As one of the writers at Ain’t It Cool News put it, “I personally blame the damn dirty apes.” Probably left wing commie pinko apes.

Actor Charlton Heston dies at 84

Charlton Heston, whose chiseled-granite looks and commanding manner led him to portray some of history’s most extraordinary men — from Moses to Michelangelo, John the Baptist to El Cid — has died. He was 84.

The actor, who won a best actor Oscar for the title role in 1959’s “Ben Hur,” died Saturday night at his home in Beverly Hills with his wife Lydia at his side, according to family spokesman Bill Powers, who declined to comment on the cause of death.

In 2002, Heston revealed in a videotaped statement that he had symptoms consistent with Alzheimer’s disease. Saying, “I must reconcile courage and surrender in equal measure,” he began to exit the public stage, where he was known for his work with both SAG and the American Film Institute as well as for political activism that saw him take up causes that ranged from civil rights to gun ownership.

  1. Joshua says:

    #28 bobbo….You always manage to go to far just when I am about to agree with something you’ve said.

    Mr. Heston was Liberal in the early days, back when being a Liberal meant you cared about things like freedom of speech and freedom of choice, etc. But like most young men who start out Liberal, he eventually realized that Liberalism wasn’t the path to what you want in your life and made a move to Conservatism.

    He marched with Dr. King, worked for civil rights, headed the SAG and was liberal more often than not. Later he came to the defense of 2nd. amendment rights and pro-life.

    Being pro-life isn’t a bad thing as you seem to think. Or being against the death penalty. Or defending rights granted to Americans by the Constitution.

    People can’t always be pigeon holed by looking at one or two of their views on a few subjects.
    Charlton Heston was one of those. And he was a gifted actor as well.

  2. bobbo says:

    #31–Joshua==being pro-life is the most wonderful thing a person can possibly be. Its when you prevent others from exercising their deeply held values that morality turns into politics and the soul turns black. Was Heston “pro-life?” Gee, another black mark.

    Its no wonder that as people age and their brain cells die off, they become more conservative. You figure out the connection.

    Gifted Actor?? Ok. But what does that mean exactly?? 99% of acting is just being yourself and that self happens to be attractive to other people. Being tall and blue eyes seems to contribute to those acting skills in a disproportionate and as yet not understood way. I wonder what it could be?

    How is anyone being pigeoned holed when described as both good and bad, a man like all of us?==oh, I get it. Pigeon holed for being a human being. Nevermind.

    As a general rule==do you learn more from those with whom you disagree, or from those with whom you agree? Just make sure what you learn is correct.

    #32–Bryan==yes, all voices deserve to be heard. This does not mean what you gun nuts thru the NRA have done which is to leverage your single issue advocacy to override the majority sentiment to cow our legislators into structuring a society rotting from the core thru gun violence. You might disagree==fine and dandy and that’s what a democracy should be about. One man, one vote. Not a corrupted power structure pandering to single issue voters like YOU, anti-free choicers, school prayer, and on and on.

    The court will be ruling this year on just what right gun ownership is==I fear your position will win out as common sense has no single issue advocacy group of size.

  3. Phillep says:

    Heston supported the right of all people of all races and religions to have the means to defend themselves from attack by bigots. That was the early NRA position, and that is why the NRA sent people to the deep South to teach the Negro neighborhood patrols proper gun handling skills, so they could defy the KKK and White Supremacists out to burn their homes and kill them and their families.

    In later years, he started supporting measures that would help the oppression of minorities, specifically the outlawing of high capacity semi-auto firearms.

    Bobbo, support for gun control depends on how the question is worded. If it’s “do you want guns kept out of the hands of nuts and criminals?” the answer will be “Yes”. If it’s “Do you want to give up all your rights to own a gun on the off chance it will keep criminals from getting one?” the answer will be a resounding “NO!”.

    The funniest stories I’ve read about the Rodney King riots were the reactions of the people in LA when they discovered they could not purchase firearms to defend themselves with.

    If you saw the news clips from LA, you did not see the Korean store owners defending their stores from the rioters. You probably missed the old Black woman reaming out a dumb assed teenager who was bragging about burning down the only grocery (Korean owned) in the neighborhood because the news media did not play up how stupid the burning and rioting was.

  4. MikeN says:

    So Heston had a career of defending civil rights for decades, but some people don’t like some of the civil rights he was defending.

  5. Mr. Catshit says:

    #34, Philleep,

    the NRA sent people to the deep South to teach the Negro neighborhood patrols proper gun handling skills, so they could defy the KKK and White Supremacists out to burn their homes and kill them and their families.

    Holy crap !!! I have heard some idiotic statements, but that is one of the most stupid I have ever heard. Ya right, the NRA sent people with guns into the south to teach the blacks how to defend themselves.

  6. bobbo says:

    #34–Phillep==you are being characteristically fact oriented and reasonable. Indeed, it comes down to “values.” The clear and present danger we have in USA today is too many deaths by gun violence. How getting more guns into the environment is going to curb this OBJECTIVE FACT is beyond me. So, what you display is the logic of the House of Mirrors. We both have full view of both sides of the argument and have arrived at different conclusions.

    #35–Mike==thats correct. Just calling something a civil right doesn’t make it right.

  7. Rich says:

    # 30

    AL GORE HAS DAUGHTERS!?!! I hope they look like Tipper.
    And act like her, too.

  8. Raster says:

    Sad news indeed.

    Love him or hate him, he put his money where his mouth was, and will be missed.

    After all his great film roles, I’m surprised nobody mentioned his summer teen comedy: 10 Things I Hate About Commandments.

    (look it up on you tube for a laugh sometime)

  9. Mr. Catshit says:

    I never was a Heston fan. I felt his acting to was too forced. The rest of you can feel however you like about him though. The only thing about him was the studio made a pretty boy a star.

  10. Phillep says:

    LOL, Catshit, I wish I did not have a filter on this computer. The NRA certainly did send people to help practical defense. So many people try to equate the NRA with the KKK that Google cites otherwise are buried under bullshit, and I can’t get past the filters.

    Bobbo, the problem is not who has guns, it’s who does not.

    Even if you could wave a magic wand and get rid of all guns, what would happen next? Try reading Ivanhoe or “The Green Knight”. If none have firearms, then only the strong and vicious get their way.

  11. bobbo says:

    Strong and vicious would be the cops with radio’s right?

    No sense of the absurb at all when you say “the problem is not who has guns, it’s who does not?”

    But, I’ve had the conversation enough times not to want to go thru the dance again. Why do I still get charged about religion?==Still hear new things.


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