As one of the writers at Ain’t It Cool News put it, “I personally blame the damn dirty apes.” Probably left wing commie pinko apes.

Actor Charlton Heston dies at 84

Charlton Heston, whose chiseled-granite looks and commanding manner led him to portray some of history’s most extraordinary men — from Moses to Michelangelo, John the Baptist to El Cid — has died. He was 84.

The actor, who won a best actor Oscar for the title role in 1959’s “Ben Hur,” died Saturday night at his home in Beverly Hills with his wife Lydia at his side, according to family spokesman Bill Powers, who declined to comment on the cause of death.

In 2002, Heston revealed in a videotaped statement that he had symptoms consistent with Alzheimer’s disease. Saying, “I must reconcile courage and surrender in equal measure,” he began to exit the public stage, where he was known for his work with both SAG and the American Film Institute as well as for political activism that saw him take up causes that ranged from civil rights to gun ownership.

  1. bobbo says:

    Charlton Heston==he was an actor wasn’t he?

  2. Amar says:

    He will be missed. 🙁

  3. TheCommodore says:

    I liked his performances better in Soylent Green than in POTA, but for some reason the geekiness in us always go back to POTA. In fact I always thought his best performances were in the historical / biblical movies like Ben Hur and TAATE, not to mention TXC.

    This guy kicked ass. He will be missed. The greats are leaving the building.

  4. Cinaedh says:

    I guess we can take his gun now.

  5. ArianeB says:

    I prefer to remember him in three of the greatest sci-fi films ever:

    Planet of the Apes
    Soylent Green
    The Omega Man

  6. The Pirate says:

    I’ll take his gun and hold it in trust until that day when it is needed again. That day is coming sooner rather than later. You can thank me later #3.

    God speed Charlton, one of the greatest American actors to grace the screen.

  7. bobbo says:

    #3–Cinaedh==yes, thanks for the chuckle.

    #6–gun nut==yes, you do remind me on this anniversary of the sniper firing death of Martin Luther King how our freedom fighters are keeping the government off our backs. Is it too much to hope you are just an idiot shut-in or do you vote as well?

  8. RTaylor says:

    I would be a shame that a tribute/obit thread gets political.

  9. bobbo says:

    “And the priests in black gowns
    were making their rounds
    and binding with briars
    my joys and desires.”

    Raising consciousness should never miss an occasion–not when Mr. Heston’s chosen activity in life to give it personal meaning was to champion the freest possible use of private guns.

    Which is part of why we have the country we have today–specials interests like the Heston lead NRA overruling the popular desires of the people.

    This week is the BEST TIME to discuss gun laws because of Heston’s death, and MLK’s death as well. Course, with MLK’s death, one might really want to stop and pay him honor due that he never got in life, not being a movie star and what not.

  10. JimR says:

    Cinaedh, good one! 🙂

    Bobbo…. I agree. Good posts.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #7, #9 – bobbo

    Your posts cover my thoughts as well. Thanks.

  12. bill says:

    Guns don’t kill people DAMN DIRTY APES KILL PEOPLE!

  13. RSweeney says:

    Heston was a class act in a crass business.

    It is hard to imagine someone of his character succeeding in Hollywood today.

  14. HandyRooney says:

    Did ya’ ever notice the people who are most in favor of gun control are the people who most need shot?
    You know the type of people, a-holes who can’t set aside their ass-backwards politics for two seconds and pay respect to a dead man.
    They seek out other morons who have the same twisted sense of reality as they do, and then try to impose their stupidity on others as:
    “popular desires of the people”.

  15. Ray says:

    Actually, his best movies were ones that get the least notice. Anyone ever see “The Naked Jungle” or “55 Days at Peking”? Great stuff. He was one of the best.

  16. B. Dog says:

    His performance in Ben-Hur was awesome. There was something about The Greatest Show on Earth that touched me deeply in a very different way. He did a lot for us.

  17. Gonzirillaman says:

    One less fascist in this planet.

  18. The Pirate says:

    I suppose thats aimed at me, sticks and stones …

    Yup Charlton Heston, the “gun nut”, stood proud and honored one day back in August of 1963. He stood unarmed and courageous near to a man who gave a landmark American speech on freedom and personal liberty. That man was Dr. Martin Luther King. Mr. Heston was one of the few whites who stood united that day, stood on the battlefield of change, united in the message of equality and personal liberty for all.

    Remember #7 and those like you. Your right to lecture us on your ignorance was won upon the barrel of a gun. It has been defended with the barrel of a gun. A gun will defend your right again, regardless of the petty lectures and disrespect you show a great American icon.

    Grow up. Respect others and one day you will obtain the respect you lack.

  19. jbenson2 says:

    A marvelous actor. The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, Soylent Green. Terrific stuff.

    He marched alongside Martin Luther King in the early 1960s and he was a supporter of the NRA. Both, he said, were promoting “freedom in the truest sense”.

    He will be missed.

  20. JimR says:

    Interesting how actors are held in such high esteem. You’d think he actually was Moses.

  21. apeguero says:

    Brave man. Honorable man. One more from the greatest generation, gone forever. May you rest in peace Charlton Heston and thank for the entertainment and the hard work you did in the years you were with us.

  22. Angel H. Wong says:

    I wonder if he’s going to hell with Frank Sinatra?

  23. jbenson2 says:

    Angel? – rather odd name especially considering your post. I see that you have dropped in from the HuffPo.

    They’ve closed comments for the Heston story at the Huffington Post, because they’re afraid of their own readers’ comments.

  24. OmegaMan says:

    I don’t get my moniker from the Police song, though Sting may have been influence by the movie…

    Of course everyone grows old and dies, but Heston’s baritone voice from above and his skills as an actor will be missed.

    In as much as I am liberal, I think the need to protect oneselves is paramount and people should be allowed to purchase weapons to for that protection or to be allowed to hunt. I just don’t believe it should be easier to get a gun than a car license.

    I don’t begrudge Heston for his political views, but celebrate. This country is made up of people who have different views and due to the nature of our government, they can be expressed in non violent ways.

    He was first an American then Conservative second. Partisan politics and flame wars seem to always overlook things like that…..

    To not like a person because of his or her political views and not judge them by their craft I believe is short sided. I admired Chuck for acting skills and will miss his being on screen.

  25. edwinrogers says:

    “Ode to Charlie H.”

    An American astronaut,
    who painted the Cistine Chapel,
    and parted the Red Sea,
    before his lunch break.

    Chest like a lion,
    his voice like a bear,
    he had all his own tooth,
    and all his own hair.

    Drove two horse chariots,
    with one hand on the reigns,
    without his shirt on,
    he was box office mains.

    Fighter for freedom,
    a man before god,
    a fair headed hebrew,
    and rowed fast when flogged.

    Rest well, sweet Heston,
    take heavenly bide,
    there are no apes in heaven,
    no more chariot rides.

  26. bobbo says:

    Meat puppets, aka “actors”, as people should not be confused for the roles they play. To the degree that’s true–all actors are the same. Empty headed egoists spouting other peoples words and ideas.

    And can they “act?” We of course, and when they get it wrong, there is always another take.

    In short–its 99% pop culture. Not so with Heston. He played a political role as well. I forgot if I knew that he marched with MLK. Kudo’s to him for that.

    Poll after poll shows the majority of voters in USA are for stronger gun controls. NRA blocks most of these initiatives. In a country that leads the world in murder by guns, it does make a perverted sense that you need guns to protect yourself==even though statistically a family member is more likely to be shot and killed than an intruder, but such is the logic of the gun crowd.

    What is “a time of remembrance” except a time to recall what a person did and what they stood for???? Get off your knees and think.

    Charleton Heston–actor, champion of MLK, then NRA Cheerboy. A man of good and bad just like most of us.

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    Bobbo, I like your epitaph “A man of good and bad just like most of us.”

    May I add one additional thought. “A man who got in the game, who got involved in what he believed in.”

    I can’t help but think that if more of us got involved like he did, things would be better.

  28. bobbo says:

    #27–Ah Yea, Is it good to be involved???? It all depends on what you are involved in doing.

    Marching with MLK—good.
    Heading the NRA—probably not.

    Leading an organized crime gang?—no.
    Leading an anti-abortion protest?–no.

    And the list goes on to include everything ever done with people on both sides.

    Things get better only when people get involved on the side you support. Its called conflict, and why there is no need to conjure up the devil to explain evil.

  29. MikeN says:

    He is severely underrated as an actor. Take another look at Alexander with Colin Farrell or Troy with Brad Pitt, and you realize just how hard it is to get these epic actors. He did Ben Hur and the Ten Commandments and the lesser hit El Cid. His performance in Ben Hur was so much better than Russell Crowe’s own brilliance in Gladiator.

  30. MikeN says:

    And perhaps his greatest stage performance was to attend a shareholders meeting and read the rap lyrics of one of the songs they were selling. He got a contract cancelled after they heard the lines about Al Gore’s daughters.


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