Watch the ground crew fight a losing battle with snow.

  1. JimD says:

    Hilarious ! Like trying to hold back the tide !!!

  2. QB says:

    Here’s an article about the ground crew’s day. Major league grounds keepers are an amazing bunch of guys.

    [Please use for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  3. kanjy says:

    I don’t understand why the infield keeps appearing to get covered with thick snow while the outfield and other places aren’t covered with nearly as much snow.

    [It’s the white tarp they roll out when it starts raining/snowing. – ed.]

  4. Justin From Penn says:

    The white stuff you see on the infield is a tarp.

    Go Tribe!

  5. QB says:


    Yes sir. Please don’t hurt me sir.

  6. chuck says:

    Even at high-speed, baseball is the most boring sport in the world.

  7. M0les says:

    #6 – You need to see some test cricket.


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