(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. With apologies to Friends says:

    #18 damienkp said,

    The camera adds 200 pounds.

    How many cameras are on that guy?

  2. nonStatist says:

    “New extrasolar Jovian planet discovered”

  3. Scatropolis says:

    It’s hard to be the body guard of 23 different people, but somehow James made it work.

  4. Luke says:

    Which of these things is not like the other?
    Which of these things just doesn’t belong?

  5. Rance Bleester says:

    CEO Lonnie “Man Hog” DuPry poses with his Boy Ho’s and the first graduates of his new Pimp Yo Bitches(c) franchise. Mr. Man Hog is in the middle.

  6. Grandpa says:

    You think my muscles are large, you ought to see my…………

  7. jbusch7 says:

    Ok everyone holding tight?

    On three i am going to lift the bleacher..

  8. Aaron says:

    “The entire senior class of Watkins Senior High was able to graduate after teachers unanimously agreed to accept ‘Me smart or me smash’ for an aanswer to any test question.”


    “Some think Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin’s (center) inability to blend in with his student peers wast he main reason he rebelled and ultimately joined forces with Magneto.”


    “One of these things is not like the others,
    One of these things just doesn’t belong,
    Can you tell which thing is not like the others
    By the time I finish my song?”


    “All of James McGuin’s (second row, center) male peers were very jealous of him….not because of his enormous frame and muscle mass…but because of his equally enormous cock, which is being admired in this photo by Amanda Franks (second row, right of center).”

    Zoom in. You’ll see what I mean….


    “A young Magnus Ver Magnusson poses with all his brothers and sisters who he lovingly refers to as ‘a bunch asses I could kick.”


    “The 24 survivors of the plane crash last June were rescued this morning. The other 157 passengers would have had a good chance of survival if it weren’t for the anxious cannibalism of Freddy Adams (center) who, before the accident, was just two steps away from graduating his local OverEaters Annonymous program.”

    “Brandon Williams poses with the 23 young men and women who volunteered their time to raise money for his cause. The kids weren’t able to raise the entire amount but they were still able to buy Brandon a ‘pretty sweet’ shirt. They hope to soon hold another drive to next buy him some sleeves.”


    “A page from the new book for legally blind children, ‘Where’s Freakishly Big Waldo’.

    Man I could do this all night.

  9. Califzeph says:

    “Maam, can you identify the suspect who ate all of your pizzas?”

  10. WmDE says:

    While training his small dog in the park, Mongo shouted “Heel!” Everyone in the park obeyed.

  11. bac says:

    Here we see the lead gorilla and his troop have adapted to a new environment. If this troop is successful in surviving in the new environment, the gorilla may become more wide spread. Creating a planet of apes in the near future.

  12. becagle says:

    The Board of Education, upon hearing a rumor that a member of the debating team was taking performance enhancing drugs, summoned the team to Board HQ.

    After lining up the team, the Board Members determined that, team alternate, Susie McNichol (pictured, first row, far right),looked to be the most likely suspect.

  13. ChuckM says:

    Teenage boy has 4 limbs ripped off in car crash. Surgeon re-attaches limbs while drunk.

  14. The Pirate says:

    James Hill (middle row, center) poses with his personalities. Asked about the preponderance of female personalities Mr. Hill read from a prepared statement, “I’m not gay, not that there is anything wrong with that.”

  15. Bob says:

    The debate team has never lost a match this year

  16. Erik Blazynski says:

    “Little Johnny had a tough time with 9th grade”

  17. David says:

    Who’s the oversized palooka?

  18. skipjack says:

    How did I end up in the chess club photo????

  19. Chilli says:

    The Students Against Steroid Use Club (SASUC) suspected that they had been infiltrated, though they could never figure out the culprit.

  20. MacBandit says:

    Mongo like chocolate!

  21. Jeff P. says:

    “One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn’t belong.”

  22. Did anyone notice the 18 to 6 Girl to boy ratio?

  23. pjakobs says:

    “would you like an isle seat or a window seat?”
    “both, please!”

    I’ve seen a petite young asian woman in a mall on Sunday. The two would have made a nice picture together. She at 1/3 scale, him at 2x scale… Humans, they come in all size shape and forms.


  24. Balbas says:

    John Dvorak’s “Bash the Mac” Crew, who research ways of making life difficult for Mac users.

  25. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  26. Dallas says:

    #10 is the winner

  27. ugene says:

    the school kids lived in fear

  28. DarthVCDr says:

    “Unfortunately for Johnny Milbanks (center), the talk by former baseball players against steroid use came a few months too late”

    “Billy McMannis’ secret shame was, although his arms were larger than half his classmate’s torsos, his genitalia had regressed to it’s grade 3 size…”

    “Welcome to are you stronger than a 7th grader. If you get any questions wrong a randomly selected student from this group will be allowed to give you a wedgie, noogie, and pink belly”

  29. lever says:


  30. TatooYou says:

    …at any price he’s mighty nice…Magilla Gorilla…


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