1. thomas says:


  2. bobbo says:

    Face slappin’ and bullets==nothing but violins.

    The ones of milk dropping into coffee are quite nice too.

    Recent articles about hacking Canon cameras to get up to 1/60,000th second shutter release (in effect). Now, just how am I supposed to get the timing right on that one? And where do I get the gun?

    [The newest high speed digital video cameras use a CMOS instead of a CCD and run at 4,000 frames per second. – ed.]

  3. J says:

    That was very cool.

  4. qsabe says:

    Gallagher would be very excited.

  5. JimD says:

    Doc Edgerton was doing that some time ago – he invented the high speed strobe …

  6. jrtiberius says:

    I love these videos.

  7. skunkman62 says:

    i dont understand the physics of the bullet going through the watermelon. should the bullet just puncture a hole rather than explode the watermelon?

  8. John Paradox says:

    # 7 skunkman62 said
    i dont understand the physics of the bullet going through the watermelon. should the bullet just puncture a hole rather than explode the watermelon?

    It’s called ‘hydrostatic shock’
    From the font of all Human Knowledge, Wikipedia:


  9. admfubar says:

    hhmmm ultra slo -mo gallagher and slege-o-matic….
    that will be worth while……

    maybe we need letterman’s 16 ton press (or whatever capacity it was) squishing things in slow-mo too…


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