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3 minutes of my life wasted. How boring. I kept waiting for something interesting to happen. What is the point of this?
lol @#1 I stopped after 50 seconds. Obviously the maker thought it was way cooler than it really is. And he shops on ebay or overstock.com .
Obviously he doesn’t have a girlfriend to spend his money on.
As useless as the idiots that videoed the iPhone counting to a thousand.
People have far too much time on their hands.
Go work at the food bank.
hopper – didn’t you know some whiney fuck wouldn’t like this?
[Yes, yes I did. Some folks just don’t get cool stuff. – ed.]
I stayed just for the Audio…
Still one of the best: “Child in time” Deep Purple
A Complete Waste of Time !!! And some kind of fire hazard with all those cords and strips piled up !!!
That was awful, proof the internet makes you stupid.
too bad the whole thing didn’t explode, leaving just a crater.
Pointless and cool as a sand castle or an ice sculpture.
The clocks will only stay in sync for some hours before the “virtual seconds hand” gets out of sequence (unless driven by a common oscillator, of course).
This concept is also interesting:
#10–Fik==nice clock==something I had not seen before. I do like the “complicated overlaying the simple.”
Good website too.
That’s amazing!
…an inane Youtube video with background music that *doesn’t* suck!
Someone got into the brownies early tonight.
Wow that music was great. With a little help from BitTorrent I will be traveling back to 1970.
…and then the power went out> 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00
They all sequentially advance each other by one second. It’s genius. First one and then the next and then the next. No doubt symbolizing man’s inhumanity to man and his rise from primeval ooze. And if that wasn’t enough: What a finish. Apparently it all was powered from just one wall plug. One! That must be, what, the spiritual oneness of the universal soldier-thingy?
I’d hate to experience Daylight Savings at this guy’s house.
Should be renamed “too much time on my hands”
Kinda funny, kinda boring…. Worth the time, I guess, when you’re goofing off to avoid doing useful work.
My Spanish is absolutely awful, but it looks like the “Secret Ingredient” is glass….
Still, who knows – glass block is commonly used for windows where it’s desireable to restrict criminal entry. Something even better probably has a market.
Great, I love it….. thanks for the link
Pretty UN-GREEN. Otherwise not too bad considering the novelty of it.
Pedro, that sounds cool.
Here’s the translation if you dont speak spanish
“CITY OF MEXICO. – A concrete invented by two Mexican college students which allows construction of nearly transparent walls will begin to be sold everywhere in the world in less than two years, according to the manufacturers who keep the secret formula jealously.
This concrete is 30 percent lighter than the traditional concrete, allows 80 percent of the light to pass through and displays the same conditions of hardness, setting and resistance to earthquakes, explained Sergio Omar Galván, one of the inventors.
This is possible thanks to the “secret ingredient” , that is added to the traditional gravel mixture, white cement and sand which makes the concrete, and that the inventors do not want to reveal since they are patenting the formula in several countries after in October 2006 when they registered it in Mexico.
The concrete mixture can be used in the structure of almost all the buildings. It is estimated that just in Mexico thousands of tons of this product will be used annually at an approximated value of 5,000 million dollars.
The translucent concrete is sold in the Mexican market since 2005, when Galván and Joel Sosa, then students of civil engineering in the Independent Metropolitana University (UAM), developed their formula and founded the company Concretos Translúcidos (CT) to make it.”
What this has to do with clocks though I don’t know.
Another cool idea that I wish I had thought of first. Now, there has to be a way to make one big clock that does, so you only have to plug it in once, and so that the times always stay in synch. If there was one BIG clock like this, one clock that only looks like 60 little clocks, then that I would buy! – – I wonder what it’s like when all the alarms go off?
Well, TIME to call BS on that one.
Whatever path “80% of the light” travels, it still must bump into the non-transparent matrix of “traditional gravel mixture, white cement and sand” diffused through and coating the secret ingredient.
Interesting product Pedro… and thanks for the translation ArianeB.
26 Pedro. Sand is not transparent. Glass can be transparent. But not gravel, cement or sand. Sand or glass is also not 30% lighter.
No secret ingredient is going to guide 80% of the light striking the exterior around every opaque particle, stone, molecule & crystal matrix of the traditional concrete components. Nor is any secret ingredient going to magically make rock transparent.
And any path that light could take would also naturally be a potential path for a crack.
As long as we’re completely off topic, check this site out.
Embedding light-conducting fibres I believe. Maybe that’s what was meant by secret “ingredient.” Though you’d have to embed a lot of fibers to attain 80% pass through of light.
Thanks for all the love/hate.