite appreciative on class photo day that they were able to tie him to the filled bleacher after what, in later life, was to become known as the ‘helium incident.’

  16. nearly south says:

    . . . daaaah, i taught dis was da gwoop photo fau da sumo team.

  17. Improbus says:

    That’s not a moon!

  18. George K says:

    On extra windy days Wentworth often offers his services as an anchor for class photos.

  19. QB says:

    Unfortunately, Arnold had much bigger knockers than the combined cheerleading squad.

  20. McDoogal says:

    Bobby “Silverback” Borborski, and his posse of 12th graders pose for what could be his last photo, before his attempt to break the school record for windows blown out of the gym with a single fart.

  21. retusa says:

    23 Nerds and their body guard.

  22. eliot2000 says:

    STUDY: 4% of high school students exposed to gamma radiation.

  23. Lucas says:

    Hello, my name is Bob and this is my breakfast.

  24. supercowthe3rd says:

    dispite fears on the volume of reponses to the lonely hearts column, there is enough of him to go around.

  25. Susan Beebe says:

    Wow, that’s one really huge kid! I’d hate to see the grocery bill!

  26. Lister says:

    “Why do I always have to stand in the middle?”

  27. Marc says:

    Ben poses for a picture before continuing his search for the rest of the Fantastic Four.

  28. kjmorley says:

    Try as he might, Bernie could still not bend space.

  29. heavyd says:

    Find the mii that can eat the rest


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