(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. BertDawg says:


  2. Briresp says:


  3. McCullough says:

    After eating 3 of his fellow students, Harold pauses for a photo op.

  4. The townsfolk never discovered why the penguins ate fish.

  5. jlm says:

    Juggernaut mid-puberty

  6. igor says:

    i actually didnt notice anything till i started reading comment. Must be going blind

  7. bobbo says:

    Everything looks like “The Last Supper” to me.

  8. Moose says:

    Beefcake… BEEFCAKE!

  9. Brett says:

    it’s john c. dvorak after a good human growth hormone treatment

  10. Les says:

    Okay, who took steroids?

  11. jbenson2 says:

    Roids anyone?

  12. andrewj says:

    Undercover steroid detective.

  13. matrixghost1286 says:

    Hello, Mr. Barry Bonds, we have a line up of the kids who broke into you house and stole your possessions. We know who took your “skin cream”.

  14. matrixghost1286 says:

    [Duplicate comment. – Deleted. – ed.]

  15. Gerry O'brien says:


  16. johnboy says:

    Shit, that guy is fucking huge!

  17. human2 says:

    Chuck Norris’ Son Graduates from Middle School.

  18. adogg4629 says:

    “It was a very lonely childhood for the Jesse the Body. He would try anything to stand out in a crowed and get noticed, but to no avail. Most young people of his generation would look at him and see only a giant roid-robber and not see beyond the muscle, fat and stilted intellect and never notice his heart of gold. “I love soooo much” he would typically cry out to himself in the silence of his room to nobody but the ghosts….”

  19. damienkp says:

    The camera adds 200 pounds.

  20. mg says:

    My vote for #8

  21. Jeroen says:


  22. Mac Guy says:

    Hulk Smash!

  23. amodedoma says:

    Girls wrestling team, coach in the middle, assistents behind.

  24. Chuck45 says:

    Why does that kid in the middle need 23 bodyguards?

  25. AJ_Syrinx says:

    HULK – The College Years

  26. BobbyJoe says:

    My last 7th Grade class photo.
    Those were the best six years of my life.

  27. ECA says:

    According to ‘ARNOLD’

    I’m the TEACHER’

  28. James Hill says:

    “Polygamist family in Texas broken up”

  29. Grey says:

    “My many conquests and my witless minions”

  30. RugbyNerd says:

    My doctor prescribed the pills


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