Saturday April 5, 2008
Chicago Tribune – April 3, 2008:
Six years ago, scientists trashed the “eight glasses of water a day” dictum, in part because no one could figure out where it came from.
Now there’s no reason to feel guilty for not hydrating during aerobics class because there’s not much evidence showing that drinking “lots” of water will improve our health, according to the editorial “Just Add Water” by University of Pennsylvania researchers in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
That means excessively hydrating won’t necessarily clear toxins from your system, keep organs healthy, curb hunger pains, reduce headaches and improve your skin tone, said authors Dan Negoianu and Stanley Goldfarb of Penn’s Renal, Electrolyte and Hypertension Division.
“Our purpose was to relieve people of the burden that they have to drink extra water in order to be healthy,” co-author Stanley Goldfarb told me. “There’s no evidence of that.”
8 Glasses a day still makes sense to me given our bodies are skin bags of chemicals reactions in an environment of water.
I recall when this “idea” first came out–it was ballyhoo’d as 8 glasses of water==coffee, tea, and more importantly-beer==did not count in the liquid tally. I suspected that was BS and later I read that indeed==8 glasses of liquid per day is what was needed.
Now, it doesn’t matter to me if the recommendation is true or not as in “exactly true”==just remember to drink when thirsty.
Before Pedro responds, yes, I’d drink her bathwater too.
They should attend Bike Week and see the value of wet t-shirts. #1 – forget the bath water, these girls could sit in a mud puddle and fart – I’d eat the bubbles.
With bathing also not necessary (the French can attest to that), we may just solve the water shortage after all.
#2–Nappy==yes, of course, who wouldn’t. BUT==would you drag your balls over a mile of broken glass to kiss the tires of the truck that takes her panties to the cleaners?
You would?
I’d have to think about it.
These studies are alotta hokum. Next they’ll be saying willow-tree bark can cure headaches!
Take my word for it, suffer from kidney stones just once, and you’ll drink your water and like it!
Of course you don’t need all of the extra water and it’s not a miracle cure. You won’t all of a sudden look 20 years younger or not be hungry after drinking some water. This article is just debunking the bullshit pseudoscience that mothers have spread throughout the years.
Water is important though, especially if you are sweating a lot or drinking lots of coffee (anything that dehydrates you really).
I’ve seen someone die from lack of water in Iraq. I also feel better through the day when I drink plenty of water. I don’t have an 8 glass rule, I just carry a bottle around.
The only thing that it can cause is frequent urination.
I know where this “myth” actually started.
Eight glasses of water a day was an integral part of the Dr. Stillman’s “Quick Weight Loss Diet”. The reason for the water was that the diet caused a lot of something to accumulate in the kidneys, and had to be flushed out with large amounts of water. It was put forward as a safety step – that’s all – just safety.
Of course, all the BS peddlers found ways to promote the 8 glasses of water for fun and profit.
BTW, that diet worked wonders for me, and the weight stayed off for years. Later, Atkins ripped of the high protein concept and made tons of money.
To see how good the diet really was, go to Amazon and see the reviews for the Stillman “Quick Weight Loss Diet” book.
When a doctor has suspected me of being dehydrated, they always ask me how often I pee.
That does seem like a better measure than the eight glasses a day thing.
Girl pictured? Bree Olsen, a porn “actress” Don’t ask how I know 😉
Try eating a high fiber diet and not getting in more than eight glasses of water, you’ll soon be jugging it by the gallon.