From the wonderful world of Tex Avery.

  1. Uilleam says:

    Ahh, the good old days. They sure don’t make them like this anymore.

  2. Ron Larson says:

    Tex Avery was so much more brilliant and talented than Chuck Jones. Yet it is Jones who gets all the praise for the Looney Tunes legacy. Compare a Tex Avery cartoon to a Chuck Jones, especially a later Jones one. Jones just doesn’t have the genius edge to them. They are so predictable, and not even funny.

    Tex was the man!

  3. bill says:


  4. ECA says:

    For the TIME when TV wasnt color, but cartoons WERE…

    we are almost…at the time where Every channel has the SAME SHOWS, including the theater.

  5. Brian says:

    6- No we’re not, and it’s not even close. Programming diversity has never been higher.

    Great short…the original and brilliant thinking like that just is in too short supply nowadays.

  6. admfubar says:

    for the type of talent tha tyou miss try here


  7. Joshua says:

    These are kind of old aren’t they? Just how old ARE you guys? 🙂


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