Users of Apple’s iPhone are using the device to do everything but talk on the phone, according to a new study, transforming the product into a mobile entertainment platform rather than just a cellular phone.
Owners of competing products – such as Nokia’s N92 or Research in Motion’s Blackberry – use their phones for voice communications 71.7 percent of the time market researcher, iSuppli discovered, while iPhone owners spend just 46.5 percent of their time with the product engaged in voice calls.
“This usage pattern shows Apple has succeeded in producing a true convergence product that consumers like to use for multiple purposes,” said Greg Sheppard, chief development officer for iSuppli…
U.S. consumers said they spent 12.1 percent of their iPhone usage time accessing the Internet, a stark contrast with 2.4 percent for all mobile phones on average.
Furthermore, iPhone owners spent 11.9 percent of their usage time listening to music or other audio, compared to just 2.5 percent for all mobile handset users.
Interesting contradiction to the ever-shrinking number of folks [like me] who just want a cellphone to make phone calls.
While I mostly like just having a phone, I got a Samsung Sync for free with my latest phone contract, and love being able to access slashdot and youtube when I just need something to do. Which is why the iPhone looks so appealing now.
So, 24% of their time talking or listening to music.
…And I think the remaining 76% of the time is consumed by the owners showing
how hip and cool they areoff theirtrendyiProduct.The very most important feature of any phone is the ability to upload custom ringers for free.
Another recent interesting survey noted that 80% of iPhone owners are not Mac owners. At least, not before they bought one.
More sharp marketing from Apple. More for Apple haters to whine about.
I just use a burner, like our leader.
Of course they don’t use it the majority of the time as a phone.
Its phone capabilities blow.
Its just like their computers. People don’t put them through the paces of a full blown computer, because it CAN’T handle that.
Apple is the Intellivision of Computing.
It USED to be for real computer users and for the techno-freak. Now its a status symbol, dumbed down for the lexus-driving, sweater over polo shirt wearing, birkenstock-booted, Ben & Jerry’s eating, country club kid, snobbish, boor, patricians that can’t be bothered with investing their time in such novelties as computers.
Like the victrola and the stereoscope they are jolly good fun, but who cares or has the time to figure out how it works so long as it does.
Oh Muffy! Do get get ready now! Biff Jr. and I don’t want to miss the shotgun start of the tourney!
#6 Cursor
But how do you REALLY feel about Apple? 🙂
Considering how shitty AT&T’s services are I would do that too.
#2, #6 – Just because you can’t afford one is no reason to get pissy.
The funny part is that this really isn’t an Apple story, but a convergence story. Too bad Apple got there first, because now we have to listen to the lives-in-parent’s-basement crowd whine about it.
I command you to continue worshiping Apple.
#8 I tried an iPhone at AT&T once. I found the lack of clickable buttons on the front of the phone annoying.
I have a simple Samsung cell phone from Verizon. I don’t do text messaging or other such things, I just make phone calls. I could afford a fancier phone, but the extra “features” aren’t that important to me. The only important feature for me other than phone calls is the internal phonebook.
OMG! For the fucking first time I have to agree with James Hill. I’m going to go kill myself.
[Please don’t worship James Hill. It’ll go to his head. – ed.]
#10 – Are you the same kid who couldn’t advance from the large legos to the small legos? C’mon… no button go clicky clicky? Get real.
#11 – Congratulations on being right for a change, because I’ve yet to be proven wrong on anything.
#6 – so let me guess, you are sitting in the back of a single wide trailer on a stolen PC and drive a triple used Dodge pick-up from the 70’s. You can’t see your penis for your lunch muscle and you shop(lift) at Wal-Mart.
And there is a bumper sticker on the back of you truck that says, “Born in a mountain, raised in a cave – truckin’ and fuckin’ is all I crave.
Anyone who thinks the iPhone is anything more than a toy is seriously mistaken (and yes, I’m looking at YOU james hill).
It’s a neat little toy, with lots of shiny lights that make simpletons like jameshill happy and smily. But in the end, it’s a shitty phone with shitty email service that can’t do the most basic of functions (hello, MMS! hello, user replaceable battery!)
Once apple decides to bestow the mindless masses with another revision that hopefully includes features like MMS that have been in every other phone for, oh I don’t know, YEARS, then maybe it will be taken seriously. In the meantime, it will be a ‘status’ symbol for materialistic tools everywhere to prove how cool they are as they drive away in their toyota prius with the big apple sticker on the back.
Give me a blackberry curve every time over this apple dimestore crap. It’s actually useful and works unlike the iphone.
Oh, and why don’t people use their iphones for talking? BECAUSE NOBODY WANTS TO TALK TO THE DOUCHEBAG IPHONE USER.
It’s quite simple.
Eideard, they make a phone for people like you: http://tinyurl.com/yvcdyx
Does anyone know if any other phone can have an ssh client? For all that people may love or hate the iPhone, across the UK it seems to get at least some internet connectivity, even in quite rural areas, and because you can hack to have an ssh client you can amaze your clients by loginning in and doing a /etc/init.d/httpd restart and magically fix all those things that has been upsetting them! Is there any other phone that does this? (I am not saying there isn’t… I real am asking….)
This coming from someone with a moniker like yours????????
Trailers are nothing but tornado fodder. Or didn’t you ever get read the three little pigs when you were a child???? Probably never got to read the Lorax either.
Apple users are the least green owners as they HAVE to buy a new one and can’t upgrade them. The disposable society at their greatest.
Too bad we can dispose of you all. But then who would we have to use a poster children for hypocrisy?
How f’ing dare you mention intellivision as though apple could even compare to them.
No matter how much they ripoff from them
New apple keyboard?
The only thing I learned from that article was that the company’s name that made the Blackberry was Research in Motion.
AS for the phone, that is why I use an iPod touch. I check my e-mail on it, surf, watch shows, and I paid less / don’t need a subscription. For a phone eh, I have a cheap nokia, For a mp3 player that I can pull out and check mail, keep a few shows to watch on long train trips or on my tv or whatever it’s badass.